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Silly pic day


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I declare this day Good and Noble Will Day ! hooray !


I in this Good and Noble day my Good and Noble Will will be to post your pic for you:




tadaa !


By the way edlib you caused a sever flashback in my thoughts... there was also this female bug right?

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Yes, and her name was Millie...


I'm also thinking of this TV show with that black car who could talk and had red lights that glittered near the front bumper when he did so, what was the name of that show?


Waitaminute ! I just realized that it was Nightrider... wow, the answer to my question was posted before I asked, someone is psychic over here....

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Yeah, and at the end both Millie and Herbie where side to side and they both opened one of their doors so that they could touch each other with it as if they were holding hands. I don't know why I remember that part perfectly...

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Can anyone explain to me why Xerxes603 wanted to post a picture of stormtroopers in this thread?




Concerning the mating practices of Volkswagen beetles, it should be asked which car had a tailpipe, and which had the catalytic converter? :D Also, I believe that this is how Vespa scooters are produced.

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I believe that's a pic of the infamous "Stormtrooper-bumps-his-head-coming-through-control-room-door" scene in SW:ANH. Unintentionally comic bit that was never edited out.

Xerxes must believe that this fits the "Silly pic" designation.

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Guest Forceflow

I love that scene! It's really great when that guy runs against the door. (Note that he is also the one who actually later on stays behind to guard the area.)


Another fun thing is when they missed to color Vader's Lightsaber. (Right after Obi-WAn get's killed and Luke shoots the Blast Door Controls) I found it very strange that they actually didn't color that one in the Special Edition either...

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