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My Complaints about Jedi Outcast

Boba Rhett

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Let me start off by saying that I love this game, but it has problems....


Here are my grievances. Not huge things, but things that still should have been done that would have placed this game on a higher pillar.





1. Civilians. Were the hell are they? I understand Raven was worried about framerate and loading times but they could have at least made it an option!


2. Some of the MP levels are far from polished....when you step on metal, it shouldn't sound like your walking through water. The lighting seems to be messed up in some areas too.


On that note, pits should be pits. Not darkened body storage facilities. What I mean by that is, I don't want to see things that have fallen down there! You can even drop trip mines down there and they'll shine up. This is also a problem in sp too.


3. Un-stability issues. I had some various ones. Not major ones but they still crashed my computer.


4. MP is good but not what it should have been. You've heard it before and you'll here it some more, hey, that rhymes :D. They should have had some mp co-op levels we're you play the part of a rebel or empirial soldier and reenact the famous battles from the SW universe!


5. Why are the throwable objects 4 times the size they should be? :D


6. The Lightsaber. I wasn't expecting the blade to be rendered the same way it was in JK...... hopefully a modder will fix that. :)


7. Sweet mother. What kind of computer do I need in order to run the swamp level well? :D


8. Flak cannon == Lame. Very very lame.


9. Rocket launcher == Lame. Very very lame.


If you didn't get it by the hints I dropped up there, I did not really care for the new weapons. I want my conc and raildet, dangit!! :mad:




stun baton == Crock of you-know-what.


11. I want a force throw and throwable objects. :(





That's all I can think of for now. Sheer brilliance and utter stupidity all mixed together. But lucky for us, there's a lot more brilliance than stupidity mixed in. :D



I'm going to give the game a 9 for now. It may change.



The first mod that needs to be made is a JK upgrade mod! It would include:





-human sized throwable objects

-a saber with the blade as part of the model

-I want to throw things at people!


P.S. Was anyone else totally not impressed with Ravens rendition of BGJ?


Woohoo! Force long post! ;) When I'm in a better mood, I'll make the list of things I loved.

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The complaints I have heard, here for Rhett confirmation. :D


1) Lightsaber sucks in multiplayer. You can hit someone and at times they take no damage. However, lightsaber fights in single player are utterly brilliant.


2) Guns in single player are incredibly pathetic. You can empty your gun at point blank range at your opponent and miss every time. However, this flaw doesn't seem to exist in multiplayer.


3) A few Force power complaints: Absorb turns you into a walking lightbulb, effectively negating it's usefulness. Plus, it uses too much mana...while the new power Force drain is the ultimate Uber Power, with long range, little use of Force power and extreme effectiveness.


4) The lightsaber sounds like crap and was apparently designed to satisfy the developer's sense of aesthetics and not to imitate the movies.


5) Um, something that I forgot. :D

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The lightsabers in MP don't suck that bad. My favorite type of games are no force sabers.


As for complaints, i have a few:


1. Like others have said, guns suck in SP, although i'm currently trying to play the whole game only with them. From what i've seen, i think that the AI is too good to be beaten easily with guns. They move around alot and do it erratically, plus, they took out autoaim, so that makes it even harder. You can really tell they wanted you to use the saber.


2. They don't have enough saber colors. A trivial thing, i know, but still, i would have liked a couple more colors.


3. Their are no lighting effects with the saber or blaster. If you go into a dark room with your saber then it is still completely dark, which doesn't make sense. And the same thing goes for when you fire a blaster.



Other than those and a couple of others you guys mentioned, the game is excellent, and i'd recommend it to anyone.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

We need to start cobbling together a JO fix-it patch, I tells ya! :D


I think we should. Some of these don't sound to hard to fix, especially since we have the all-knowing JO editting master Rhett. :D


I think we could fix the force absorb glow problem, and the lightsaber colors problem, and you said you found a mod that fixes lighting (which i think i have but haven't tried yet). And, if its anything at all like JK, evening out the drain and absorb mana drain and usage should be fairly easy. Maybe some other stuff i'm not capable of doing as well. Maybe...

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Except for the small problem when firing at enemys, every thing else about SP rocks!


Now in multi-player there are some problems. The lightsaber system is only half as good as the SP system. The main bug with sabers is the one hit kill move. It ends with the guys saber in the ground leaving his back exposed. If you try to move in you get killed anyways. Also the saber doesn't seem to recognize where it is as much. Probley from lag and toned down saber collision. They can't fix the lag but they can fix the saber collision! Force powers are a little unbalanced like Tie Guy said. Force Absorb is kind of pointless and drain drains to fast. Also heal is a little to powerfull. The repeaters secondary fire needs to be toned down or slowed down. Otherwise guns are ok.



Thats all. Everything else is good. They just didn't give enough attention to MP.



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In MP I've noticed that there is NO defense for a lightsaber.


You don't see any parring or blocking a lightsaber. Nope. All your attacks penetrate. And any newbie can come up to you...aim at your head, and thump...your body falls to the floor BECAUSE YOU CAN'T BLOCK THE SABER!!! Just dodge it. That with Tie Guy's #3 are my amin complaints in the game. In other words enjoy.


...Oh wait no...Got another:D

Not enough good skins for MP made by Raven. WHERE IS VADER FOR MP?!?!? Where is Maul??? What about Han Solo??? What about Chewie??? Even C3PO is missing!!! well...that last one I can understand...BUT STILL!!!


BTW, WHAT ABOUT THE VONG?!?!? Now I'm done...

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Originally posted by darthfergie

In MP I've noticed that there is NO defense for a lightsaber.


You don't see any parring or blocking a lightsaber. Nope. All your attacks penetrate. And any newbie can come up to you...aim at your head, and thump...your body falls to the floor BECAUSE YOU CAN'T BLOCK THE SABER!!!

That's because YOU are the newbie, Ferg ;)


I can block just fine, you're just frustrated over the fact that I win everytime in a saber duel against anybody :D:cool::D

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Then how can you BLOCK a lightsaber in MP oh mighty one?


Lets see you stand there and not fight while blocking every single shot I swing at you.


You must not have level 3 saber defense then, because it does block. If every blow pentrated then battles would be infinately shorter than they are. You just don't recognize the blocks, which leads us to the real problem:


The blocking animations in MP, or lack thereof. The blaster ones are fine, but you can't tell very often when you blocked a swing or when others blocked yours besides their grunt and your damage bar. Thats the real problem i think.

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If you want to make sure that your actually trying to block something do the following,



First enable cheats:


bring down the console with the SHIFT+~ keys and type "helpusobi 1"in the console.


Then type in this:


g_saberAutoBlocking 1


Now bind a key to block:


bind x +block


x = any key



Tada. :)

Whenever you want to block a saber attack, hold down they key you bound.

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blocking is their thou they do need to animations to show it.


I agree absorb and drain need to be twiched.


Guns are fine the explosive guns give gun slingers a chance against a saber. An idea i liked was to make force powers weaker or even take them away with a gun out. You can have your grenades and missile but you can't jump 50 feet up, run at 100MPH, or push people down.


Runnign back as fast as you can run foward this is stupid plain and simple.


Speed makes you run faster but dosen't seem to make you swing your saber faster kinda odd.

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Hmmm...ya know that just gave me an idea: Someone should mod Force Speed so that instead of mking YOU faster it makes all others slow(like when Luke fights Guri at the end of SotE), giving you more control. Of course I don't even have JO (just JK:( ) so as far as I know it could already do that...

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