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The Saberist Code: One Step Ahead - READ


Would you join the Code?  

351 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you join the Code?

    • Yes, good ideas!
    • No, I won't, but I will play nice to SCers.
    • No, this is really stupid, and i'm gonna kill everyone following this code.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

You -SC- losers


Cool, insults, thought you were better than that.


Posted by ArtifeX

What kind of admin would turn on friendly fire then threaten to kick anyone who kills a teammate?


Read this bit again "even when its clearly stated in the MOTD of the server that its friendly fire, and you'll be kicked or banned for team killing"


Note I also said DELIBERATELY team killing, as in, going into a game just to team kill people. That's about the equivalent of joining a SC or JDG server just to deliberately not play by the code, and my definition for a person doing that would be lame.


However, in a fit of selective reading, you managed to miss the whole bit about deliberately team killing.


Posted by ArtifeX

If you want to duel all friendly-like with your -SC- bend-over-buddies


Again, you resort to insults in the effect of calling us gay, because of what rules we want to play by.


Congratulations, for choosing to insult people rather than post in a mature fashion.


In regards to running a duel server, and god only knows how many times its been mentioned on these forums, duel servers only allow you to have 1 duel at a time, which you very well know.


Instead of waiting on a duel server which is sometimes some rediculously high player limit, and often waiting 10 minutes in a queue just to play a quick fight because people run around healing randomly, I'd much rather join a FFA server that ENFORCES rules to the effect of you can't interfere in someone elses fights.


That way, I don't have to wait, and neither do other people. I can have fun, because I'm not waiting in a queue just to duel one person. Hell, I can die, run off, find someone else, and duel them if they want to duel me. Lots quicker, lots more fun.


I respect your style of play, as you've clearly indicated in your posts in this thread and others what it is, and I have no gripes about you playing how you do. in public servers that make NO mention of SC or JDG.


If you play like that in a server, public or private, that in effect says to play by the SC or JDG rules, whichever it may be, and you get kicked, you have no right to whinge, call people lame, etc. You ignored what it said, you deal with it. In effect, don't like it, don't play here..


You don't seem to have any respect for how anyone else wants to play though. I just want to have fun in a game, playing by a set of rules I enjoy. But you don't seem to respect that in any fashion. I sure as hell don't expect you to follow the rules if its a public server that makes no mention of either code, but I do expect you to follow them if you join a server that makes mention of either, or even if it just says something like "DO NOT ATTACK SOMEONE WITHOUT THEIR SABRE DRAWN"




I wonder what you'll quote and selectively ignore this time.

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Here's what I'll quote:


Originally posted by Obi-Cyph


Cool, insults, thought you were better than that.


There is a limit to what I can resist.


Read this bit again "even when its clearly stated in the MOTD of the server that its friendly fire, and you'll be kicked or banned for team killing"


Ask anyone to repeat the content of the last MOTD they read.


Note I also said DELIBERATELY team killing, as in, going into a game just to team kill people. That's about the equivalent of joining a SC or JDG server just to deliberately not play by the code, and my definition for a person doing that would be lame.


However, in a fit of selective reading, you managed to miss the whole bit about deliberately team killing.


How do you know the difference? Their aim may just consistently suck. FF off=no TK.


Again, you resort to insults in the effect of calling us gay, because of what rules we want to play by.


Congratulations, for choosing to insult people rather than post in a mature fashion.


Kneeling and bending over at the waist in front of a group of men: sounds pretty gay to me.


In regards to running a duel server, and god only knows how many times its been mentioned on these forums, duel servers only allow you to have 1 duel at a time, which you very well know.


Instead of waiting on a duel server which is sometimes some rediculously high player limit, and often waiting 10 minutes in a queue just to play a quick fight because people run around healing randomly, I'd much rather join a FFA server that ENFORCES rules to the effect of you can't interfere in someone elses fights.


That way, I don't have to wait, and neither do other people. I can have fun, because I'm not waiting in a queue just to duel one person. Hell, I can die, run off, find someone else, and duel them if they want to duel me. Lots quicker, lots more fun.


When you are duelling in ffa, you are invulnerable to outside threats. If you are looking for a duel, and get killed by someone who is not, then remember who that is and do not try to duel them again. Simply deal with them if you come across them.


I respect your style of play, as you've clearly indicated in your posts in this thread and others what it is, and I have no gripes about you playing how you do. in public servers that make NO mention of SC or JDG.


If you play like that in a server, public or private, that in effect says to play by the SC or JDG rules, whichever it may be, and you get kicked, you have no right to whinge, call people lame, etc. You ignored what it said, you deal with it. In effect, don't like it, don't play here..


Getting kicked by an admin/owner of the server is one thing. They paid for it, it's their turf. Getting kicked by a callvote because you don't follow someone's "code" is entirely different.


You don't seem to have any respect for how anyone else wants to play though. I just want to have fun in a game, playing by a set of rules I enjoy. But you don't seem to respect that in any fashion. I sure as hell don't expect you to follow the rules if its a public server that makes no mention of either code, but I do expect you to follow them if you join a server that makes mention of either, or even if it just says something like "DO NOT ATTACK SOMEONE WITHOUT THEIR SABRE DRAWN"


Again, ask someone to repeat the content of the last MOTD they read.




I wonder what you'll quote and selectively ignore this time.


Did I forget something?

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How do you know the difference? Their aim may just consistently suck. FF off=no TK.


By "deliberately" team killing I mean shooting your teammates at your spawn area at the beginning of each round. Or shooting a person on your team if they are standing around waiting or similar. If its a massive firefight happening and someone happens to run into someones field of view just as they fire, it's pretty much accidental.


When you are duelling in ffa, you are invulnerable to outside threats. If you are looking for a duel, and get killed by someone who is not, then remember who that is and do not try to duel them again. Simply deal with them if you come across them.


True. Hrm, perhaps I'll have to figure out how to make it so you can have like 16 private duels going at once? That'd be pretty interesting, and would actually be conducive to dueling lots. *shrugs* Whenever Raven release the SDK that is :)


Kneeling and bending over at the waist in front of a group of men: sounds pretty gay to me.


I don't kneel, I just flick my mouse to aim down, then flick back up :) Bowing at the waist actually looks a lot better. Since when has kneeling ever been part of bowing. Crazy, it's like the person you're fighting is royalty, or something if you kneel.


Getting kicked by an admin/owner of the server is one thing. They paid for it, it's their turf. Getting kicked by a callvote because you don't follow someone's "code" is entirely different.


Good point. If I've got anything in the JDG Code about callvoting, I'll go and remove it now. Probably a stupid thing to have in there anyway. Callvoting is about the same as whinging really I guess. Removed that bit now.


It's a bit hard to not read the MOTD when joining a server, unless you walk away, look away from the monitor, etc. It's printed right there on the so-called 'loading' screen.


On the other hand, I haven't seen many servers who actually HAVE a MOTD.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

Obi Cyph:


To set up more than one private duel:


g_privateduel(s?) {number}


I thought it was simply a 0 or 1 switch to turn private dueling on or off. Can anyone check to see if setting it to a higher number actually increases the number of private duels that can occur?

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Originally posted by Fyunch Click



We've been doing multiple duels in FFA on our clan server for a bit now once we found out it was possible.


Try it! You'll like it!


Awesome! Is your clan server a public one, or private? I'd like to come play (though my ping times would suck, as I'm in Australia) if its alright? If so, whats the server name, or ip address? :)

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Well... Obi, it's in New York City. On a Fast cable connection and it is private, so I'm not going to just post it...but:


If you want, drop by our website ( http://www.lordsofsteel.com ) and say hi to some of the folks, post an app and we'll invite you to a practice.


We're primarily using it for practices for CTF as we're competing in the TeamWarfare ladders.

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OMFG! I can't believe I read the entire thing. (now my eyeballs are all dried out) I'm not going to try to quote any of it since the whole thing is a blur.


The gist I got was that the -SC-/JDA have found a way to add a new level to the game. If you agree with them, fine. If you don't, fine.


I like the ideals of the -SC-/JDG. I tend to play that way myself. But hey, play the game the way you want. (you paid for it right?!?!?!? STFU if you diddn't.)


As for the problem the with the -SC-/JDG vote kicking. You should be taking out your frustrations out on Raven since they programmed in that function. No, wait, I retract my last statement.


You should be taking out your frustrations out on whoever is hosting the server. They turned the function on right? How dare they run their own server on their own equipment the way they want to. Outrageous!


The -SC-/JDG is merely using all of the available game functionality, don't blame them for that.


Raven did IMHO, the right thing designing an available game option, where the needs of the many, can outweigh the needs of the few.


I feel that the true Star Wars fan will play this game more like the -SC-/JDG and will be in for the longer haul. The others will soon begin to fade as soon as the next big FPS is released.

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All of the ideas here are good and I think that commomn decency is a rare commodity these days so big respect for that.


And Soulburn, i really was joking when I said people were talking about you, I never even knew you existed until then. It was only a wind up. Bad joke wrong guy to play it on so do accept my apology.


Take it easy we'll fight soon

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Well, this morning I thought I would add a new qtracker playerwatch search. I used -SC-. I fired it up and hey! there was someone out there with the -SC- tag.


I went to the sabre only server and there were about 12 people there and the sabres were a-flyin!


There was always a duel going on. Most people were playing for the high score, but I think we were all having fun. After a while, the grippers and drainers and the backstabbers got bored and left only a few of us there.


Thats when the real fun started. We had duel after duel and it was awesome. It was much better than an actual duel server since we could pair off and duel even if it was not "the" duel going on.


It was the most enjoyable game I have had so far, by far. (I should have taken a screenie to remember all the names.)


I have since added the -SC- tag to my name, and there it will stay.

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Guest HertogJan

Maybe the "code" in -SC- should go away, just the -S- tag to show you're a duel fan... The stuff with "code" isn't really neccesary...

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Sadly, I don't think -SC- will work out in the end. I totally agree with the Saberist Code, but last night I played on a couple of servers with -SC- tacked onto the end of my name and I got totally flamed by a couple of players.


After about 5 minutes the entire server was against me and I was getting owned pretty bad.


I will do my best to play honorably (as always) but as for the -SC- thing... forget it.


DA :(

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Originally posted by DarkAgent

Sadly, I don't think -SC- will work out in the end. I totally agree with the Saberist Code, but last night I played on a couple of servers with -SC- tacked onto the end of my name and I got totally flamed by a couple of players.


DA :(


Flamed? or Taunted? Taunting is one thing, Flaming is another. Creative taunts can be hysterical and great fun, but just flaming during a game wastes time just like standing around with your saber off and taking up space in the server.


I'm sure soul-burn will show up and have something negative to say about this. Don't disappoint me!

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DarkAgent, its all sticks and stones man; sticks and stones.


If you ignore the trolls, they will usually get bored and go away.


ArtifeX, you threaten others with smite! I must find a way for you to be smoten! I must... wait. Do you ever play early AM? I mean like 05:00AM?

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i still dont get it.. if a group of ppl choose to play a certan way and still not trying to force others to follow their type of gameplay, then what could anyone possibly have against it?


ppl who wear the tag(s) have by their own free will chosen to follow this.



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