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My Absenteeism

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Hey folks, it's me.


If anyone's been wondering why I haven't been around in a few weeks (if you even noticed I've been gone :rolleyess), there're a variety of reasons:


(1) I've just gotten through the last weeks of the school year, which means essays, term papers, research papers, and much jumping through academic hoops to register for summer school and next year's courses.


(2) I require a basic level of functionality from my computer. I really don't think it's too much to ask that the computer, at the very least, be able to turn on and run quietly when I press the "power" button. I also require that it run WordPerfect and be able to attach to the internet to send and receive Emails.


Lately, my machine has been unable to perform even basic functions; it sometimes burns out just due to the strain of booting up. I've finally managed to browbeat my mother into springing for a new computer (I'm way beyond a simple upgrade). Hopefully, the new PC will happen sometime within the next few weeks (and I'll finally have a chance in hell of playing JKO).


(3) This place. Being a student, I don't have a lot of opportunities to come here (lately, Friday night has been it), and lately every time I try to log on, my crappy connection shatters from the strain. Hopefully this problem is mostly on my end, and will be remedied by the new computer.


What I'm saying is, I haven't been ignoring you guys out of bad feelings, and I'm not getting tired of coming here, I've just been swamped with work and a bad computer. I'm not gonna be back for a few weeks (exams start up this Friday, and are going right until the start of spring semester), but I will be back, eventually.


Be excellent to each other.


*says a quick prayer and presses SEND before the connection flatlines*

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Come back, Beastie...we need another new age hippy type on the forum! Without you, Nute and his allies will overrun us!


*(Briefly considers what the world would be like under Nute's thumb in blank horror)*


Well, Edlib and Rasta...looks like it's up to us, at least until Beastie gets his computer to see reason. ;)

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Turns to his right, turns on what a wonderful world by louis armstrong,turns to his right turns on the black light and lava lamp, then begins to light the illuminated glass figure, and watches the smoke twirl from the bottom, hitting the ice cold water, then bouncing off and heading right back in my direction....... poof .......cough.......now sits back and waits for the reinforcement of allies. has faith in beastie,zoom,edlib, and whoever else who has that inner child in them that says....follow your nose. SILLY RABBIT TRIX ARE FOR KIDS.

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