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Well I thought it was funny.......


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NOTE: This stuff had better censor properly.


My evil,

obviousry Asian race must prevair.


Screw them.



(staring at something right

above Jar Jar)

Good. Do you have a hotel room for me

and Liam? We have..uh..Jedi business

to attend to.


Way too much information.



(attempting subtlety)

Oh! Look! There's a video game of

this scene... uh.. buy it! Hey, I had

to sacrifice a part of my grand vision

for these movies to include a part

that could be turned into a game, so

buy it or I'll do it even more in

episode 2.





Nope. Sorry. Too old the boy is.

Clouded his future seems. Vague my

worries are.


No comment, but it sounded funny.




Yoda told you no, mutha****a. What

the **** is wrong with you, bitchass?

I'll ****in' kill you! I'm gonna be a

****in bad ass in the next two ****in

movies, you know. My toy has a

****in lightsaber.



I'm going to go over your head and

train him myself, then. So there.




Suddenly, we see E.T! This does not make the film HYPER-

CUTESEY like Return of the Jedi, but CLEVER.



Stick up arse does not equal funny.




MAUL, LIAM, and EWAN all have a huge lightsaber battle

which has had a lot of effort put into the choreography

and is thousands of times better than any other

lightsaber battle in a Star Wars film.



Whoa! This is really cool!


Suddenly, we go back to one of the other three stupid

battles going on at the time. Eventually, we return to

the good one.





Three years, suckers. I'd make them

come out sooner, but I work very hard

on my films, as I am an independent

filmmaker due to my disgust with

Hollywood's commercialism. Now go buy

some Star Wars toys!



Are they making fun of George or cheering him on?

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Originally posted by Redwing



The guys talking about Star Wars Racer



The part that was so true for me was this one:


Eventually, MAUL stabs LIAM, which is very surprising,

especially to those of us who bought the film score which

has a song whose title gives away the ending.

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Originally posted by Jem

The guys talking about Star Wars Racer


I know. I have that game and I think it's pretty cool (one of the few racing games where you get a good sense of SPEED...congrats to Lucasarts)


What confuses me is that A) the game wasn't very publicized and B) Lucas put the race in because of his love for drag racing not because he was even thinking about a video game so C) why is this funny?

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Yeah but when someone goes to the point to do horrible things with lousy guitars to get some money you can't help but to think that the guy tries to sell everything that he cans...


He was surely, even if it was just a bit, thinking of getting more games sold this way...


I tell ya, the man is blindly hungry with power and money.

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Tonight at work we had a better cook than me doing monkey boy work. It was great...he quit to join the Nat'l Guard last year, and he's home now, and we needed help, so he came in. I kept giving him crap like he was really a newbie, even though he was cooking long before I started. :-D Oh yeah, and i almost forgot--








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At Applebee's we coordinate three different areas of the line to build the plates before they go out the window. One station will cook the chicken, another will build the salad it goes on, and the third will pass food and sell the ticket. This causes a lot of verbal communication, and it can sometimes be quite difficult to hear the Offspring or Drowning Pool on the cook's stereo.


To break up this monotony of loud but soulless noise, we occasionally call things like:


'Table sixty-three sucks!'


'Bong hit on the line, please!'


'Can I get sex on the line? Sex on the line, please!'


'Eighty-six the entire menu!'


'I need a bucket of steam from the bar!'


'Somebody get me a hostage!'


'I want these tickets in french!'


:D It's not our fault. The customers make us crazy like that...

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:D forget the bong, i smoke with zoom and he likes to put wonderful watermelon koolaid in his bong, which is ok i guess if but it leaves a green stain on my mustach, so i'll kick back inside my aquarium and roll a fatty with tea leaves--------oh and by the way the sex on the line thing------no good, leaves sesame seeds on your bun and other places, and we all know i have a fear of seeds, thats why zoom doesnt let me around the bread cupboard----i just lose it and go running for the first mouse hole:eek:
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