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I went to boarding school for high school, the punishments there got prety stiff, if you missed a class, you either got detention (no big deal) or you could get work detail, which sucked, basically you had to go around campus picking up garbage or cleaning up the cafeteria and other stuff that sucked. I only got work detail twice and I never got detention.

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I have a funny story about that. :D


I was in Gym "class" :rolleyes: and it was the new gym teachers first week there. It was just about noon when class started so about five minutes into class, the noon town siren goes off. Our teacher thought it was a tornado alert ... so he ran out of the room and down the hall with his books....and without us. :D One of us had to finally go get him! :D

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that's pretty good Rhett.


my punishment anecdote is this: My teacher laid down the law. He said that any time we messed up it was 500 sentences. I of course was whispering to myself about this. Which my teacher being the bully that he was said, "Jones!* 200 sentences, 'I will not talk in class.' " And so I of course wrote it down immediately '200 sentences'. My teacher walks by, looks at my paper and says, "Jones!* How many sentences did I say to write whenever you have senteces." I meekly respond, "500?" So he says, "That's right, so write all 500 of them, by monday (it being friday)":mad::mad::mad:


My weekend was so busy that I was writing sentences at church.


That teacher is gone now though.:D


* Jones is not my real last name, I just needed to use it to quote him.

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Well my Art teacher has this thing called "Silent Art." Shee only has it when we get to loud or when she has "important" things to do. Well needless to say pretty much no one is silent. That day she actually caught someone and they got a Disciplinary Detention (three of these and you lose quite a few of your priveledges). Well a minute or two later SOMEONE (guess) was heard whispering. Well he got detention, too.



Man is she strict!

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