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JK2 vs. Other Games ...


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I was just playing some Tribes 2.


While it's fun and all, I didn't feel like I have the same total control and power that I do in JK2.


The big maps and vehicles are really cool, but having force powers, the saber, and weapons, I feel like a one man army.


With the saber I feel like I can engage in more personal combat, yet still have the choice to be distant with weapons (weapons servers) and there isn't a need to constantly change armors due to having force powers.


Plus, the action just isn't as intense as JK2.


Though Tribes 2 has a nice voice system, and stuff, it just doesn't seem to be as fast paced and interesting.


Tribes 2 was one of the main games I used to play before I got JK2.


Has JK2 replaced a prior game of focus for you? What did you play before? Why do you like JK2 better?



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It pulled me right out of AvP2, but thats for the best. I was growing bored with the game, especially with the lack of challenge I found. Not even the pred was giving me issues, and I played as a shotgun marine.

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Little of both. JK2 offered saber combat, which is as close to real dueling as we're gonna get for now. Also, I'm a bit of star wars fan.


Secondly, you can only go to the Jolt evac servers so many times, and own the entire map as a marine with only a shotgun. So, I got bored of that. Oh yeah, the clan I was in (Violence, or IVI) was doing too much petty squabbling.

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I apologize sincerely... however I must say


Counter Strike is a horrible game. If you are looking for a similar action game, that is exceedingly better, go to Tactical Ops.


Secondly, Alien vs. Predator 2 sucks as well. This game just has no feeling, no entertainment, when I play it I feel like I'am playing frisbee with a wall.


Sorry for my extreme points of view but I just had to contribute, if I have offended you please excuse me.


JEDI KNIGHT 2 is the greatest game ever, or at least is the best game to date. The closest games in my eyes are DIABLO II, and Unreal Tournament, however JK2 pulled me away from both games which I played equally prior to reception of the game. Don't get me wrong they are both still fantastic... but god, jk2 is just incredible, and with a few tweaks and slight changes it will be even better!

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I was in the middle of RTCW when JK2 came out. And, of course, being the rabid Star Wars fan that I am :D , I bought it, and now I don't play anything else. Sometime I'm gonna have to finish RTCW so I can uninstall it and free up some HDD space.

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Single player mode for JO's great, but I don't like the tiny maps for multi-player (on any game). I still play and prefer the Delta Force series, and Operation Flashpoint for multi player gaming. Before I get death threats, let me clarify that I am in no way saying JO sucks.

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hmmm well i was a big time cs'er until f*cking immature little kids ruined the game, now i only play it at lans. i played some tfc way back when, but dont anymore. i've finished both RTCW and MOHAA single player, but multiplayer was basically another day of defeat so i gave it a miss. i used to play a bit of starcraft, and before that warcraft. i played through baldur's gate one and two, plus the expansions for both. right now, ive finished jk2 single player, and im right into multiplayer. all the big games to come out i usually try, and if i like them i'll get em and go through them. jk2's given me the most replay value since half-life. the other game i play on occaision is dungeon siege, which is basically a better version of diablo.


i've played almost all of the major games of the past year or so, but only hl and jk2 have really grabbed my attention.

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I play CS and i love it. Not even JK 2 (my next best game now) can get me away from it!! Nothing can. And ill never let immature idiots and cheaters ruin my game!! NEVER!!!


3 alternatives.


1.) Ruin there game so they´ll leave the server.


2.) Ignore them!!!!!!!


3.) Find a good fu***ing server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by NewBJedi

I was just playing some Tribes 2.


While it's fun and all, I didn't feel like I have the same total control and power that I do in JK2.


The big maps and vehicles are really cool, but having force powers, the saber, and weapons, I feel like a one man army.




nuff say, i think you never play OFP(operation flashpoint) before. Those are big map !! It took you more than 30 mins realtime to run from north to south.
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I like Command and Conquer: Renegades multiplayer a good bit more than JO's. It inspires a lot more teamplay, it's a lot deeper, the whole idea is on a whole other scale of magnitude than the JO modes (having two huge bases which are as big as JO maps usually and then a center battlefield, which is bigger than that - the idea is to destroy the opposing teams buildings using vehicles and infantry, each side has different units, and if a certain building is destroyed that affects what you can build, income, cost, etc. - just for people who don't know.) Only problem is that the netcode is pretty shabby.


Next would be JO or CS, SOF2 doesn't appeal to me that much (it's a good game and all, but it's basically JO without all the features).


JO has the best SP of any FPS I've ever played.

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The only games I played online religiously were Quake II and Quake III.


I stopped playing QuakeIII for a while and only played it casualy for the past year. I havent found anything excited to play online until Jedi Knight II was released. I tried Counter Strike, but that didnt do it for me. I am more into deathmathces, not team based games.

I played RTCW and SOF single player, but never game multi a chance on either.


I think my problem with previous multi player games, is that I didnt heave much heart for the characters or enviornments. I didnt know who they were, what they were about, nor did I care to find out.


Jedi gives me something I can play with that is tangible in my mind because I grew up with the characters, story, etc. It really adds something to the experience that has been missing for me.

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Originally posted by NewBJedi

I was just playing some Tribes 2.


While it's fun and all, I didn't feel like I have the same total control and power that I do in JK2.


The big maps and vehicles are really cool, but having force powers, the saber, and weapons, I feel like a one man army.


With the saber I feel like I can engage in more personal combat, yet still have the choice to be distant with weapons (weapons servers) and there isn't a need to constantly change armors due to having force powers.


Plus, the action just isn't as intense as JK2.


Though Tribes 2 has a nice voice system, and stuff, it just doesn't seem to be as fast paced and interesting.


Tribes 2 was one of the main games I used to play before I got JK2.


Has JK2 replaced a prior game of focus for you? What did you play before? Why do you like JK2 better?




i am the direct opposite, of the original poster.....


jo rocks, i have no beefs against it. i have played the single & some multi, but... i cant leave my tribes 2, no way, the thrill of seeing my 3 man teams going in and wrecking a base, via air insertion, then grabbing the flag, for the blood boiling, adrenaline pumping, sweaty hand-slippin off mouse race back to ur flag stand.... ok...... im back, lol.


jo is awesome, but i cant leave my main t2, but i guess it is in the individual what style of game they want. jo is deffinatley a personal achievment game.


good job raven.


star wars anything rocks.

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I currently play JO because it is really fun. I have not even come close to beating single player (dont have that much time) but i am definately planning on finishing it before i move onto multiplayer. However, all these games i am playing now are just to fill up my time untill Star Wars Galaxies comes out. If they dont screw that game up like EQ, i am going to play it religiously. Tribes 2 is an AMAZING GAME, i played the demo during my exam weeks because a friend told me about them. Thank god i knew my stuff or i would have failed because i played so much ^_^

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The best game of all time, IMO, was The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time for N64.

This game had everything: a vast immense world, good sword fighting sequences, excellent graphics at the time, intelligent A.I, multiple choices, interactive society, and a very involved and unique plot.

Unfortunately I got rid of my N64 because the games are too expensive and most don't even compare to PC games, but this was one game that made the system worthwhile.


Also, Half-Life is my favorite FPS, Red Alert 2 is my favorite RTS game, X-Wing Alliance is my favorite simulation, and JO my favorite adventure game (I don't know if I want to call it an FPS because I rarely use it in first-person mode).

Swat 3 is a good team based game too; and Ghost Recon is good but could be better without the glitches, seems like all the Tom Clancy games come equipped with glitches though.

And I'm not sure where Max Payne fits in, but it's a good game too.

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JK1 MP still is much better then any other game, including JK2. Get two or more experts (and I mean real FF experts the kind that time surge, use map + seeing and know the special moves of the maps) and you have the fasted paced, most mentaly demanding FPS ever.


The only thing JK2 has over JK1 gameplay wise is the CTF. JK2 doesn't live up to JK1, but it's still one of the better FPS out there.

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I am Star Wars fan to the extreme, sort of, and I was playing pretty much Day of Defeat, Ghost Recon, The Sims and all their expansion packs, and dungeon siege. Jedi Knight II seems to be taking away all of my time now and the other games are collecting dust. Except for dungeon siege. I thoroughly enjoy that game as much as jedi knight II, and often find myself flipping a coin to decide which one to play :).

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hmm i'm just a big gamer (DON'T MAKE ME BREAK OUT THE LIST TO PROVE IT! :D ) with a little starwars (movie and game only) knowledge, but heres my 2 cents



JK2 = best GFX/Gameplay (ATM only Everquests Luclin GFX can beat it, but by a VERY short shot) needs a bit of AI and saber tweaks though


CS = nice gameplay, to many cheaters, horrable GFX (though some still seem to think they rock, they suck as bad as Q1 GFX (probably because they ARE Q1 GFX, just tweaked)Edit: i just remembered how u can tell this, check the model types, for Q1 it was mdl, for Q2 they became md2 and for Q3A they were md3)


Tribes 2 = equals out in GFX and gameplay, but the mods suck since everyones to lazy to model for it, and since most servers run that horrably imbalanced Renegades mod, it loses points for that in my book


UT = worst GFX of any game released within the past 4 years that hasn't been an RTS, but on the upside its got some danged fine gameplay.


Q3A = sweet gfx, worst gameplay, mostly due to lack of any real gameplay on its own, and tons of out of the box bugs (then theres the latest patch which also effects JK2, the one that makes it impossable to use custom models on servers that don't have the model (even impure servers))


RTCW = nice combo of both gameplay and gfx, single player lacked a bit though.


Ghost Recon = keeps the tactical goodness comming! kinda hard with the outside areas and cammo though.. heh


those are just a few of the games i've been in and out off constantly :p


and i CANNOT BELIEVE anyone even attempted to compare JK1 with JK2! thats like trying to compare Half-Life to Castle Wolfenstien (the old old one, not the new one)!


/gag:D :D

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