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Pim Fortiun HAS BEEN SHOT!!!!!


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If he survives, he will walk again in three days...


And then I'll be convinced he is the antichrist


It's prophecied that the Anti-Christ will be a intelligent man who comes into political power and will be the center of great debate. He will be assassinated(Shot in the Head) and raise again in three days. Thus, the world will be fooled into believing he is a "Messiah"-type figure, and will blindly follow him. This will happen while the "Holy Land" Israel is engulfed in great turmoil. Last Month, the Israelis waged there largest assault to date on the West Bank, and there is even more turmoil than is normal for there.


If this is true, than keep an eye out on this story my friends, it could be the start of something I'd rather not see...

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I'm not laughing Ackbar...


I'm dead serious, This could be bigger than any one man. If it plays out that he was just a regular man who was wrongly assassinated than I will pray for his family and your country, even know I pray he makes it. No man deserves death, not even politicians...


Sorry if I came off as cold-hearted. This just spooks me, too much coincidence...


I apologize.

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He has been labeled as "far-right" or EXTREMELY conservative, especially regarding immigration. He is openly anti-islamic and has angered many islamic immigrants to the Netherlands. In addition, Netherland doesn't know what to make of him, because typically the Dutch are very liberal and "progressive" thinkers, whereas Fortyun is very conservative.

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ok. NOT trying to sound cold-hearted either (or anti-religion), but if he does rise and becomes the anti-christ at least life will become interesting. ;P


I'm not into politics even in my own country, let alone others, but I understand how some people get very upset over this type of thing. I can only hope that it wasn't terrorist related. Would be better to have it a lone psycho than another terrorist plot (again, not trying to sound cold-hearted.)


BTW. If we KNOW that it is prophecied that people will think he is the Messiah, but is actually the Anti-Christ then wouldn't said people know not to follow him because of said prophecy? :confused: World religions can be so interesting. :dozey:


NOT trying offend anyone. JMOs.

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He labelled Islam as a 'backwards religion', I can imagine that has already made him a hated man within the large immigrant Muslim communities of Holland.


Just yesterday the French rejected the far right national front leader Jean Marie Le Pen, whilst Fortuyn is less extreme, his policies on immigration were hardline. He was to close the borders to them all.


I've just seen the BBC news report, and they say he has died.

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Originally posted by hannibalscipio

Btw, Stryphe, the antichrist is anyone who is not for Christ. That's what its defined as in the book of Peter in the Bible. The antichrist will not be one person.


That is true, Hannibalscipio, but that is the definition of an antichrist. There will be a single man, who will be the Antichrist. He will be a politician who will seem to be great and noble, even seeming to try for world peace. After an assination attempt where he is mortally wounded (i.e. killed) he will raise again and the people will marvel at this and follow him all the more. It is at this time that Lucifer himself will possess this man and move the world in an anti-israeli (read anti Jew) movement and bring the western countries armies of gog and the northern countries of gog against Israel in a war that is commonly referred to armegeddon. This will take place after the seven years of tribulations and the seven trumpets are blown and the seven seals read and the seven bowls opened. It's in the book of Revelation.


I went to Seminary College for two years, I was going to be a pastor before I dropped out due to financial difficulties. I don't claim to know all, and in fact am a little rusty at recalling my bible verses. And to boot, I don't have my bible in front of me, but I can get back to you with actual scripture refernces if you'd like.


Mind you, I'm not saying I'm absolutely right, the book of revelations is largely upto individual interpretation. ;)

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