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Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

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I SAW "IT" LAST NIGHT, Midnight show, no lines, only 1 or 2 little kids (nowhere near me):




It was fun, this movie looks incredible, mind blowing at times. I give the movie overall a “B”. Why not A+? The “love story” nearly killed the movie, Hayden Christenson and Natalie Portman, even though her skinny frame looks OK in that breast-enhancing white suit, need more acting lessons, Lucas should have cut this stuff in half. I wanted more technically proficient light saber battles, like the final fight in the first film but:






Jar-Jar is on the screen for maybe 5 minutes total...Thank God!!






MACE WINDU (Samuel L. Jackson) fighting Jango Fett...GREAT!!




The last 40 minutes: Clone Troopers and Jedi Academy members fighting...WOW!!




The in depth scenes of Coruscant...AMAZING!!








YODA. Fighting. With a lightsaber. Fighting a Sith Lord (Christopher Lee)..




I started applauding, and everyone in the audience joined in. Trust me, this scene (5 minutes) alone is worth $8.00.




I also saw “The Scorpion King” = Don’t believe the bad reviews, it was good; not great, but good.

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The last 40 minutes was well worth the ticket price. Yoda is amazing, and so are the final battles.


My problems with AotC:


lightsaber battles were kinda on the short side, but nonetheless, they were incredible.


the dialogue was a little flat


Temura Morrison was great, I wish we could have seen Jango stick around a little longer to see his character develop.



I thought Hayden Christensen was great, he was perfect at portraying a talented and frustrated young man. Ewan Macgregor (SP?) was great as Obi-Wan once again. I enjoyed the comic relief supplied by C-3PO as well as R2-D2, you can always count on those crazy droids for something funny. Overal I was very pleased with the final result of Ep II. I'll recomend it to anyone who asks me.

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I thought there were some great jokes in the film!


Obi Wan: "Anakin, you'll be the death of me!"


Alien: "You wanna buy some death sticks?"

You don't want to sell me death sticks."

I don't want to sell you death sticks.

You should go home and re-think your life

I'm going home to rethink my life!


Palpatine: "I love democracy!"


Also, on the way out, I saw the huge queues and remembered Homer Simpson regarding the queues for Empire "I can't believe Vader is Luke's father!", and so I said in a loud voice:


"I can't believe Obi-Wan seriously dies!"


Some dumb idiots who haven't seen ANH really belived me and scowled in my direction.

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Originally posted by Hans The Great

Those two, Hayden and Natalie, need to take acting lessons: That "love story" nearly killed the movie!


The Jedi Starfighter with its Hyperdrive sled and R2D2's rocket thrusters were exceptionally cool!


thats twice, 3rd time is when it starts to get annoying.........'



Well, now it seems I am going to be stuck going to my gf's in rockford after I see her in chicago saturday(2 more hours in teh car in a day), killing off my previously available Sunday afternoon I was going to use to view this particular film........................so I can drive home and be all tired. I pretty much refuse to pay night price for a movie, 4.50 is enough..............*grumble* I hate being trapped into doing ****.

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Apparently Audrey Hepburn couldn't act either yet she got Best Actress for Roman Holiday (i think).


They should remake Breakfast at Tiffany's with Portman playing Holly Golightly. I'll cast myself as Deadeye McGavin, cyborg ninja-pirate from beyond the moon (remakes are never anything like the original!).

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i thought this movie was very very good. i've seen it twice now and it's even better the second time around. and, true to form, Hans the not-so-great has no idea what he's talking about :rolleyes:. i thought Hayden did a stellar acting job. he did the conflicted anakin so well, a job that was extremely difficult to even think about doing, let alone executing it the way he did. i was disappointed with Natalie's performance, but i'm willing to put that down as Lucas's fault at directing instead of her acting abilities, because i've seen her in other movies and she was much better. that apparently is why they didn't let him direct ESB or RotJ. ewan=fabulous job. threepio's jokes=irritating after the fifth corny one in a row..."what a drag," and "i'm beside myself" were a bit much. Yoda's lightsaber duel=most kickass thing i've ever witnessed in a film. definitely worth the $7.00 both times :)

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