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Shmi and Palpatine in kahoots (Ep. II spoilers)


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When Anakin rescues his mother from the tusken raiders, she says something to him that made me think twice. I forget the exact line, but it is something to the effect of: "My job is done" or something like that. If anyone knows or remebers the exact line I am talking about, please post it. Anyways, it made me think, did she purposely get herself abducted by the tuskens? Cliegg Lars stated that she would probably be dead by the time Anakin got there, but she held on just long enough so she could die in his arms, knowing he would be enraged. Was it Palpatine that was responsible for Anakins nightmares about his mothers pain and suffering? knowing that he would have to go to Tatooine and try to rescue her, so she could die, and the pain he felt would bring him closer to the dark side. who knows, I am just speculating.

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No No No No


it wasnt set up by palpatine. in Ep1 anakin also said that he had dreams about being a jedi and dreams about freeing slaves. and now he had dreams about his mother.


it was a random thing as the eveil Nute has said already :D

But the the battle thing was set up by him. cause in a legal sence he took complete power over the republic, but he had made BOTH armies. that is what is so weird. Jango Fett cloned himself for the republics army. and he was the help of Dooku for the droid armies. weird hah? :D

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Well, isn't it only the same actor? I mean how can he change his face from old and ugly(Palpatine) to much older and much uglier(Sidious)??? I can't understand this. I know, that in a book, (anywhere in the Thrawn trilogie), luke finds out, that the clone of Jorus C'baoth, teached Senator Palpatine using the force.... whats about that?

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Someone needs a spell-checker.


Palpatine is able to immerse himself a lot more into the dark side after he's eliminated the Jedi. So therefore he ends up looking like that when he takes on the role of Emperor. He has no reason to hide the dark side flowing though him anymore. No more blasted Senate to work around.

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if you notice, Palapitine does not lookthat great to begin with in AOTC. bags under the eyes. you can see the change coming.


also, the givaway is compare Sidedous and Palapitines chin and nose. they are the same.


I fully belive Palapitine has some influance in Shimis capture by sandpeople. Why would Sandpeople bother keeping her alive for a month? unless someone was controlling them. Sandpeople are Xenophobs, and have no problem killing on site of a bared face.


think about it.... shimi gets captured, and that starts bothing Anakin. Knowing the relationship Obi and anakin have iwth Padme, he allows an attempted assasination to get Obi and anni closer to her. Second assasination attempt points to kinmono... with the help of jango.


THen anakin and Obi split wich allows Anakin the freedom to go to tatooine. Find his mother, and after her death get tempted by the dark side.

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I tend to agree with the idea that Palpatine had some influence in Shmi's capture and her being allowed to live until the moment Anakin arrived. If he wanted Anakin to snap...well...it worked beautifully.


We know that Anakin has been confiding in Palpatine...

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No, I think it's all just coincidence. (Or perhaps careful plot scripting...)

Sidious has an apprentice, Dooku/ Tyrannus. He can't take Anakin on yet until Dooku's destroyed.

But it might just be in the back of his mind... but he really can't have any idea that Skywalker is likely to turn towards the dark side yet.

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Palpatine has been most intelligent in the use of completely random things or coming up with plans on the fly. Shmi's death was a random event that he'll just take advantage of.

Plus the Tusken Raiders were keeping her alive as bait. They wanted to kill more moisture farmers and they knew as long as the humans didn't know for a fact that she was dead, they'd keep looking for her.

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Well I just came back from watching Episode 2 in the French Military base theatre. I'm not sure what is the exact word that I should use to describe my opinion of the movie but the fact is I didn't really like it but that doesn't mean I hated it. I think I was experiencing bordom during about 90% of the movie.


Now here are the little things:


Thing I loved: The fact that they made Jar-Jar shut the f**k up.

Thing I hated: The Romance that almost totally killed the movie, it had me desprately bored.

Thing that made me laugh: When Yoda was saber fighting.

Thing I regretted: I wanted to see Anakin kill all those tuskin raiders who captured his mother. When he exited the tent I went from a layed back careless sitting position to a concerned and interested one and I said to myself "This should be good" but nothing happened.

Thing I noticed: There were lots of "copied" stuff in the movie. For instance the Carryalls from Dune and The Federation ships that resssembled too much those ships used in Mechwarrior 2 for transporting Mechs. I also noticed how the scene were the small Jedi Army rush towards the droids in the arena was almost exactly the same from the fan made trailer of Episode 1 using the Braveheart battle scene (with William Wallace's men all equiped with sabers...). I initially thought that scene would be awesome but it wasn't really cool.


Finally I still do not accept the Title and if George Lucas really wanted something with the word Clone it could have been: Star Wars Episode II: The Clone Army. That already sounds better than "Attack of the Clones".


By the way, I won't comment on the sound because I saw it in Stereo. I also had to see it in French and these following translations have always annoyed me:


English ==> French

Darth ==> Dark

Sith ==> Site

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Originally posted by Jem


Finally I still do not accept the Title and if George Lucas really wanted something with the word Clone it could have been: Star Wars Episode II: The Clone Army. That already sounds better than "Attack of the Clones".



Well, The Clone Army, doesn't sound right either. The whole movie wasn't based on a Clone Army. The whole battle lasted only like 7 minutes as to opposed the whole 2 hour movie. Episode 2: Birth of a Jedi sounds okay because Anakin realizes his Jedi responsiblities. Just my opinion.

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