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A Deep Sadness Has Overwhealmed Us All


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spiderman, schmider man...


who wants to pay to see some guy in a red tights twirl around webs anyways?



Its only because Star Wars takes some intelligence to understand - and well...come on...spiderman? You don't need to be a genius to figure out what happens in that ending...

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Well, it sorta did and sorta didn't.


AOTC made 116 million in the four days that it was open.

Spider-Man made 114 in the three days that it was open.


So, even though for the first weekend AOTC sold more, they said it doesn't count because they had an extra deay.


I say who cares? Add what Spider-Man got on Monday to totals and i bet AOTC would win. For opening weekend, AOTC holds the record, for the first three days, Spider-Man does.

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