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There was a time...


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There was a time approximately 365.25 days ago when The BooJaka Council sat down and made an important decision on traditions (not to be confused with the Bajakians; they're a completely race altogether). It seemed that roughly ever year on the 3rd of June something would happen to the leading BooJaka which meant that he could no longer continue his post as High-And-Mighty. BooJaka12m was slain in the ongoing battle to regain land on the surface and so BooJaka13m took his place. No more than a year later however, while returning underground from a successful days battling, he tripped and fell down the stairs. While he did not die he was paralysed and so BooJaka14m had to take his place. Since then it has been decided that, to prevent such terrible events in the future, each leading member can serve only a year as High-And-Mighty and then must hand his position over to the next in command.


So here I am: BooJaka15m continuing the reign of 14m.

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Well at least you have a reason, There was never a Sheaday0 -Sheaday5 on this forum, I just skipped straight to Sheaday6. It was a force of habit thing i guess. In middle school I was trying to think of a godd AOL instant messenger screen name. I settled on Shea-Day, but beleive it or not some stupid **** had already gotten that one. jeez, how many people do you know whos name is Shea. Anyway, I typed in Sheaday3 (because it sounded good) BUT SOMEONE HAD THAT ONE TOO. So I typed in Sheaday6 and it was available, so i kept it. And now that I think about it it does have a nice alliteration thing going.

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*pads blearily over to the computer past scattered, used notebooks, discarded book covers, AP packs, and penciled-in SAT and SATII practice books*


Hey... happy birthday, BooJaka. Whoops, I mean long live BooJaka15m. May you stay 15 and male forever.


*sinks back into end-of-school bliss*

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