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You will win more titles, since you increase the number of your post, in RSN the titles are different like the other LucasForums, when you have 1000 posts or more, you can change the title and put the one you like, but only remember that if you post a lot only to increase the the number you can be banned or the mods can delete your posts, remember, like Iknaton said some time ago:


It is not the quantity of your posts. It is the quality of them


and about the custom avatar, you can change it in your profile, click in the bottom "user cp" and go to edit options and you will find the option of the avatar, you can use one of Lucas forums or use your avatar, it can´t be bigger that 70 x 70 pixels(am I right?)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Cmdr. Cracken

And don't go over to XWA, they... make noobies feel very unwelcome.


No we don't! How can you say the traditional head-shaving and enema are making n00bs feel unwelcome? You lie, you Asian scumbag. Untruths, I tell you!



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Originally posted by Redwing

*guns you down* j/k, that was meant for people who don't like asians :xp:


My lil sis has something against Asians. Which is funny considering we have several Asian friends. She just gets all weird and constantly tells me that "he (a.k.a. her b/f) slept with an aisian chick!!" *shrugs* I dun know what is up with that girl. :D

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