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Boba Rhett

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Stupid movie.


I'm still not sure what the hell I just saw. It was like they were slowly, "well, it seemed like it took forever" building up to something that they never even got to and along the way they included a bunch of other non related crap just for the hell of it.


It's sad to think that this movie is going to make so much money. :( It's not even movie length. It was only about 1 Hour 15 minutes! :eek:


Bottom line: Save your money or at least don't spend it on this tired, jumbled up cash cow that Smith and Jones are promoting as an actual, "movie".


Lord of the Rings was twenty times the movie MIBII was and over twice as long but it still cost me the same. Where's the justice?




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Rhett, your my new enemy :mad:


j/k :D


MIB was really good cuz it had an element of surprise. But i guess MIB2 will flop cuz it doesnt and its just another stale joke comedy movie. But a true MIB fan like meself wouldn't miss it :cool:



They should never have made the sequel....


some movies are better left sequelless...


and lotr is no way to compare MIB2...probably comparable with MIB1 :D



PS. it was 1 hr 34 mins...enough fora movie of its theme..comedy:p cheesy comedy :D


and im sure there are people out there who think mib2 was better than lotr, just the way you think the other way.... ;)

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Hold on a sec... you haven't even seen the damn movie and you're already ridiculing me for saying it was horrible? And what do you mean, normal person?


I consider myself a normal person and I'm offended that you're implying that I'm not a normal person.


If by "normal" you mean, "likes amazingly bad movies because it's the cool thing to do and because theres a bunch of "cool" people out there who like any shiney piece of crap put on the screen", then yes, I guess I'm just not normal.


I'm sorry that I don't just giggle and go along with the crowd, like I suppose I should.




BTW, I really liked the original MIB.



Ugh. I need sleep....

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who said i didn't see MIB2 ? not me!


Maybe i didnt make it clear enough or said things that implied otherwise. when i said this


But i guess MIB2 will flop cuz it doesnt and its just another stale joke comedy movie. But a true MIB fan like meself wouldn't miss it


I meant more like, MIB2 will be more unpopular than MIB1 but since i'm an MIB fan i wont miss it and i didnt :) and i must say i wasn't that impressed as i was with MIB1.


Hard to believe spielberg, good old spiely was involved with the movie....


I only posted that 4 hours after i saw the movie.


PS. Its the first movie i ever saw on its first day release :D

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Hey guys - I saw this movie on Saturday. The previews they show and the little cartoon were about as long as the movie!!! I was very dissapointed. The movie lasted around an hour!! I mean....I didn't spend a bazillion dollars to get in to watch the movie only to see something that was about as long as a show on the w.b. Anyways...I like MIB but this movie...could have been so much more. They gave away all the good parts in the previews :o(.


No offence MIB fans...only complaints are TOO SHORT, could have done more with it...and gave too much away!

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It was 1 hour 34 minutes....That's how long all comedy movies are:o


Aren't they?


You might have felt that way because of the silly cartoon they showed early on and later on, and all the stupid jokes. But it really was ok in terms of length for a comedy movie.


You guys are too used to Lotr and Starwars :o:D



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Originally posted by STTCT

actually....we timed it...and the actual movie was an hour long.


c'mon Gimme a break :p


I went in and 1 and a half hour later i came out.


Yes the little cartoon took 10 mins of unnecessary time, but its just good enough for a comedy movie.


they mightn't have had good enough ideas to make a 2 hour movie full of stale jokes. So this is what they've got.

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See we timed it after that little cartoon short they put on. A friend of mine complained it was too short...so we just wanted to see if it really was. True - they probably cut a lot of corny crap out -

I just get kinda dissapointed....when I spend 14 bucks to go see a movie... I want my moneys worth...I felt like I could have just waited and rented it for 3 bucks




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