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Model gone all stiff/Helicopter move - NO SCRIPT NO CHEAT!!!!


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I have seen people messing with their model in Multiplayer and I wonder how they do this.


What they do is, somehow they make their character get all stiff, legs and arms stretched out all stiff. The model looks like when you design them in the whatever graphix program you do this with. They can also move around, the model glides over the floor without moving legs or arms. (I DON'T mean the glitch that happens sometimes when you keep rolling and it looks like you are gliding!)


What they also can do is spin real fast around their vertical axis while being stiff.


They used it only for playing around, saber off, just chatting or fooling around.


Now what's interesting, the same people would also be able to pull off extremely quick spins during the yellow dfa move or the blue backstab. It looked like what is described in several threads as the helicopter or blender move.


However, people told me that no script and no cheat is involved, they were mere using "a trick". I know them for quite a while and I tend to believe them. They also told me that it was not about messing with mouse sensivity or yawspeed.


People wouldn't tell me how they do it, however they told me that the spinning during the moves and the making the model all stiff would be the same trick.


So I figure that if I find out about the stiff model trick, I would be able to do the same trick during a move and - voila: a nice new move! :D


Anyone has seen this and/or knows how to do this?

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Are they constantly changing their skins when they are doing this?


For example, when you change btwn skins very fast, as in binding specific skins to hotkeys, you get this wierd bug that makes your model all "stretch" out and stuff. To bind a model, just go to the console, and type bind x model modelname/type. Replace x with a letter on the keyboard, modelname with a model (like desann), and type with a wat type of skin (like blue or red or default). For example, mine is bind x model desann/blue. I think you have to bind 2 keys to different or same skins, then quickly press btwn the 2 and your skin will keep switching around, thus creating the effect that your character is doing jumping jacks.

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you can bind 2 models to 2 keys and press them both a couple of times, or


ou can bind to models to the same key..


bind X "model shadowtrooper/red; wait; model shadowtrooper blue; wait; model shadowtrooper/red;"


(or something like that)


it the same script that made you lie down before the patch.. now it just make you look silly.



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Originally posted by lexx

thnx Power Ed, I'll try it and get back to you. ;)


also if that doesnt work.. you'll probably need to add more wait; commands.. its depending on the server lag.. so generally: if your on a faster connection, you'll have to add more wait; 's

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Originally posted by power_ed

you can bind 2 models to 2 keys and press them both a couple of times, or


ou can bind to models to the same key..


bind X "model shadowtrooper/red; wait; model shadowtrooper blue; wait; model shadowtrooper/red;"


(or something like that)


it the same script that made you lie down before the patch.. now it just make you look silly.



Dont forget to put the / between the second shadowtrooper and blue:


bind X "model shadowtrooper/red; wait; model shadowtrooper/blue; wait; model shadowtrooper/red;"

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Originally posted by Admiral Derski

Dont forget to put the / between the second shadowtrooper and blue:


bind X "model shadowtrooper/red; wait; model shadowtrooper/blue; wait; model shadowtrooper/red;"


oops.. i missed that one..


right you are :)

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For me it worked once or twice, than the game crashed. Said something like "console command overflow"




How ever, being all stretched out didn't explain the quick spinning. I am beginning to think the guys were[/]using scripts...

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Ok try this


bind x "color1 1; wait; color1 2; wait; color1 1;"


it might not work because I think someone said it was fixed in the new patch so you can at least try it.



only push it once at a time or it will make you crash, and dont hold it down either or youll get the same result.

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Originally posted by Admiral Derski

only push it once at a time or it will make you crash, and dont hold it down either or youll get the same result.

That may explain it. The thing is, as soon as I start moving, the stretched position goes away. So I tried holding it down while Moving. BOOM! :D


At least I'm getting closer... :)

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Originally posted by Bluezman

That may explain it. The thing is, as soon as I start moving, the stretched position goes away. So I tried holding it down while Moving. BOOM! :D


At least I'm getting closer... :)


try moving, keep moving, and then press the bind key once or twice...

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Try this model changing script script.


set model0 "model vader; set mymodel vstr model1"


set model1 "model darthmaul; set mymodel vstr model2"


set model2 "model gungan; set mymodel vstr model3"


set model3 "model exarkun_sithii; set mymodel vstr model4"


set model4 "model wookiee; set mymodel vstr model5"


set model5 "model JangoFett; set mymodel vstr model6"


set model6 "model clonecommander; set mymodel vstr model7"


set model7 "model yuuzhanvongketo; set mymodel vstr model0"




vstr model0

set mymodel vstr model0

bind b "vstr mymodel"


You can switch through the models superfast by just holding down the key(in my case holding down b).

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The problem with these forums is people always go off on a tangent and never answer questions. I do not know how the people do that sliding trick, but I have seen it. I don't believe it is a script.


As for the helicoper or fast spinning move that is easy. All you do is pull off a regular back sweep and move your mouse quickly in the direction of the spind. Just move your mouse horizonatlly across the mouse pad very quickly. It is easy and but I have not been able to see any advantages to it.

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The glide is easy to do, but timing is needed.

Go over to and edge or better yet a half wall like in bespin . . put your target on the edge of the wall looking down the wall . . hold forward and TAP (very important to jus TAP) jump . . keep hold ing forward and if your timing is right . . you will do a JEDI GRIND . . where your character floats across the length of the wall or edge . .

The spinning thing is definitely a script for those with no talent . . I wouldn't waste your time trying to find that script . . your bigger and better then that.

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Originally posted by sean_t_99

As for the helicoper or fast spinning move that is easy. All you do is pull off a regular back sweep and move your mouse quickly in the direction of the spind. Just move your mouse horizonatlly across the mouse pad very quickly. It is easy and but I have not been able to see any advantages to it.

Actually that is not what is meant by helicopter. The helicopter lets you spin real fast without being in a move animation, just by standing still.


I think the REAL problem is, that people use different terms for things all the time. :D Talk about DFA, helicopter, backstab, slide, glide, wall walk etc. etc. I am pretty sure that peole out there have quite different ideas of what is meant by these...

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Originally posted by Dark_ZONE

The glide is easy to do, but timing is needed.

Go over to and edge or better yet a half wall like in bespin . . put your target on the edge of the wall looking down the wall . . hold forward and TAP (very important to jus TAP) jump . . keep hold ing forward and if your timing is right . . you will do a JEDI GRIND . . where your character floats across the length of the wall or edge . .

The spinning thing is definitely a script for those with no talent . . I wouldn't waste your time trying to find that script . . your bigger and better then that.





Got Demo?

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