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Lord Fergie


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I see you meet my little brother:o


He was on all night while I was off at a friends house. I got back this morning and I found out he was already banned. He is basically a full time client of our nearest mental hospital. Maybe someday he might be able to come back...but for now...whatever, Personally I think he's mentally unstable around strangers...but around people he knows he's pretty normal. Maybe I can ask him to be a bit more serious when he posts or not to post again...

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Havoc i am guessing he is kiding about the metal problems.... (I thoght it fit very well, he came, fought and was gone all in the same day, just like in the story)



Fergie, i am glad to see that whatever banning happened to your brother, didn't effect you.

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Oh well, the policies state that a spammer's account must get deleted, not banned, but since they've been a little short of admins for the last few days they couldn't delete it :o


He better not try to register another account and continue spamming cause your IP might get banned, even though you are a mod :(

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Yeah I was just joking. Really though he is very smart. He just has a very loose sense of humor and got...well...carried away. Don't know if you'll let him back in again or not, but if you do I'll keep a watch on him and make sure he posts something decent.

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Look he's really pretty sorry he didn't want to be banned. He was just excited to finaly be able to get on the board whenever he wanted to and kind of went off the walls. Maybe you could make it a temp ban or something because I kind of feel bad for the loser. I mean he just got on for one day and got banned for it too. Sure he spammed (but I thought they were kind of funny;) ) and in many cases if the spammer stops with their incesent spamming they can become good members. Many of us started out as spammers such as Krkode, Rommel, and many more of our more regular members.


[/defense case]

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Hey, man, i have no hard feelings against him, even though we did have a little tea party :)


I realize my start, and I encourage all newcomers to do what they like in order to get aqainted, be it spam or what.


I obviously felt like i needed a big post count in order to fit in so that was my goal. Now i feel "fitted in"


Thank you all.:D

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Look he's really pretty sorry he didn't want to be banned. He was just excited to finaly be able to get on the board whenever he wanted to and kind of went off the walls. Maybe you could make it a temp ban or something because I kind of feel bad for the loser. I mean he just got on for one day and got banned for it too. Sure he spammed (but I thought they were kind of funny;) ) and in many cases if the spammer stops with their incesent spamming they can become good members. Many of us started out as spammers such as Krkode, Fergie and many more of our more regular members.


[/defense case]




The rest of us were just chatting... :p

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:o My brother couldn't wait to post the answer to one of his questions so he re-register as UNCLE LIJAH. SO now when I log on his comes on too because they are on the same IP. Please delete that account. *kicks brother* I try to do something good and he does something stupid.:o
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This reminds me of something that happened on RSN...my brother Jared registered as well as me (I can give out his name because, well, he registered as that name...how creative :p)


He trolled around and spammed/flamed people minorly, and got warnings but never got banned...then one week I went to a Bible "camp"...and he spammed the forums under about fifteen different puppet names including his own. (It was alot easier to do that back then, being as logins didn't exist---you'd write in the name you were posting under)


He promptly got IP banned. That, of course, blocked my name as well. But I didn't know. I was at camp. :D


By the time I got back, however, I was unbanned and the puppet names (and Jared's name) simply blocked. (It helped my case [despite my absentiism at the time] that since he's practically my polar opposite, no one thought he was the same person as me :D) He later reregistered under TK-421 (since changed to prodigy)


So now you know...yes, it's true...Redwing has been banned :p

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