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I'm tired of you babies...


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This my first post here, and I registred only to post this thread. Every single time I play, I constantly hear people crying about what I do or what someone else does. I even see it in these forums. I use the backstab/pull move constantly. I'm not talking about ass fighting either. I'm talking about using timing to execute the move. Why? Because it's a one hit kill, and I can move on to someone else, and so on and so on. Not for frags, but for the purpose of defense or offense. I always hear "get a new move", or "that's cheap", and some other choice words that deal with my mom, or sexual preference. Well for all of you who say that, guess what? You died, I didn't. If the designers put it in the game, I'm going to use it. I think it's time for you babies to learn how to COUNTER the moves, or learn how to PERFORM the moves that I, and many, many others execute. I think the only reason you cry is because you don't know how to play yourself. Ever heard of absorb? If you don't like using Light side, hell, turn on dark rage when you get knocked down. Want to knock someone down that has absorb? Know how to kick? There's many ways. If you get owned, then well, too bad. Spawn again, and if you're that pissed, go back and try to take the guy who got you out. Don't insult them, or cry, because it makes you look like little babies. Learn to deal with it, or learn to do it. Simple. Just for the record, I'm not addressing all of you on this forum. If what I have said makes you upset, you're the one I'm talking to, because your're probably one of the players I'm talking about. For everyone else, I applaud all of you that find new counters, learn new moves, and commend people that kill you. You keep the community's positve attitude alive.

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I just get used to all the cheap moves...because no matter what, it will happen.


Only thing that really annoys me is the pull/backslash spam though, because you can't stop it. You can't block it with push/pull, and absorb something prevent it most of the time.


This happens to me and several players, but to some, absorb works. In other words, Absob is too buggy to be considered a counter.



if you want kills, spam pull/backslash, because no one cang et out of it. Even if they jump up and they slash beneath your feet, it will still kill you (model bug).




Go on, have fun.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

if you want kills, spam pull/backslash, because no one cang et out of it. Even if they jump up and they slash beneath your feet, it will still kill you (model bug).






Light side=Full protect

Dark side= dark rage


I've tried these, and they work against the "cheap" moves.

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I agree with the sentiments of the thread starter... I think whining in a computer game is useless and just spoils the whole thing for everyone.


I freely admit, I've FELT like whining on numerous occasions when I was having a bad game, but if I think about it, I realize that it really doesn't matter. It's not the other players's job to see that *I* am entertained by letting me win. In fact, if I want to win, I have to WORK for it (unless of course my opponents are severely handicapped in terms of skill compared to me).


If I lose, it's either due to bad luck, or my own fault, thus there's no point in whining to somebody. Since I know something of the game dynamics I don't go around calling people "whores" or "assfighters" or that sort of thing, because that's just an excuse (as I see it) to whine. Lose gracefully, and win gracefully, I say.


If I lose, rather than being an ass and insulting them and complaining, I should just say "gg" suck it up and move on. Either learn to do better or if I am not having fun, turn off the game and do something else until I'm "in the mood" for a game where I can have fun. To me, if you can't have fun, you shouldn't play. Otherwise its just a waste of time.


And when you win too, it's tempting to be a sarcastic jerk about it sometimes, but I think we should resist the urge. Think of it if you were in the place of the guy who got beat... would you want all that trash thrown at you? In fact, the only time I really trash talk is when I'm with friends I know in real life, because we KNOW the other person is just playing around and doesn't really mean it.


When people act nasty to me in a game, I do my best just to ignore them, and play the game. If they can't handle me beating them or playing by the rules of the game, and kick me, I say "fine" and just join another server that's more tolerant. Most of the time if you ignore the whiners, either they'll get bored and leave or stop (realizing they are losing badly by wasting time arguing) or others will tell them to lighten up because they are doing more whining than gaming. ; )

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Heh, took the words outa my mouth.


"If you don't adapt to win, you lose the human race." -Aioh


I just thought of that. :D


It's the god honest truth though.


It would be a safe bet to say that if someone doesn't adapt in JO, they suck and quit playing.


I backstab like theres no tommorow. I have saber skill, but in force servers, it isn't really useful.


Until they patch the game (Which IMHO, wouldn't be all that useful... just a waste of time until some serious bugs are found.)people are going to continue to fight this way.


So deal with it O.o's. Adapt and you'll do better, I promise.


Good music helps too :D

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Umm...here's my 2 cents:


If you spam backstab/pull-backstab/whatever 24/7, you are the kind of player that no-one wants to play with because it is boring and not fun at all. Getting kills/killed is not the issue.


Having fun playing is the sole reason most of us bought the game. if you're not having fun playing, why on earth would you keep doing it??


Imagine fighting Desann in the end and he'd spam the pull/backstab over and over, not using any other attack at all. Fun? Exciting? I don't think so.. I think you'd be busy writing Raven and complaining along the lines : "WTF is this crap!?!"


What about the one who spams? I can't understand how people find that fun. You got one move that you repeat over and over. Doesn't that get boring? Sure, you get easy kills, especially when newbies are playing, but...what's the point?? 20 minutes of boredom just so that you get to see your name on top? Uh....? :rolleyes:



Here's the point I'm trying to make: If you are the kind of player who doesn't give a rat's ass about how others on the servers feel about your "style", then....sorry, but you're a selfish ass period



If I happen to beat the same guy 5 times in 1 minute and he spawns yet again right infront of me, I'll probably turn away or let him choose whether or not he wants to fight me again. Why? Because he'll probably get frustrated and quit just because he can't enjoy the game because someone keeps killing him immediately after he spawns.


I doubt this will make any sense to many of you, but then again...why the hell would you give *your* seat to some old lady? After all, it's your seat and you found it first, right? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by boba fett c3po

the only thing i hate are the lamers that kill you when your saber is down or when you are typing on a server where the rule is saber off =peace


Yeah I agree, but you can't really expect people to hold up their end-of-the-bargain. Some people don't even read any of the rules/regulations before joining.




I have a friend (no offense, you know who you are) who just jumps into EVERYTHING he does without thinking. In Outcast, the first time he ever played online, he said he would "own all!". He got Pizz3d when he got own3d right off the bat. So what did he do...He took any cheap kill he could, including saber off talkers.


So don't get mad, you can always pay them back lat3r (I do).


Vengence is sweet :fett:

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mjsca, my best advice would be to ignore them.

No matter what you do or how you do it, if you win you will be insulted and flamed by a player if that player has a poor attitude towards losing and learning.

Some people refuse to admit that there are flaws in they’re playing style and always make excuses when they lose.

These are the same people who always cry "lag" with a ping of 20 when they get shot in other FPS games.


Not to bash FFA players, but to be honest you will never hear the end of it if you continue to play FFA.

It is where most people go the first time they play, and it is where most people who are still learning play.

Nothing is wrong with that, it's just impossible to play opponents that are not on your level and not hear cries of "cheater", "lamer" every time you do something they have no idea how to avoid or defend against.


My suggestion would be to play full Force duels.

Sure you will hear cries now and then, but to be successful in this game type you have to know every Force power and the proper counter inside and out. Not only that, you must be able to do these counters incredibly fast in addition to avoiding and knowing your way around a saber in a duel.


Believe it or not, backstabbing an experienced duel player will more often than not get you a "nice one" rather than a "lame" response.


Most duel players seek to perfect their game, much more than FFA players. Being able to consistently exploit weaknesses in their defenses usually will show your resourcefulness as a player and earn you respect from those on your level.

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For all of you calling these types of moves, "cheap" and so on, here is what I have to say to you... Think about it this way. Whenever you do it to someone you rejoice and your team mates rejoice. But when they do it to you, it suddenly becomes a cheap move. Isn't that just a lil stupid lol.

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When someone pulls/backstabs me, I usually say "Nice move".. Because I usually can avoid them. Most of the time, I get a response like "Thanks" which lets the player and myself know there is some respect there. Other times, I get responses like "Owned".. This just shows their mentality. One thing that bugs me is sometimes when changing force powers mid game, someone attacks me, I immediately leave the menu and start lightning the crap out of them. The attempt to backstab over and over. One force dump of lightning and a lunge or two and they drop. They say "Cheap". I respond asking about attacking a player while in menus, and they respond "Your tactics are cheaper than mine". Someone was actually telling me that my fighting tactics were CHEAPER than his!! I was astounded.

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I'm finding that if you simply don't care and just keep playing they'll stop making remarks - or even if they do, who cares?


They want you to care and its their only way to show some sort of power in the server - and gives them 'special attention'.


Responding or showing that you are upset will give them that 'special attention'.


If you get kicked from the server, move on to another one, big deal.


This has to do with people who harass others in general - for whatever reason.


When it comes down to it:


It's just a game.

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok


Not to bash FFA players, but to be honest you will never hear the end of it if you continue to play FFA.

It is where most people go the first time they play, and it is where most people who are still learning play.

Nothing is wrong with that, it's just impossible to play opponents that are not on your level and not hear cries of "cheater", "lamer" every time you do something they have no idea how to avoid or defend against.


My suggestion would be to play full Force duels.


Most duel players seek to perfect their game, much more than FFA players. Being able to consistently exploit weaknesses in their defenses usually will show your resourcefulness as a player and earn you respect from those on your level.


LOL! Duelers are always pointing at FFA pros and claiming that they are horrible. The reality is that if you put more than two players in a map at the same time duelers can't cope. All of the sudden their incredible ability to exploit weakness is useless. FFA players are more than happy to take on two players at once, heck I enjoy 3 v me matches all the time.


IMHO a CTF batle is the only true test of clan v clan. Everything else is about individuals, while CTF tests the team. Duel clans don't last five minutes in CTF battles when they go against FFA clans.


Oh yeah and by the way there is a very simple way to play FFA without Noobs. If you are in a clan odds are you have a server, well put a password on it. Then have someone tell everyone elses clan the password and that its for good players only. In a day or too they will come to you server in droves for some good competition.


now back to the topic of this thread....


you whine = you suck


I agree that pull backstab can be blocked or at least survived.

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I agree with the poster of this thread. This is a FPS game. As someone said before, the win IS the fun. People who complain about assfighting, bsing, etc. are those who can't adapt or get enough skills so they can do it themselves. I believe that in a FFA FPS game, ANYTHING goes(besides cheating). Why is there a reason to hate that guy who runs around mooning and spamming blue stance? Sure it looks stupid, but its's a tactic, and if you wanted to look like some sort of professional Jedi knight, MP isn't the place for that. Play any game, and you can see that the games that have excellent multiplayer gameplay are ones that really aren't realistic. For instance, look at Q3, body trainers running around in metal speedos shooting rockets and lasers each other isn't exactly realistic. And also CS, where if a sniper rifle hits you in the toe, blood pours out of your thigh and you are almost dead. Whiners about pull/backstab and other legit tactics are like people who whine about the AWP. The only problem is that in this community, the whiners already turned the game to pot.

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"I agree with the poster of this thread. This is a FPS game. As someone said before, the win IS the fun."


No. No no no no no. If that is how you feel, too bad. I feel kinda sorry for you....but you'll probably "get it" some day. :p



"People who complain about assfighting, bsing, etc. are those who can't adapt or get enough skills so they can do it themselves."



This is bull****. I can't believe I have to listen to that crap over and over and over again!

Even though just about every single post says: "Yes, I can counter it, yes I can do it myself, that is not the issue", someone replies with: "People who complain can't adapt or get enough skills so they can do it themselves."


(Like...how on earth could *you* know the skills of every complainer?)


But no, I'm not saying that a skilled player could not possibly ever play like a lamer or spam a move. Anyway, that's beside the point...as is "skill or no skill" or "kill or get killed".



Let's get this straight once and for all:












Ok? :mad:

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I think the better forumla would be winning or at least putting up a good fight = fun.


Isn't it fun when you beat spammers??? Now if you are never able to beat these people then I could see why it would be boring and no fun. When you beat them I can assure you it is FUN. And it usually cause them to change their strategy.

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Every single move in this game that does damage is cheap.


If pull + BS is removed, then DFA is cheap.


If not DFA, lunge is cheap.


If not that, then kicks are cheap.


Lightning and drain are also called cheap.


Oh, and did someone say Protect/Absorb?


Anything you do makes you a lamer.


JKII is the prostitute's game. We have BS whores, DFA whores, kick whores, lunge whores, drain whores, lightning whores, protect whores, and absorb whores.


Pretty soon, we'll have a mod that makes JKII fit this comic of WW2 Online:




Now, while fighting people of repetitive moves isn't really all that much fun...therefore yes, I agree with some of the above statements...complaining about it ain't gonna do much good.


IMO, the only move that I disagree with is the ability to spin while backstabbing/slashing...as noted in my sig.

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Many a time i have felt like giving you all a verbal dump complaining about pull/backstab spammers but i decided not to, and anyway, if someone spams it then i have the challenge of kciking their arse and usually when that happens they decide to leave before they get tautned off the server by all the palyers waiting. Or i just leave and goto an another server.

If the designers put it in the game, I'm going to use it.

It wasn't put in, it was a bug that was exploited.








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I myself am a newbie and got my butt kicked tons last night on different servers. It seems that most of the time I got wasted by a jump and downslash that's a one hit kill. It got frustrating, but that one chance when you side step and slash the slasher and push him off the ledge makes up for it.


My main problem is controlling my character. It's frustrating when you can't get your character turned around and you get force gripped and thrown off the ledge before you can push your way out of it... Oh well, I plan on getting better....


"Control, control, you must learn control."

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

I just get used to all the cheap moves...because no matter what, it will happen.


Only thing that really annoys me is the pull/backslash spam though, because you can't stop it. You can't block it with push/pull, and absorb something prevent it most of the time.


This happens to me and several players, but to some, absorb works. In other words, Absob is too buggy to be considered a counter.



if you want kills, spam pull/backslash, because no one cang et out of it. Even if they jump up and they slash beneath your feet, it will still kill you (model bug).




Go on, have fun.


There's a way out of the pull backstab cheap move. When you fall get up pull their ass and cut their head off. ;)

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