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Cartoon Trivia! (Hey, why not?)

Havoc Stryphe

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Riff Raff, Cleo, Wordsworth, Mungo, Hector, Leroy?



The four are in there somewhere right? :D


Yeah, you and Wolfman can split the point! ;)


the four are Riff Raff, Hector, Wordsworth and Mungo. Cleo was Riff Raff's girl and Leroy was the junkyard dog.


Good job guys! :D


Next Question:


In the Cartoon Series, He-Man: Master of the Universe, what was the name of Battlecat before he was transformed?

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett



Yep, that's right (Much to Homer's dismay)! :D


Next Question:


In the Cartoon Series, Scooby Doo, What famous radio personality voiced (and still does) the character, Shaggy?


PS remember...


PREVIOUS UN-ANSWERED BONUS: Name Mr. T's dog in the cartoon series, Mr. T

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Originally posted by STTCT

and T's dogg is Doser


There you have it guys! She did what no one else could! Excellent! :D


Originally posted by STTCT

i can't spell his name


casey kasim


And again, absolutely right! :D


Next Question:


In the spirit of Cartoon pets, What is the name of Josie and the Pussycats' pet cat in the cartoon series by the same name, Josie and the Pussycats?

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Originally posted by STTCT

after this question I'm gonna stop cuz I want to give everybody else chances...



answer: Intow


First of all, I can keep coming up with cartoon questions to the cows come home, so worry about it. Look at Rogue Nine and Wolfman, they both answer alot of questions.


Secondly...umm...that wasn't the answer I was looking for :confused:


Are you sure that's the right answer? I'm thinking something else.

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Yeah, it must be different from the movie, because I remember a completely different name from the cartoon.


So the question still stands


In the spirit of Cartoon pets, What is the name of Josie and the Pussycats' pet cat in the cartoon series by the same name, Josie and the Pussycats?

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Originally posted by STTCT

brain freeze - i don't know what the heck i was thinking...something way off the wall....







hits head hard on the desk...that's wat i get for working graveyard...hum...maybe i should be working...oh well


Nevermind, the question does not stand anymore, STTCT, after thawing brain, has correctly answered the question: Sebastion! :D


Next Question:


From the cartoon series, Alvin and the Chipmunks, name Alvin's, Simon's and Theodore's "girlfriends".

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Originally posted by STTCT

The chipettes


Britney - uh... the brainy looking one and the fat one...


Well...ummm...I don't think I can accept that answer ;)


But you did get one out of three, So to use a movie quote "...they still have one out of three, and that ain't bad!"



and the Chippettes I couldn't remember that myself. :D


Anyone want to tag-team this answer with STTCT? Still looking for the names of the other two Chippettes from the cartoon series, Alvin and the Chipmunks.

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Originally posted by Kryllith

Jeanette and Eleanor...




Very Good! 1/3 a point to STTCT and 2/3 point to Kryllith :D


Next Question (Tough One):


Set in the year 1532, this cartoon series chronicled the adventures of a boy named Esteban, who had power to call out sunlight, his friends, and several Spanish Explorers in search of Incan Treasure. Name the cartoon series (HINT: originally aired on the Nickelodeon Network)

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Originally posted by WolfmanNCSU

I think I remember that one on Nick when I was little. "City of Gold" or something like that. It had a little boy and girl with mendallions, I have no clue of their names. (I may be way off base here, just a stab in the dark).


Though not exact, you did mention the girl and the medallions and were damn close with the title, therefore I will award the point to you! It's The Mysterious Cities of Gold and I watched it faithfully when I was about 8-9! Good Job, Wolfman! :D


Next Question:


From the Cartoon series, Transformers, identify the Type of vehicle or object each of these transformers transformed into (I will not except a car :p ):


Optimus Prime






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Originally posted by WolfmanNCSU

Whoa, that was a true Lucky guess


Optimus Prime - Semi

Galvatron - Cannon

Bumblebee - Bug

Starscream - Jet

Jazz - Car (not sure exactlly, porshe maybe)

Shockwave - Large Gun


Correct, I thought I would catch someone on the "Galvatron" instead of Megatron, good job! Oh, and yes, Jazz was a Porsche! :D


Next Question:


In the cartoon series, Jem, what object(s) transformed Jerrica Benton into the rock star Jem!

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