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One Year Anniversary Discussion

Boba Rhett

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It all sounds great! I whole year...HooHaa! :D


One thing though, I'm pretty sure I know why, but I feel bad about the whole "Prizes only available to residents of North America". Beings there are alot of members who are not residents of Mexico, US or Canada (I'm a resident of US myself, but alot of great members are not). I know there is little you can do about it, I just feel alittle bummed about the whole "exclusion thing" in a time when we celebrate our great unity and togetherness for a year. :(



Besides that... Sounds like fun, can't wait! :D

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Originally posted by darthfergie

The prizes are "top secret" so in other words all the mods know and some old members...you'll find out when we tell you:)



Hey i am a mod, and an old member and i don't know what the prizes are


Oh and rhett everything sounds good, thought i would shuggest a few differnt type of games other then trivia



one more thing, you should sticky this

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Nothing like anniversery. I guess I don't really have the right to celebrate this till next year, but even though I have only been here for half a year I can still celebrate that.


Happy half year anniversery to me!(Not exact date)



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u guys want something other than the Trivia...



how about these game suggestions...


spin off from Lord of the Spam - Everyone gets assigned a chapter to right...some story...a kewl one...the mods can decide the story idea and everyone writes their chapter and posts it in order ( I know...but we could) Then everyone votes for the best chapter...and then that person who wrote the chapter wins.


another is the died out Caption thread. The mods post some pics and we come up with funny captions. The best captions win the prize...



sorry I'm trying...!!

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No thouse are cool ideas!!!!


I think you would need a signup list for the story...


This is a week long party right? Maybe get 14 people (2 a day, 1 in the morning and one at night) to write a chapter. Then when they are all done you could vote for the best chapter (like STTCT said)


I don't know what you could write the stroy about, maybe it could be about the good ol' days on the forum (ok so LOS is a lot like that but i am not very good at making up story idea on the spot...)

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alright one more idea before I'm off -


i wonder how many of us have acess to dig cams or web cams...u know the "Lucas Official - Unofficial Baskets" people should make them or draw them and submit them to vote for the best "creation"... I liked the threads where everyone posted their pics and people mutated them. It was great fun. Maybe who ever has the best Star Wars Collection.


okay - i'm off i have a meeting and then I'm off to bed.

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I definately like the story and captions ideas, but i don't think very many people at all have digital cameras or even scanners. If we do the story thread then it should be star wars related this time, not another lotr thing, i think.


And i don't know if someboby mentioned this yet or not, but we could have a banner contest. An anniversary GB.com banner like on the top of the boards here now. Eets could give us the parameters and then anyone is free to make one. The mods choose the best one and it is displayed in place of the current one for a day or two or so.

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