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LFAA - Lucas Forums Addicts Anonymous


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Originally posted by lexx

I used to spend most of my time in MP and AOTC but one day I decided to visit the Swamp and got sucked in! I still visit MP and AOTC now and then but they seem a bit slow at the moment.


The same sort of thing happened to me. I used to only go to the Valley but it was getting a bit boring so i decided to go to the Swamp and i only rarely visit the Valley or Multiplayer!


Swamp is by far the best! :D

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It was wierd, cos I was afraid of coming to the Swamp because all the threads moved so fast, compared to the dull rather sedate environment of the 'skinning' section. I love it here cos you're always surrounded everyday by the same cool people...I finally feel accepted:( *sniff*......:D

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Some of you have seen our reactions on threads I guess.


Well you wanted to know a little about other folks huh? lexx!


So here we go


We are 2 nice guys from holland


and the name mima kake is made out of the 1st 2 letters from our first and last names. so you have Mi KA and Ma Ke and that make our names.



We only met a few people in the swamp but we feel at home already.


And it's alway's fun to meet new people


I'ts good to know we are the only weird people in the world now

after reading some threads:D


Nice to meet you greetz MIMA KAKE


P.S. I guesse were addicted too cause we scroll around every day since april this year.



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Hi, i'm Termie, and i'm addicted to lucasforums. It all started out oen day,one year ago, when e3 had finished i wanted to download the movie, and then there was a Huge thread about balancing or soemthing. i got addicete to it.. sniff sniff, and i have wasted countless hours on this forum. :borg1: Help me.. HELP ME!!!! HELLLLLPPPPPPPP.. UHhhh. *passes out*


PS: i was not on obi wan forums either... honestly, i wasnt. Seriosuly bro! Remember that time obi 13 when.. er... bye

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator


PS: i was not on obi wan forums either... honestly, i wasnt. Seriosuly bro! Remember that time obi 13 when.. er... bye



uh.....You wanna run that by me again?



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i'm not really addicted, but i do browse the forums every day



i signed up in april for, hmm dunno wherefor, but anyway, i forgot about it, and in june or something, i came back and started posting, and now i cant wait to get to my 1000 post

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Uh.... I'm Shadow Angel, and I first came to Lucasforums because I couldn't find any decent Darth Sidious models or skins. I eventually found the Swamp, which is extremely active, unlike other places where it takes a week to get a reply, or a hyper disorganized mess like starwars.com. Now, over 99% of all my posts are in the Swamp. Now, I spend my computer time preaching the word of Emperor Palpatine and his undying power and coolness.


May the (Dark Side of the) Force be with you.

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i really dont know how i came to post in the swamp ... thats scary


maybe i was abducted by rhett or sumthing :)


100% of my posts are in here :eek: this should be called


Swampaholics (not very) Anonymous

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Originally posted by Exterminator234


yeah things sure have changed since you were a kid :D


Yeah, it sure did.



BTW is it true that you sleep with monkies?!:D :D ]


And do you want me to reveal your true age,matt?:D

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Originally posted by Redwing

I'm not addicted! Not I tell ya! *covers post count* :sweat::p


I'm not addicted either........*covers Registration date*


[Nervouslaughter]heh heh heh.......[/Nervouslaughter]

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