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These forums are truely a wonderful place!

Divine Spirit

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Ive just noticed that these forums are now the best theyve been for weeks if not months! Has anyone else noticed this?


A few weeks ago there were loads and loads of locked threads because fools kept on making or posting stupid pitcures or so on. I know there are a few locked threads now but thats because theyre the 'one word stories' and so on. That Jedi*k* person must have gone away or stopped taking drugs.


And the mods! Where are they??? Over the past week ive seen a few comments by Boba Rhett and 3 from Stormhammer and they were all comments in relation to the topic and not telling people off or anything! Its been ages since ive seen a telling off! Where is digl? i used to see him loads, moving threads, closing threads and so on and now i havent seen him in weeks! Where are you all? Am i not looking at whos posting the threads?


The situation of Moved threads is also very good...there's only one or two on Page 1 of the Swamp now. This means nearly everyone finally understands where things go!


Because of all of what ive just said, id like to use the thread so say a big thank you to all the posters and mods and admins who have made this forum a truely wonderful place! :D



Thank you!



Come on everyone, group hug!

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Originally posted by Darth-Nasty

why do the "one word stories" get closed?


they dont do any harm


Because if they go on any longer theyll take up too much server space. And theyll get too long and no one will want to put the story into one peice because it would take hours!

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Yea, the Forums are starting to reflect the changes in the Jo community. All the Whiners/spammers/***holes are gone, leaving only people who want to have fun. This is exactly what some people have been saying for a long time, that after the initial buzz, only the dedicated people will stick around. I think it's quite wonderful :D

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Originally posted by Darklighter

Hey, I've just hit 600 posts...this is the best day of my life!:(


*bursts into tears like Clem did*


Can I have a tissue as well please?:(


There there guys, dont cry.....well i suppose its out of happiness so go ahead! :D


*Divine Spirit puts a whole box of tissues in the forums so that everyone can have one*

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Originally posted by Darth-Nasty


how does that work?


*Goes into History Teacher Trance*


Glad you asked.


Before LucasForums, all of the game forums where seperate.


I regestered on the jediknight.net forums, and hung out in the Cantina and JPB forums. Anyways, That was back in April of 2000, like I said, but I had to leave for a while due to computer problems. I got an upgrade and came back a few months latter. Then, the brilliant machine that it was, my computer decided to screw up even more, and I was forced to leave again.


Finally, I got a new computer, and gave my old one to my sister. I made my return again a while back, and I think I'm gonna be here while longer.


*end history teacher trance*

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