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The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future


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I know you're there, Darkstar....


@Party: You may wish to move elsewhere





????: Revenant Program online: Scanning for targets....


Targets not found....

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*For the first time in it's existence, the Starkiller ponders the fact it may be erased from existence...*


Very well. I'll hold it off. Try and prevent it, because if I fail, then it won't stop until it covers the universe in darkness. You must destroy that wretched device.


May the Force be with you


*The Starkiller exits the house, and into the fields, to face the Darkstar*


You have come


I had to.


Then let it be as it always has been, since our birth


You will not escape death this time.


Neither will you




????: Target locked. Planet and timeframe acquired. Revenant program will re-arm in 4000 years...




*A metalic foot places itself firmly on a log, overlooking Ken'atra*


????: You caused me to die...

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((Having to post for Death again, she has Internet problems ^.^ First part is her, second part is me, as denoted by divider line ;).))


Mom: *her eyes are huge at the converstation*

Dad: Hun? I'm bac-what the?! *Stares at all the people in his house* What is going ON here?!

Mom: Oh darling. *falls into her husbands arms*

Dad: What? What is it?

Mom: Our Kenny...our poor, poor Kenny!


Ken'atra: *scrambles away from the metalic foot and thinks 'what is that?'*




Rwos: You're his...adoptive father, I presume? We are here to...to save your son. From his future.

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*The figure leaps and lands in front of Ken'atra, revealing itself, an incomplete metal skeleton, battered and rebuilt over time....4000 years in fact. It has two distinguishing marks. The first is the blast markings on the skull. The second is the crest of Atredis on the chest*


Revenant: Surprised? Yes. I am the remains of Deac Starkiller fufilling his last directive. I'm going to kill you....





*The Starkiller extends his blade, and the Darkstar does likewise*


Enough talk...


*The Darkstar thrusts, to have the Starkiller counter. Both entities are evenly matched in their sword skills, until...*




*Calling on his own name, the avatar turns a single star black and begins to draw energy from it, blasting the Starkiller with it, who stumbles back, charred and in pain for the first time*

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*sensing now after the blast that deac was hit, now the figure knew of the second Deac starkiller that he predicted to find there on raynor that very day...


the figure uses force speed to dash his way fast to where ever the other one is, while igniting dual blue lightsabers...*

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((OOS Scar you don't understand. The Starkiller Avatar is not Deac. There's no Deac here except the android shell that once housed his body. And I don't think lightsabers would do much good against the two spirits))


*Rwos looks awkwardly at the father for a moment, then senses a burst of terrible power that even his deadened senses couldn't miss*


The fight has begun. Now the clock is ticking...

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Originally posted by Scarface2k2

*sensing now after the blast that deac was hit, now the figure knew of the second Deac starkiller that he predicted to find there on raynor that very day...


the figure uses force speed to dash his way fast to where ever the other one is, while igniting dual blue lightsabers...*


Deac wasn't hit with anything. The Starkiller was.))

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Dad: Future? What? *laughs slightly and strokes his wives hair* Oh honey, you don't belive that do you?

Mom: I...I...

Dad: Come on. They're from the future? Kenny is gonna do something bad?

Mom: ...

Dad: *Chuckles* Hun, be logical.

Mom: *sighs* I was stupid, wasn't I? Believing them?

Dad: No, just gullible.

Little Ken'atra: *Screams and shivers* I'm cold...I'm COLD! There's something really BAD here!

Mom: *Rushes to his side*


Ken'atra: *Thinks 'My parents need to know. They need to get off this planet. A planet that won't be destroyed. Very well...I might as well do this now...' He changes back into his "human" form. He walks to the house*

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*The cloaked figure zings past the halted Cracken, and swings both lightsabers at Revenant, and both is halted by a shielding of force eminating from Revenant*


???: "Hmph, shielding preventing my dual swing from hitting ya, but i can hit ya with a single..."


*the figure desides to turn off the lightsaber in his left hand and hoisters it. Then also taking off his cloakand throwing on the ground, to reveal a man in his mid thirties with long white hair.*


yes another version of Irvine, but a much older and powerful version, not to mention being a jedi and all :)


His reason for being here is of course stop Revenant, from what Irvine thinks, that the removal of him would prevent the galaxy to being blown to smither-reenies ^_^


Older Irvine: "So you like to travel through time, just like everyone else here..."


*glares in his reverse direction at Cracken*


Older Irvine: "...So i think i would have done one of my own as well." *smirks*

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((Scar, there are some problems with that:


1. How did you character travel through time. The rest are connect to the time matrix. Irvine is not. He can't just appear.


2. Cracken has a lightsaber pointed at Ken'atra's throat, and Ken'atra is in the doorway. So how did your character get pass him.


3. Revant is not inside.


You need to read post more carefully)).


Odin: You want proof, your son is right there. Who I might add had tried to kill some of my people.

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((Scar, there are some problems with that:


1. How did you character travel through time. The rest are connect to the time matrix. Irvine is not. He can't just appear.


2. Cracken has a lightsaber pointed at Ken'atra's throat, and Ken'atra is in the doorway. So how did your character get pass him.


3. Revant is not inside.


You need to read post more carefully)).



Got it covered:


1. Read my posts on cantina spinoff and read Irvines Bio in same forum


2. & 3. i knew Revenant wasnt inside, isnt Cracken right outside the door (to outside)? (so Irvine would pass right by him)

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((it still stands that Irvine can't magically time travel. The Time Matrix is already established as the only time traveling device in this dimension around - hence its value.


"Then later he hears of a Revenant that was also envolved in the holocaust. Irvine despritely searches what remains of the galaxy for a time device along with an also fully trained fellow (but still not as agreeable freind) jedi Orthos Darkstar. After giving up, Irvine looks at the twin Lightsaber case that he was given to him by his father when he was younger, and notices it carries pieces of main components of an old time streaming device, and with that using his techincal knowledge, Irvine builds himself a new Time streaming device and traveals back to raynor along with orthos to find a way to defeat this Revenant. "


The Revenant was NOT involved in the holocaust. A Revenant is a one that returns after death, not the Monster of the Week. I gather that this one is essentially Deac's dead body from the battle between him and Starr. Deac was part synthetic.


Magically finding a time streaming device in your lightsaber case kinda defeats the purpose of the Time Matrix.


I replied further to you in Keiran's RPG - but you can't use the ending you thought up, because - well, go read the spinoff's discussion thread, which you obviously missed))

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[OOS: hey! No controlling other people's characters! The Revenant is mine!]


*The Revenant turns back to Ken'atra*


You cannot run, Ken'atra!


*Speeds toward house*




I believe something has not been done to this field of battle, Darkstar...


*The Avatars both glow, and behind them appear armies of spirits coloured for their respective side. All kinds of beings appear.


From the Darkstars, a grizzled young man emerges, with a crystal round his neck*


Remember him? Orthos the Black, the first of mine


*And in turn, a young man, with a huge hole in his chest steps forward from the Starkillers*


And perhaps you remember Elveron?.


Now let our armies fight until the end!

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Vidar, looks outside seeing the battle rage. Then begins talking to his father: It looks like the final battle between the starkiller, and darkstar has begun. We've made a mistake, their Ragnarok, is not the one that the Norns had predicted. It appears that the galaxy will be saved for the time being.


Odin: I agree, this is close but not the one we have been waiting for. When this is done, we shall return to Asgard and continue to wait, and prepare.

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Mom: *Her mouth falls open*

Dad: What in the?

*Ken'atra looks at Cracken and he's throw back*

Little Ken'atra: No! He's bad! Get him away!

*Looks at his younger version* Sleep.

Little Ken'atra: *Drops*

Mom: *Screams and hugs her little boy*


Mom: H-how can this be?

Dad: This is impossible. *looks at Ken'atra with fear*

Do not be afraid of me. I am not here to harm you.

Dad: You hurt my son!

I am your son!

Mom: Oh God!

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