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First Contest: Captions!

Boba Rhett

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16) Get thin now with Hitler!!


17) So much for horse power...


18) It became obvious who had "Delt it"


19) America's least secret agents


20) I am CORNHOLIO!! I need TP for my bunghole!!!


21) Gee, I thought the ship form "The Navigator" was a bit bigger than this!


22) Aging hippies are so sad...


23) My car be's ambidextrous!! wha? oh! Amphibian!!

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8. how do you expect us to move our thermonuclear weapon into the stadium like that?

9. Remember, 2 scoops are better than one!

10. Who hired the marx brothers as spies? (cocking sound of a gun)

11. My hair is blonde!!! WAAH!!!! I WANT IT RED!!!!!!!! WAAH!!!!

12. I think it goes here, no here, no here!

13. You are gonna get that plane down, so help me that you have to take it right down to the ground! (wood drops on the car)

14. doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo...DING!!!!! FIX THAT DAMNED MUSIC!

15. What are you waiting for? SHoot it, Damn it, Shoot the damned thing!

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16 - "Look Maw! It's an elephant!" "That's nice dear."


17 - The load of **** he had was more than his ass could bear.


18 - Guess which one is a terrorist. :D


19 - Aaaahh, another of america's great student films.


20 - Coke's new add campaign for episode II to combat pepsi's campaign from episode I.


21 - What would happen if extremely intelligent, peaceful aliens landed in Arkansas. "Look at tha new centerpiece I brought ya Maw!"


22 - Bob tries to no avail to hide the largest of the places where the paint had come off his car posing in a gesture of love for it.


23 - "Look maw! These oarlocks and wheels you mounted on the bathtub work pretty dang good!"

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8: "Commander? You know that nuclear warhead we were supposed to be stealing..."


9: T minus ten seconds till Curious George's first brainfreeze.


10: It's those damned cellphones again...




12: "The secret of my genius? The secret is in the pen..."


13: "PA? How many floorboards did you say again?"


14: The first of Rhett's experiments in the quest to solve the age-old question: Would you rather be killed by a tiger or a shark? (:D)


15: As Clem marches up 13th street in his newest "costume", a nuclear rocket encasing: "I dare you civilians to throw tomatoes at me now!"

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16: "But Mom, I'm not finished re-inflating myself!"


17: "Activate the Omega Donkey-Launcher."


18: Bob waits silently for the rest of the van to fall asleep...only then can he put his master plan into action.


19: "We're here to protect Earth from the scum of the business offi...did you just grab my ass?"


20: "Let the Coke flow through you, boy!"


21: Passerby: "THERE'S A BOMB IN THAT GUY'S BRAIN! ...no, really!"


22: "I don't care that you don't have that nice red paint job anymore! I love you for who you are! Now...will you please start?"


23: "Row, row, row your boat, gently down the...wait, what happened to the stream?"

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16. Bob's career as a belly dancer was cut short by one small detail: He had no belly!


17. Here we see Brazil's Department of Defense demonstrating their newest artillery weapon: The donkey launcher!


18. "I told you an ice-capades class trip wouldn't going to go over well!"


19. Being a School hall monitor, in this day an age, is a whole new ball game!


20. Coke-Cola's new add campaign featuring an endorsement from Ghengis Khan was not as successful as Coke-Cola had hoped.


21. I've heard of people always having food "on the brain" but this is rediculous!


22. Although high school sweathearts, Bob and his car, came from different worlds and slowly grew apart, until eventually Bob dumped the car.


23. After having to much to drink, Betty thought she would enjoy a small fishing trip on the lake. The family agreed: it could be worse, at least she didn't take the speedboat out to waterski!

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16.Metabolife's newest ad campain gone wrong

17.Why America invented the F-150

18. What happens when the bus movie is A.I!

20. "BACK - or I'll hit you with my deadly -err -coke bottle!!"

21. Some people take Airport Security a bit too far.

22. "PLEEEEEEAASE Start....Pleeeeasee"

23. A patient from the Insane Asylum today tried to escape, however, her efforts failed when she realised the faster she pattled the closer "THEY" got.

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16. Man this new weight loss program is great and, Oh my God, I really have no genitalia!!


17. How to tell if your ass is too small


18. Ok, every hold still, we can loop the video feed and play it back so we can escape off the bus and......oh well, nevermind, forget it.


19. Toy gun $14, new suit $194, picture of you checking out some girl's ass in a yearbook poss PRICELESS...


20. Pepsi sucks, all real jedi wannabes drink coke, feel my wraith


21. Joe Dirt, now the is a mullet :D


22. Yeah, it runs, it just needs a little love


23. If you have ever been too drink to fish, you might be a redneck...

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8. A new meaning to the term "reckless endangerment"

9. I dunno.....some cheesy advertisement

10. The not-so-famous, not-so-sexy MI6 agent 008

11. "Waaaah.......what? Stop? But I don't want to stop this incredibly bad acting! Waaaaaahh................"

12. *guy with marker thinking* "They have no idea what I'm talking about. Add a little more BS, and chaos will rei- whoops, there they go!"

13. Okay, this isn't funny!! How did you get this picture of me, Rhett??? (j/k)

14. *diver chuckling* "Death come soon, it shall. That Yoda dude's a moron."

15. *Looks at the empty streets* "Where did everyone go? I just want to be your friend!!"

16. Okay, Rhett, now you have embarassing pictures of me!! Who's your source!? TELL ME!!!! (j/k)

17. Caution: do not exceed 1500 lb weight limit.


I will finish later.

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8)Handle with care!


10)Modern-Day mafia

11)I got a phone!

12)e squared =WEED!

13)Why cant i move?

14)I have the strangest feeling im being followed

15)The end is near....


16)Human pictionary

17)Obviosly the donkeys backside weighs more than the front

18)Terrorist attack and the criminal is the man thats not dead

19)James bond in high school with his woman

20)The locals are restless


22)Man who loves car...:p

23)Some people dont have patience

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Great job guys! :) Remember to keep on numbering these so I know what goes with what! :)



Next set of pics:



1) The taliban forgot to train to drive Forklifts.



I hope no one notices my buttcheek resembling lip.



Bill read the stories about the great flood and noah, and

since then, he's warn that rubber floaty and armed himself.







I promise, hes not looking, go ahead, take a hit.



THE SKY IS FALLING "No honey, its just the cargo from a scottys truck falling on our car"



I wonder if my cut toe will attract any sea animals.



3-dimensional pictionary

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Boba Rhett

ROFL. Keep them coming guys! :D




Next batch of pictures:



"Jenny Jones OWNS!!!!"



"Santa fired his reindeer, and found a more money-efficient mode of transportation."



"Why do I always get night-watch?"



"ok, break on two. heeeeeeyyyyyy.......Whose that guy in the blue jeans?"



"the new and improved tck sabers mod."


"I eat pieces of S*** like you for breakfast!"



"Mr. and Mrs. Toyota."



"I am up the creek without water."



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  • 2 weeks later...


"Hello? FedEX I need someone to sign for this package?


"Thanks for the ride mister! Mind if I bring along a friend?"


"Don't forget to roll up the windows when we park."




9 out of 10 tastes tests prove, there's just no comparisson!


"Who got Game?"


Drinking+Boating=Accidents Any questions?


"Ok, so she lays down, and I pull this string........then what?"

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24. "Hello? I'm selling Alligator Scout Cookies. I I mean GIRL Scout."


25. Bumper sticker: Refugee Camp or Bust


26. "Man I hope I can fit in there!"


27. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ummmmmmmmmmm


28. "Bud Weiser...Old Style...Budweiser...Old Style..............Bud Weiser."


29. Man in audience to self "Man how's he ever gonna shoot it into that hoop?"


30. "I knew this boat would be good for SOMETHING!"


31. Rhett's ultimate Natalie Trap.

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24. Until his growth spurt, Godzilla found his teenage years ackward and difficult.


25. Oh Boy! The Afghani Circus is coming to town!


26. There's a reason why our "Silver-Spoked 4-Wheeler wheels" and low-profile street tires are called the Cadillac of 4-Wheeling wheels. They're perfect for taking your 4-Wheeler out for an elegant night on the town.


27. Extra Gum lasts longer so you can too! Even if you are a rodent?


28. ...so this squirell walks into a bar and orders a Budweiser, an Old Style Beer, and a straw...


29. Finally a Sport where Rommel feels at home! ;) j/k Rommel


30. He later re-christened his boat to "Saved my Ass"


31. "If you use the bed of an old pickup truck as a sun umbrella... you might just be a redneck!"

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24) Unfortuneatly, "The Attack of the Regular Sized Alligator" wasn't a big box-office draw


25) When fleeing an opressive government with over 300 of your friends, only Mercedes Benz will do.


26) "Look, Bob!! We have a new winner of the coveted 'Most Pathetic Car Buff Award'!!!"


27) Mmmm...a fatty...I MEAN GUM!! WHAT DELICIOUS GUM!!!!


29) Where are they now? Rocky Squirrel. Claim to fame: 1/2 of Rocky & Bullwinkle. Sadly, this former cartoon star has become depressed and turned to alcohol.


29) Just wait 'till the dunking contest...


30) "Honey? I've got good news and bad news....good news is, the boats' just fine...."


31) Cleetus tries to "snag miself a womuns."

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24) Wilma!! the humans wont let me in!

25)Bush is walking by! Climb to a place he cant see us!

26)I got bugs in my teeth, i need to steal a windshield.....

27)*sniffs* so this is what people throw on the grass?

28)*same squirell comes across beer* i always want to feel good about myself

29)Short men are excellent at going down under

30)Ahhh i can smeel that brisk, clean mountain ai...AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

31)when my mother in law sits on this chair then...BOOM! Who needs poison?

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24. Honey I think the neighbors left the gate open again!


25. *Overheard at Mexican/US border* ?Tu no llevando cualesqiera drogas ilegales Senor? ?No? Bueno, continue.


26. Finally! An ATV made specifically for the road!


27. Ground Hogs like gum so should you, buy Ground Hog gum.


28. The reason why squirrels can't remember where all their nuts went.


29. It looks like he's making a break for the hoop! That's 3'6" of raw power baby!


30. It's time for another Good Idea Bad Idea.


Good Idea - Taking your boat out.


Bad Idea - Using your boat as an anchor for "Truck Bungee"


31. Hay maw! Luk at me new invintation, now you can shave yur hairs outside, an not worry bout yer skin burnin up!

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