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Second Contest: Story!

Boba Rhett

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ACK!!! Get on the PA Turnpike real quick and stop by Pittsburgh now that I'm back from my cousin's house! :D Hope there's enough room left on the bus for a couple dozens boxes of instant hot chocolate and my favorite microwave! :D


Btw, GREAT chapters guys!!! LOL! This thread is so great! Artoo i loved your last chapter! Good job!!! Keep it comin guys! :D


Oh yes, I know I've been really busy and haven't been on for a while, but for any of you that don't know me, just refer to me as "Thrawn," thanks. :D


I don't wanna write the chapter about myself being picked up, but I would really like to write a chapter, so I got dibbs on the chapter after next. :D


*Starts packing his hot chocolate into backpacks*


Hope mom doesn't need the microwave whilst I'm gone. :D

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Doh! Sorry bout that. I'll fix it sometime in the future;)


anyway on with the Chapter!


Chapter 13: Cell Phone Cavities


"Okay guys we are headed for...hmmm...North Carolina to pick up Tie Guy, Wolfman, and Then to South Carolina for Homer." said Rhett


"Brover, Is that in Never Never land?" asked Chase.


"No! Now get to the back of the bus...they like you back there"

*Imediate shouts of "Rhett your on somethin" and "YOU STUPID M***** F*****" were shot his way*"See! They really do like you so go to the back of the bus now."


"But it's dark back there. Will you take me and protect me from the goblins and googles?"


"GET BACK IN THE BACK OF THE BUS! NOW!!! Or else I'll stop this bus and we won't go another inch until you do!" yelled Rhett. (thinking)WHY IN HECK DID I JUST SAY THAT?(/thinking)


"No Rhett. You must be gentle to children. I should know. I've read over 4,226 parenting books in the last year." said Havoc.


"Yes small children must be taken care of with tenderness because they are to small to understand...what is he laughing about now?" *Sherack started banging his head into the side of the bus because he was laughing so hard.*


*just then Eet's cell phone rang*

"OOOOOOO Bing Bing! Me want bing bing. Big Brover...Can I have a bing bing?" whined Chase.


"No. It'll give you cavities." said Rhett.




"What did he say?" said Crazy Dog.


"Arf woof yip yowl bark." replied Wraith 5 matter of factly.


"In English though he said,'Hey we missed Thrawn.'" said Rhett.


*changing course to Pittsburg they get outside of town, but there is a huge traffic jam*

"Hey, what's the hold up?" Asks Rhett out the driver's window to a cop.


"Ah, it's those Pittsburg Steelers' Fans. They won their court case so now their marchin." replied the cop


"Pittsburg fans? I hate Pittsburg Fans..."

*reving up the engine and then squealing down the opposite lane of traffic and driving throughthe crowd of Steeler's fans*

*on the other side...*

"Hey Rhett...You've got a rider." said Leon.


"I go up and take him out." *HeavyArms starts to jump out of his seat and puts his head through the window...right when Rhett slams on the breaks*

*a figure is seen flying several feet in front of the bus*

"Hey, isn't that Thrawn?" asks Rhett


"He doesn't have a blue face so I see no resemblence to Thrawn evident at all." stated Wraith 5.


"dom Americans" said Young David

"ja, zeer dom. de hond bestaan bij de hand." said Leon


"It is Thrawn!" said Havoc ignoring Wraith 5


"YOU LITTLE PIECE OF--- Oh Hi guys! Didn't know you'd be here so quick. Hey lets swing by my house and get my microwave and stuff."


"Do you have a Fridge?" asked Dash


"Well yeah." replied Thrawn


*4 hours later (hey it's Pittsburg traffic what did you really expect?)*


"Ok, go get your stuff and me and Dash want to look around." said Rhett.


*walking inside the house*

"Okay...now where to they keep their brew...somewhere in here...they have to." mumbled Rhett.


*from the kitchen*

"I FOUND IT!" yelled Dash.


"MY BREW?!?!" running into the Kitchen.



*Dash runs out to the bus...munching all the way*


"Dang it...it's got to be here somewhere!"

*turns over the fridge*

"Dang it! No secret pannel in the back! grrrr"


"Hey Rhett I'm ready. I've got my microwave and three backpacks of chocolate...I hope I have enough to tide me over till we get to a store."


"Dang it...couldn't find it quick enough. grrrr"


*getting back into the bus*

"...off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard named Tie. Because because because of the wonderful things we do..." sang Chase


"Make him stop!" yelled Havoc "He's been doing this ever since he hear Tie was next. I tried to calm him...but..."




"Your so mean. Just because of that I'll sing the whole way! And I'll tell mom if you make me stop!"


"Great. He's in one of those moods...hey...Why hasn't HeavyArms already killed him?" asked Rhett


"He's knocked out like a little light...Stop laughing so much Sher! You almost seem like you've lost your mind in the giant expanse of reality...STOP IT SHER!" said Rommel


*As the bus starts up and drives off towards North Carolina...a wisp of laughter is in the air...along with a song "We're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard named Tie..."*

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

WHOA!! I'm in SOUTH Carolina, not North....not that there's anything wrong with NC (actually, there's alot wrong with SC in my opinion), but I'd just like to keep things legit


Hehe. For one the entire law could be written on a post-it note. :D


Anyways, i would write one but of course i can't write about myself, that wouldn't be any fun. Hmm...maybe i'll do the one about SC.


Yeah, ok. I'll do the one after the next. Or whatever one it is when we pick up Homer.


BTW, good chapter, ferg.

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Originally posted by Artoo

ROTFL Fergie! I loved the Blues Brothers reference! :D


Oh and alos about the map, Chicago is right next to Lake Michigan, not in the middle of the state. :rolleyes:


Ok, let's just say that the map is not drawn accurately and is a loose representation of our route...sheesh


Anywho, tie, I can't wait to read what you've got about me...:D

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Originally posted by Darth Homer


Ok, let's just say that the map is not drawn accurately and is a loose representation of our route...sheesh


Anywho, tie, I can't wait to read what you've got about me...:D


Ok, and let me just warn you, there are gonna be a ton of South Carolina jokes. :D

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Well guys, here it is! Hope you all enjoy chapter 14! :D


Chapter 14: That's NOT a gopher!


It was the strange smell that woke him up from his mid-afternoon nap. "Ewww, what IS that stench?" thought Rommel as he crawled out from under his seat. "Hmm, it seems to be coming from up there" he thought, as he made his way towards the front of the bus.


"Nooo! Come back putty! I wannto plaaaaay!" cried Chase as he lept out of his seat after a furry black creature.


"Hey what's goin on up there?" said Sherack.


"Yeah we're trying to play poker back here and you're blockin the light!" said Dash as he looked up from his hand. Sherack took the oportunity to take a quick peek at his hand and immediately upped the bet.


"Sorry guys, but don't you smell that?"


"Oh, it's probably just that grandma we hit on our way outta Pittsburgh." put in Sherack.


Now it was Eets turn to cheat. He quickly shoved three of his cards into his bantha costume and brought out three different ones.


"Hey EETS!" said Thrawn.




"Those cards are from a different deck! The back is BLUE not RED!!!" yelled Dash.


"Ruff arff bark yip!"


"Ohhhhh, I see," said Sherack.


"Gee I didn't realize they made the backs of aces a different color. Ok, my mistake," added Dash.


Meanwhile, Rommel was still investigating the strange smell, the little black furball, and Chase. "Man, they've got to be under ONE of these seats!" he thought. He suddenly heard a loud yelp from behind him. He turned just in time to see a little black furry creature go scurrying away under another seat.


"WAAAAAAAAAUUUGGGHHH!!!! He farted on my FACE!!! WAAAAAHHH!!!!" screamed Chase.


Now the smell was back stronger than ever. Groans and curses were heard from all over the bus as Chase ran to the front of the bus. Rhett however had blocked off the isle with his Anti-Spam Rod 3000.


"Rhett!!! He farted on me!!!!" whined Chase, still in tears.


"Um. . . Chase. . . that was a um. . . it was a skunk." said Rommel.


"A skunk?"


"Do you think he brought any cheese?" put in Dash, with a hopeful grin.


"Dash don't be ridiculous, he's a skunk." said Thrawn.


While Dash and Thrawn argued over why or why not a skunk would be carrying any reserves of cheese on him. Rhett fought to remain in control of the bus and not pass out from the horrible stench eminating from his little brother's face. Finally, he passed control of the bus over to Eets, while he, Sherack and Heavyarms opened all 76 windows on the monster of a bus.


Meanwhile up in front: "Arrf ruff arrff arf!!! (Hey, this thing has a RADIO!)" Suddenly the whole bus was filled with calm beautiful music:




"Ack! Turn that d*** thing OFF!" screamed Sherack.


Luckly it only took a few minutes to seize the front of the bus from a lone bantha poodle. Rhett took control of the vehicle while Thrawn and Dash held down Eets so that Heavyarms could duct tape him to a seat.


"Hey. . . I think the smell's goin away!" said Dash glad that his appetite was now returning.


"Look," said Sherack, "Chase has is head out the window." A chorus of Alleluias and Praise the Lords filled the bus.


"What?" asked Chase, bringing his head back inside.


"Nothing! Nothing at all." replied Dash "Look! A gopher!"


"Where?!" cried Chase sticking his head back out the window. "That's not a gopher! That's TIEGUY!"


Rhett slammed on the breaks (which luckily had just been replaced). "C'mon Tie! Get in here!"


As soon as Tie was on the bus, Rhett throttled up smashed through a guard rail and onto the on ramp of a nearby highway. "This should get us where we need to go, I think. . ."


Tie was glad to be onboard until he learned that Dash had mistaken him for a gopher. What followed could only be explained as. . . well I can't explain it but it happened.


Tie proceeded to launch into a full blown law suit over where it was ethical to refer to a human bean. . . err being as a gopher. Dash gave up the argument after a good 4 minutes, but Tie continued on and on. . . and on. . . and on. . . and on. . . and well you get the point.


*** 7 hours later ***


*Snore. . . yawn* "Hey Dash what time is it?" asked Thrawn.


"Uhh. . . 8:19 pm, why?" replied Dash.


"Cause I think Tie's still going. Oh well, back to bed"


"Back to bed" acknowledged Dash.


Tie after having made 17 major points, and stating 6,789 examples of simialar circumstances and their outcomes, decided to take a break before going to bed too. He strolled up to the front of the bus where Rhett was driving wide-eyed and open mouthed too. In fact a small puddle of drool had formed in his lap.


"Hey Rhett, aren't you beat?" asked Tie.


"No WAY! Check it out! See that convertable in front of us? If you tilt your head right, you can get a REAL good view! See the chick on the left is wearing a thong and a lace bra, the one on the right is wearing victoria's secrets panties and a sports bra!" said Rhett with a bit too much enthusiasm.


"Uh, ok Rhett whatever you say. I'm going to bed. Seeya in the morning"


Tie got no reply, so he just turned in, Rhett however drove the entire night without so much as blinking. Lucky for everyone, the chicks were headed to North Carolina at a good 80 mph, and with Rhetts mad driving skills they had no worries that they would make it to NC in plenty of time to pick up some new victims, err passengers.

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lol! good chap., thrawn!

"WAAAAAAAAAUUUGGGHHH!!!! He farted on my FACE!!! WAAAAAHHH!!!!" screamed Chase.
i think that calls for a rank change for chase, but i suck at making things like that, so i can't think of anything. o, well. anyway, good job! :D
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