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My apology


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Originally posted by FormerJedi2k2



SSC Kal El quit it dude. How would you like if I go back to my old days and start flamming and spamming again???? Well I won't. I just hope that most of the users see this apology. You are just as bad as Jedi2k2 Kal El. You try starting fights online where ever possible and I never see you posting anything helpful/senseful. Just end this debate right now and go on with your life.


-Jedi2k2 (Jason)


all right.... this started ok, but I am warning you... dont return to the root of this nasty problem.... ALL of you...


you may or may not know me, but I dont really feel like having to trim this thread back, we WERE(hinthint) geting somthing done, but then we returned to the flaming...


and yes, I DO know the whole story... I've seen it all...:rolleyes: all of it....

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1


all right.... this started ok, but I am warning you... dont return to the root of this nasty problem.... ALL of you...


Woa now, sailor, be more careful with your words.


"All" of us didn't flame, so let's not be pointing fingers.......

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Originally posted by Kyth'emos

I was goning to say somthing here. But then I decided not to lower myself to your level.


You mean you wanted to say something, but that little part of your brain that is actually smart stopped you because you knew if you said something I would be able to verbally destroy you....


Yeah that sounds about right....


Originally posted by FormerJedi2k2

SSC Kal El quit it dude. How would you like if I go back to my old days and start flamming and spamming again???? Well I won't. I just hope that most of the users see this apology.


Are you kidding me? I would LOVE to go back to the rounds with you, to undertake you as I have before oh so many times. However only a man that has no respect for himself would go back to that, because obviously you would like me turning you into nothing again... I would just be sorry that the public would be exposed to your lack of vocabulary when it comes to any kind of insulting... Even Tyrion who is eleven managed to own you verbally...


You are just as bad as Jedi2k2 Kal El. You try starting fights online where ever possible and I never see you posting anything helpful/senseful. Just end this debate right now and go on with your life.


-Jedi2k2 (Jason)


I'm just as bad? Thank you for the compliment, I would actually hate to be a good guy... Although I don't really understand the sentence because you ARE Jk2k2k2k2k2... I don't start anything, it is you who gets taunted into fighting... unless there are some people who deserve it the minute I spot them.....


My life is fine, it is yours that is at a stalemate when it comes to this discussion... you seem to be emotionally involved or something...

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hmmmmm, i am kind of annoyed at this apology and kind of happy...im glad to see this person coming forward and apologising but i think everything he did was adding some spice to life :D his posts may have been crude and immature but threads made by these kind of people have been the funniest threads in the forum. there was one thread in particular that was really reeeaally funny but i cant remember it.

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Originally posted by Divine Spirit

hmmmmm, i am kind of annoyed at this apology and kind of happy...im glad to see this person coming forward and apologising but i think everything he did was adding some spice to life :D his posts may have been crude and immature but threads made by these kind of people have been the funniest threads in the forum. there was one thread in particular that was really reeeaally funny but i cant remember it.


We call that "quality spam" in the spamming community.

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Sorry,Jedi2k2,I just cannot trust you that this apology is geniune.


With the porno pics(not even good ones:D) and all that **** and stuff,I just cannot trust you. I even remember when the dark side was gaining within you,it was in my picture thread,you posted alot of weird one and then I think there was flaming and your first ban our of many.


Sorry,but you have done WAY too much to make me believe you.

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I can't imagine Jedi2k2's apology to be anything other than genuine, =SSC=Kal-El. If for no other reason than three pages of your provoking and instigating have yet to be responded to in a inflammatory or combative fashion. That, in the realm of logic, would suggest an honest change for the better. Something you should consider yourself.


=SSC=Kal-El, your attitude is nothing less than rude, hateful and obscene. You may, indeed, add a certain "entertainment" value to these forums, but at what cost? Certainly, it serves to lower the self esteem of many forummers who have had the misfortune of crossing paths with you. That in itself is unfortunate enough, but add the constant hostility and underlying rage that looms over every thread here because of the probability that you will post one of your trademark post riddled with pubescent malice and laced with cynicism. Apparently, or at least it would seem, you're not happy until someone else feels lesser of themselves and/or their ideas and opinions.


You sir, are certainly free to post whatever you desire as long as they are in accordance with the rules of these forums, and I, in no way or fashion, have any authority to stop you from doing so. But more often than not, your posts skirt dangerously close to inflammatory and spiteful, and sometimes, you just blatantly cross that line with the tact of a bulldozer.


The question is, is it simply someone acting out an alter ego of someone is usually treated in a similar fashion outside of his "internet life"? Thusly, he feels he must regain his pride, ego and the feeling of control by lashing out at others in the online community acting bigger and tougher than his real-life persona.? Or is it rather the misplaced anger of a young man who's life is in disrepair and beyond, what they feel, is salvageable and/or livable?


Maybe it's none of the above, but whatever the reason, it may be justifiable in your eyes, but is in fact deplorable and in no way an acceptable behavior. It would seem your resident MODs are letting you (and others) get away with more than you really should. I, for one, find it sad that a person can publicly make known their admission of fault and ask those he has wronged for forgiveness, and someone would turn around and try to provoke them to anger, and to label their apology as "seriously amusing".


When it comes right down to it, Jedi2k2, by admitting his fault and apologizing publicly and than subsequently dealing with your flack, cynicism and immaturity, has in my eye, as I'm sure in others, suddenly become ten times the man you are.


To end on a positive note =SSC=Kal-El, you do have the power to change, of course anybody who labels themselves "resident jackass" would seem too proud of who or what they are to have any desire to change. So good luck making all whom you encounter feel worse about themselves. If nothing else, it is a overwhelming and exhausting task to assign oneself.

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

I can't imagine Jedi2k2's apology to be anything other than genuine, =SSC=Kal-El. If for no other reason than three pages of your provoking and instigating have yet to be responded to in a inflammatory or combative fashion. That, in the realm of logic, would suggest an honest change for the better. Something you should consider yourself.


Thank you for calling me by my full name...it's really appreciated although the squad tag is really unecessary so it just looks like you copy pasted it...


erm, anyway - topic...


My provoking and instigating, as you so delicatly put it, come from one reason and one reason only. The fact that you weren't here and have no ****ing idea what I'm talking about at all, really should have made you cork it, but now that you opened it up, and I'm in the mood of having fun with someone, I'm gonna break a couple of things to you. In my opinion... no wait... let me rephrase... in my experience of what I have seen from Jk2k2k2, I KNOW he didn't write the form above. The fact that you are trying to judge my actions is baseless because I have the priviledge of knowing so much more than you. You can take that so called "logic" and cram so far up your ass, until it starts to tickle your mouth. It will have the same meaning either way.


Being that I don't have to justify myself to you, I'll keep the information to myself. And besides, I never asked you to join this conversation anyway.


=SSC=Kal-El, your attitude is nothing less than rude, hateful and obscene. You may, indeed, add a certain "entertainment" value to these forums, but at what cost? Certainly, it serves to lower the self esteem of many forummers who have had the misfortune of crossing paths with you. That in itself is unfortunate enough, but add the constant hostility and underlying rage that looms over every thread here because of the probability that you will post one of your trademark post riddled with pubescent malice and laced with cynicism. Apparently, or at least it would seem, you're not happy until someone else feels lesser of themselves and/or their ideas and opinions.


You know, I always say to people that try and judge my behaviour to **** off or another amusing anecdote like that, but since you actually took the time to explain it in detail and run a spell checker I think I'm gonna go over it with you.


The "entertainment" you speak of, is one that only I benefit from. You see I just...how do I put this so it sounds best...LOVE to screw around with people like Jk2k2k2, because that is what they deserve. The only reason he made those 500 posts out of 600 he had, were because of me. I took his time away, and made him serve my purpose, and then when I finished with him, he got fuXXored by the mods and admins because I wanted that. And yes, by these sentences you can pretty much see how egocentric and egoisitc I am... and that's a good thing... for me at least.


About my happiness... I just do this for amusment... I'm happy when I own someone in game who is cocky or bitchy or something like that... this is just like a sidebar/"creative boredom"... so you got it a little wrong...


You sir, are certainly free to post whatever you desire as long as they are in accordance with the rules of these forums, and I, in no way or fashion, have any authority to stop you from doing so. But more often than not, your posts skirt dangerously close to inflammatory and spiteful, and sometimes, you just blatantly cross that line with the tact of a bulldozer.


Mods and Admins had 2100 something opportunities to ban me/warn me/you name it, and not a SINGLE one of those instances has occured. Thank you for your opinion though, however it seems you need some more education in the normal facts as "nobody cares about your opinion, at least I don't". And being that it was proven wrong from the start, you should have kept it shut before constructing that sentence in the first place... Thanks for the compliments of the inflammatory/spiteful/tact of a buldozer points. Because they mean that I achieved what I want...


The question is, is it simply someone acting out an alter ego of someone is usually treated in a similar fashion outside of his "internet life"? Thusly, he feels he must regain his pride, ego and the feeling of control by lashing out at others in the online community acting bigger and tougher than his real-life persona.? Or is it rather the misplaced anger of a young man who's life is in disrepair and beyond, what they feel, is salvageable and/or livable?


Yes that is actually the real question isn't it? Well ill do you the honors of filling you in on this one too, since you look like you really do have a little brain when it comes to general psychology (although it's all very hidden behind the spell checker you went through [btw, I'll love it double if you tell me you didn't go through one]). Now, I gave that one a serious thought a while ago. It was about the time I left this place for about a month or two. Yes, I tried to question myself on those points you made, because I myself know a lot of people who act the way you described. The thing I came up with was that I am really not an angry or hateful person, I'm usually a nice chap if there aren't any moronic twits around. About my pride and ego, well I thought about that too, however I dismissed that once the minute it came up to me, because I'm not doing this for an ego or any pride. Besides pride should be taken in your achievments, and this is SERIOUSLY anything but. What I came up with was simply that I have a defence mechanism on trolls (those who I define as), and just that I'm one hell of a sarcastic mother****er. Nothing more, nothing less. Trying to find a point in meaning behind those probably goes back to my childhood, however since I'm not paying you a 100$ by the hour, you don't get to hear about it.


Maybe it's none of the above, but whatever the reason, it may be justifiable in your eyes, but is in fact deplorable and in no way an acceptable behavior. It would seem your resident MODs are letting you (and others) get away with more than you really should. I, for one, find it sad that a person can publicly make known their admission of fault and ask those he has wronged for forgiveness, and someone would turn around and try to provoke them to anger, and to label their apology as "seriously amusing".


When it comes right down to it, Jedi2k2, by admitting his fault and apologizing publicly and than subsequently dealing with your flack, cynicism and immaturity, has in my eye, as I'm sure in others, suddenly become ten times the man you are.


About justifiable and non-justifiable, you got the facts wrong. You see, it's all a matter of opinion or a point of view. What to you may seem unacceptable, to others might seem acceptable/amusing. It's just like when your friend is about to throw a rock at a cat because he things that is amusing. However since I don't think it's amusing I knock a rock up his head and render him unconcious, just for him to feel how it is like.


So the ending conclusion is that what you find acceptable or unacceptable is totally up to you, and you should either keep it to yourself or fight your battle for it but in reality it really doesn't matter. In this case, since you lack the knowledge I have about the topic, and some general things, you lost the minute you opened your big big big mouth...


I'm not gonna get into jk2k2k2 matters with you because you should have been there in the first place to know what the hell you are talking about...and it's "flak" when I last checked :D... And 10 times the man I am? I'm still chuckling on that one...


To end on a positive note =SSC=Kal-El, you do have the power to change, of course anybody who labels themselves "resident jackass" would seem too proud of who or what they are to have any desire to change. So good luck making all whom you encounter feel worse about themselves. If nothing else, it is a overwhelming and exhausting task to assign oneself.


I LIKE who I am, and what I am... but perhaps you should try altering your point of view and seeing things a bit more differently, just for the sake of broadening your horizons... I know who I attack and who I don't attack... rest assured I'll make the correct choice...

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Okay, Your attitude aside, Kal-el (better?), let's focus on your theory that jedi2k2 did not post the initial apology that kicked of this wonderful thread.


First of all, the different syntax and lack of his common misspellings have already been explained, rather believably, by jedi2k2. He stated he had his mother helped him with the wording and then he used a spellchecker. Now explain how having his mother help and using a spellchecker makes the apology any less earnest and honest?


If you think that this is somebody completely different than jedi2k2 posing as him. Then please enlighten me as to what this person has to gain by registering as "formerjedi2k2" and apologizing for him. This scenario seems highly unlikely, but maybe you have facts or proof to show otherwise.


If this isn't what you believe your whole problem hinges on a spellchecker. Now, ordinarily, I would say that this to is a bit farfetched. But seeing your previous obsession to point out my own personal use of a spellchecker, this all of a sudden becomes a very viable scenario.


Is it somehow possible, that you hold a complete and utter disregard for spellcheckers and the individuals who employ them, that you would hold out against this young man's apology simply because he used one?


As far as you past with Jedi2k2, that's exactly what it is "The Past" The likes of which he is here trying to make up for. You think accepting an apology is, to some people, a form of exhibiting power over others. Yet, your complete refusal to accept his apology based on the very past he's apologizing for, is certainly an exhibition of power over jedi2k2. You are a walking quandary :confused:


Anyways, yes, I used a spellchecker, and it found 10 words that got past me, you feel better now? I'm not quite certain why you are so obsessed with the fact, but oh well, it's your prerogative. For your information, where I work it is simply in the best interest of all involved that we use spellcheckers on all documents before forwarding them to the appropriate individuals. A spellchecker, for me at least, is to catch the majority of my typos, not misspellings. And yes, it's "Flak"! Very good, now can you sleep better at night?


PS This time the spellchecker caught five words, besides your name, which it obviously doesn’t recognize. Just thought I’d let you know so you wouldn’t waste half your next post proving my use of a spellchecker.

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Okay, Your attitude aside, Kal-el (better?), let's focus on your theory that jedi2k2 did not post the initial apology that kicked of this wonderful thread.


First of all, the different syntax and lack of his common misspellings have already been explained, rather believably, by jedi2k2. He stated he had his mother helped him with the wording and then he used a spellchecker. Now explain how having his mother help and using a spellchecker makes the apology any less earnest and honest?


If you think that this is somebody completely different than jedi2k2 posing as him. Then please enlighten me as to what this person has to gain by registering as "formerjedi2k2" and apologizing for him. This scenario seems highly unlikely, but maybe you have facts or proof to show otherwise.


If this isn't what you believe your whole problem hinges on a spellchecker. Now, ordinarily, I would say that this to is a bit farfetched. But seeing your previous obsession to point out my own personal use of a spellchecker, this all of a sudden becomes a very viable scenario.


I already told you I wasn't going to reveal anything, and especially not to you... Stop milking the cow that won't give you anything.


Is it somehow possible, that you hold a complete and utter disregard for spellcheckers and the individuals who employ them, that you would hold out against this young man's apology simply because he used one?


Hehe, no, but since you were able to try and guess my psychology maybe you should try to determen why I hung on the spellchecker.


As far as you past with Jedi2k2, that's exactly what it is "The Past" The likes of which he is here trying to make up for. You think accepting an apology is, to some people, a form of exhibiting power over others. Yet, your complete refusal to accept his apology based on the very past he's apologizing for, is certainly an exhibition of power over jedi2k2. You are a walking quandary :confused:


What part of "I don't believe it, it's pure bull" don't you understand?


Anyways, yes, I used a spellchecker, and it found 10 words that got past me, you feel better now? I'm not quite certain why you are so obsessed with the fact, but oh well, it's your prerogative. For your information, where I work it is simply in the best interest of all involved that we use spellcheckers on all documents before forwarding them to the appropriate individuals. A spellchecker, for me at least, is to catch the majority of my typos, not misspellings. And yes, it's "Flak"! Very good, now can you sleep better at night?


PS This time the spellchecker caught five words, besides your name, which it obviously doesn’t recognize. Just thought I’d let you know so you wouldn’t waste half your next post proving my use of a spellchecker.


Hehe, you missed the point.....but nice of you to admit it =) I respect that.....

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kal-el you said yourself that the mods and admins got rid of jedi2k2 because of you, you also said that they have had numerous opportunities to ban/warn/temp ban you yet they never have. reading your posts (which are mostly insults) i have to ask why they let you remain here. i understand that you enjoy being an ass (i believe your custom title was "resident jackass" for a while) ive known many people who simply love to cause other people anger and confusion. So please take the time and explain why the mods and admins havent gotten rid of you yet. i wont hide the fact that i wish you were banned and i dont think you like me much either but please answer my question all the same.

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Heh, yeah I'm all running to explain things to you. And you give yourself too much credit when you say that "I don't think you like me either". I don't give a damn about you as much to even care if I like you or not. Get the megalomania off your back and go play with some games, you're waisting my time...


[edit] and the fantastic title got back a few days ago [/edit]

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Just as I thought.....the ones who have been through that KNOW what I'm talking about.....the others can just bitch, moan and try pretend they are defending the guy who is making an apollogy...


Anyway...who gives a damn about any of em... PAR-TEH...

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Originally posted by Tyrion

Sorry,Jedi2k2,I just cannot trust you that this apology is geniune.


With the porno pics(not even good ones:D) and all that **** and stuff,I just cannot trust you. I even remember when the dark side was gaining within you,it was in my picture thread,you posted alot of weird one and then I think there was flaming and your first ban our of many.


Sorry,but you have done WAY too much to make me believe you.


I thought this might happen. I said in the apology that to show my extent of my apology that I would stop flamming and spamming and I have lived up to that.

The porno pics were not ment to be good. Just something we thought was funny to spam with.


-Jedi2k2 (Jason)

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Oh thank you for living up to your end of the deal. Apparently we are all idiots and can't see how the fact that you stopped flaming and spamming was only beneficial to you by not getting banned again and agan...(and yes to us at an extent of stopping to kill our IQ levels, thank you for that).....other than that we are truly honored by the fact that you stopped being a crap-tastic idiot, one that the mods would have fun with banning until the turn of the millenia, and decided to have a little reason.


Let me ask you something...


Does it hurt to behave like the most (ie, NORMAL) do, or is it just normal for you to go **** with everyone else and post that **** you've been posting for someone who actually gives a damn about what they see?

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Originally posted by FormerJedi2k2


:eek: .Please Die. Your the @sshole that got me hooked on flaming you.

Kal El I must say flamming you is one of the funniest things I have done.


And I still see that the circle of your immense stupidity continues...

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You don't have to trust him, look at him go...same idiotic things he was doing before... this little preview of his now, is just one of the MORE stupider things he has done... I don't even know why he chose to do that... doesn't make him look very smart or reliable to that matter...

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El

You don't have to trust him, look at him go...same idiotic things he was doing before... this little preview of his now, is just one of the MORE stupider things he has done... I don't even know why he chose to do that... doesn't make him look very smart or reliable to that matter...



hrmmmmmm could it be that your just trying to start crap with me again???

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