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Sniping Strategy


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This thread will be for all snipers to discuss sniping strategy. If you dont like snping, then ,um..dont come here...


anyway, the first thing i think eery sniper needs is force seeing. it can work wonders to see people move behind walls. Level 3 seeing is better because you dont know if some dude tries to snipe you when youre sniping..it just may save you....


anyway, most of you know that lv 3 seeing makes you automatically dodge sniper/disruptor shots, even if your back is to them. this is really cool, but it wont protect you all the time. here's are the times ive noticed it didnt work.

1) shots below the waist (unless the person has a saber out to deflect it)

2) when person is switchin weapons

3)when person is middle of attackin. ex: if someone does a backswing , snipe em, they cantt dodge it.

4) in the air. It may be hard at first to hit people in the air but if you do then seeing wont protect them.


Those are the seeing tips, if you see someone using it and dodging all your shots, then now you'll konw when/where to shoot them.


anyways, when it comes to sniping, there are 3 kidns of targets to look for. standing targets, which are the easiest to kill, moving targets, which are a bit more challenging, and jumping targets which i think are the most difficult of all to get. for moving and jumping targets, the trick is to not move your scope around to follow them. instead, anticipate where they are going to go and let them move into your scope. also, i'm not sure if this works for you guys, but for me it seems that when i snipe a bit before they get in the range i fire, and it hits them.

that's all i have for now.

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depends a lot on your ping and fps. with 0 ping and good fps, sniping is easy as pie. simply put your crosshair on them and let go. make sure you're fully charged all the time, and pick some good hiding spots. dark corners tend to be the best. if there's some shields and ammo nearby, even better!

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on ns_streets there is a really good sniping spot that i discovered when i followed another sniper

i don't think many people know about this and i'll try to remember where it is



get to the top level, and there is a little area where you can jump a little higher onto a ledge with a whole bunch of little pillars

navigate through these around a corner, and voila...sniping time and few people ever see you


this doesn't give you a view of the WHOLE map, but it gives you that most common area where there is the square pit and disruptor rifle





the biggest tip i can give is

shoot for where the person will be, not where they are

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Also another time that seeing doesnt work is againsed multiple snipers (I realized this when i went up againsed 4 sniper mercs at once and thought my seeing would save me. :S)

Why it doesnt dodge below the waste is a mystery to me, in SP reborn dodge below the waste, damnit!

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In Bespin Streets, there's a little-known perch that sits just above the three medpacks on the upper level. You can overlook almost half of the courtyard on the side where the Needle-shaped monument is.


This is a good spot to sit and await folks from the other team to come and recharge. I like to sit there and snipe opposite team members as they try to battle my team members over the medpacks... usually they're low on HP and you can get some quick kills.


As an added bonus, it's a difficult spot to retaliate since the only way I've found up there is by jumping from the skylight (over the detpack/shield spawn area of the first floor) then crossing over. You can easily back up and crouch to avoid enemy fire.





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That spot that Twins of Doom refers to is great for sniping with the disruptor or causing havok with fully charged secondary DEMP blasts. What's nice about using the DEMP on the Nar Shadaa map is that it can knock people of ledges :D. However, I don't know if you can consider secondary DEMP blast spamming sniping :p .

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It is much easier to snipe people moving toward you than people moving to the left or right.


A good tip: On maps with doors (That CTF temple one, ect), the doors will open when people get close, so you can have a split second the charge up haftway and aim.


2nd Tip: Stand in a isolated part of a map, like a the edge of a catwalk. Hide an assult sentry neer you, and bait people to come to you. Just snipe away. The sound of the assult sentry will warn you of people coming to you.


3rd tip: Always try to snipe in a possition with lots of health/sheids and snipper ammo around (snipper ammo is Power Cell.). Since the full charge of the snipper takes soo much ammo, it's very useful to have ammo neer by, so you don't have to travel around looking for ammo. Health is nice when people try to snipe you back, and you can grab health automaticly when you get hurt.


4th tip: Snipe a couple of people, then move. I don't know about you, but when I get sniped, I usally try to kill the person that sniped me. So a nice thing is to have 3 hidding places to snipe on a map. Snipe 4 people, then move to the next spot. Snioe 4 people, then move the the next spot. Ect, ect. Not only will this confuse people, but you will rank up more kills because you can move to other spots where people fight.



You know, that was 5 tips, not 4.... :)



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: Snipe a couple of people, then move.


In my army days we used to call this counter-fire when you attacked the firing point of a enemy. I was a Multiple Launch Rocket chief and we used to fire our rockets and abandon the firing point for a new one after each mission.


I never thought that doctrine would come in handy anywhere else LOL!



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Sniping, and then moving to a new place is simply logical as hell.


It's called relocating, and it's the only proper way to snipe, if you want to remain hidden and not get shot at.


Every sniper is trained in this technique, except for police snipers I guess, since they aren't supposed to be fired back at, and definately not by other snipers....


But the army snipers use this technique I reckon.

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I use mind trick at level 3... it allows me not to be seen when i find my spot.. best used in open area like Massassi temple.


But i agree with most the psots above. Also, a secondary sniper weopon is the DEMP secondary fire. no "bullet time" It is esspecially useful for crowds, or when you dont have the greatest lat. also if placed right you can "push" an oponent into a pit :)


Force seeing 3 is great for snipers. it makes thhings a little clearer. You need to figure out your opponents and see if they have saber blocking at 3, or like using guns. Learning how your opponents acts helps greatly.


I find my spot and turn on forceseeing.. once i find a nice juciy target, i zoom in about halfway. enuf for greater accracy, but not too tight where i loose my target.


My favorite time to snipe is when a saberest is doing a special move, DFA, backswing, or lung and is "locked" otherwise it is when they are standing still.


Next is when moving.. it is all about anticipating where they are going to be, and is met with great satisfaction when corectly done.


When tying to get someone in mid jump... try to get them on the fall.


Again, once you fire and if you miss, try to get a second shot quickly.. if not move.


Some of my favorite sniper spots.


Nar Shadda streets. Where the Det packs are on the top, keep heading strith and there is a recess area, belove the walkway there is a slope. Dark place, and hard to be spotted, and allows a great veiw of the most busy area.


MAssassi temple- I used to hate this map until i started sniping. it is difficult to get people in the middel, but on opposit sides of the "vally" is the best. my favorite spots is the very top of the map on top of the "wall"


Dueling factions. there are "ledges" to the left andright where you find the disruptors. I prefer the one on the right, to the elevator side.. since it gives you a better veiw, and if you go around the corner, it is almsot an impossbile palce to get caught.


Garrison 27-D - in the little turret area where the Repeater is. well comcealed and gives you a great veiw.


I allways make sure to ahve a backup with the fleccetee, or Repeater in case i am spotted. The Drone, and sentry gun work well to warn you

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Sniping, and then moving to a new place is simply logical as hell.


Of course, many people aren't as smart as you... :cool:


I was playing on Bespin Streets once, and a guy sniped me on that roof top. So, natually, I went hunting for him. It turned out that he was still on that same spot. Snipping people. I snuck up behind him and set a missle on him... I think he learned his lesson...

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yea, and when you put up your scope dont immediatlycharge it all up, because even if you dont fire it will still waste that 20-some power cells, so dont charge until you see someone you can take.

and dont try to shoot a guy coming at your direction with a lightsaber, they will most likley deflect it. unless you can get a shot at his back, then dont bother.

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Yeah, when I'm sniping and a guy comes at me with a saber, and I don't have any other weapons, I just jump :D


JarJar: Betta die here, then die there!" (or something like that...)


Unless, I have low health.... then I just challenge him to a duel, or just shoot him hopeing that he is at low health too.

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Sniping is definitely something every player needs to learn how to do... Even if only to learn how to defend against it...


But one little rule of thumb... if the carnage settles down and a bunch of players congregate with their sabers down and you start sniping them with full charges, better disconnect quickly because they tend to get a little angry... I was once witness to this happening, infact I was the first person disintegrated when we were just hanging around a duel area playing around with emotes... the sniper became the entire server's new "special friend"... Animaniacs style... imagine having 4 darksides chain choking you because you started sniping them when they were trying to have fun...


Fun over frags, remember that... If you crash a party with anything be it sniping or most sinister of carpet bombing the place with rockets, be ready to defend yourself!


<edited because I accidently left out the rockets part in the last paragraph>

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a tip if you and another snpier both with ddoging ability go off in a "snipe-off":

dont charge the sniper all the way. FI he shoots and misses you, not only will it waste unused powercells but you will have to recharge again. Also, if you shoot him with the sniper, there will be a half second or so after the shot inwhch you are vulnerable. so prolly what to do is shoot him so he dodges it so that it breaks his charging and then immediatly shoot for the leg in a quick shot. and repeat. you will get him soon.

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If you work *together,* snipers can be very effective.... I was recently on a Jedi v Merc server and another player and I were sniping.... I noticed a Jedi attempting to sneak him from the rear and provided cover fire.... this worked out well for both of us.


BTW, I *did* have the opportunity to go "Scope-to-Scope" with another sniper.... I could hear him charging up as I drew the bead.... but I decided to charge less and release a shot. I guess he was low on HP 'cause he died quick!


I LOVE watching another player disolve into nothingness after being Zapped!



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I works very well on team FFA too.


I did it once with my freind and a bunch of people online. He sniped while I used the saber and block incoming pitiful blaster and repeater shots. When he ran out of ammo, I sniped while he used the saber, and blocked shots. Only two people came to challenge us. They teamed up too.... luckly, my friend managed to kill them off, (while sacerficing himself.. :(:D ) he sabered one and pushed one off a ledge, who pulled him off along with him......


Our team didn't win though.. they kind of figured out or plan... and sought to take revenge (in large numbers):confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I kindof use my own sniper strategy. It works too, believe me, I play as a sniper in games like Counterstrike, Day of Defeat (which I am quite well known in), and Soldier of Fortune. The tip is not to aim where you think they will go, because you could mess up your timing, or they could unexpectedly stop or turn. The trick is to follow ON the person with your crosshair, slowly, but speed up, and once the crosshair is in front of them, BANG! Its hard to explain the distances and timing, but the tip is just to practice. Also! When you shoot someone, you have about a minute or two to pick off a few more people. After that, RELOCATE! A good strategy for staying alive is to act in a way that if you die, you're dead. Thats the thinking that keeps you alive. Use your wits.

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i actaully made a very difficult shot the other day. And now i think i am profiant enouhg to hit jumping targets.


i will note, that you cannot dodge, or block sniper shots while in the air :)


Was on top of the big bulding in Bespin... i was sniping stuff below and herd someone jump up on the far side away from me... let the shot go... re-scoped my sniper rifle with no zoom,and charged up


had a saber weild run at me and do a high jump.. probly hoping ot lad on top or behind me. I aimed up up up, waiting for a good aim... POW! he must have had over 100% shild because all i got was shield flicker. i then switched to my repeater and lauched to grenades and blew him away.


then moved from that spot and set up for another

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Time for the old timer to share his wisdom.


I come from a Team Fortress background, and have managed to see that most of the tact I picked up in that game still applies here. First off, a few rules of thumb:


-Make sure you have the surprise element on YOUR side: That means keep off any force powers that will give a sense as to where you are. This especially goes for Protect, Absorb, Sight, etc. Using Mind Trick is asking for people to flip on sight, and if they see you... spot ruined.


-Make the first shot count: Motto of the true sniper, stated no simpler. In a snipe off, the quicker sniper with the most accurate aim has the game. You only have one shot, meaning one chance. You would be damn lucky to have a second.


-Move spots... move alot: Sure, you might be racking up frags in one corner of the map, but what if someone catches on? Always have other points in the map to fall back on and take advantage. Also, do not try to follow a distinct pattern on where to go. They might guess it sooner or later.


-If you think you have been discovered, get the hell out of there: If you have even the slightest hunch that someone picked up on your rifle charge, or starts saber throwing up there, the best thing to do is run. Don't try to chance it.


-Anticipation: It is practically a masterful artform of the sniper. You don't put your crosshair on a person or follow him with it unless you have 0 ping. Just because the rifle has an instant fire effect does not mean you auto kill the idiot. That instant fire is in fact a disadvantage in disguise. What do you do, then? Lead the target to where you want him, then peg him.


-Use your environment: If you are in NS streets, use the shadowtrooper model, for example. Learn to act like a chameleon so you can watch idiots run right by you while you zoom in on them.


I'll try to submit more later.

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