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WIP: Kit Fisto


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Alrighty, some Nautolan goodness, Arco's brilliant skin :D The only thing it lacks is the Shader which kept crashing my computer for some wierd reason (no brush available or something like that)







I have to fix the shoulders as well as work on the tenticles, they dont move quite how I'd like them to move




Powered by Sith :lightning

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wow, toonces! he's looking pretty good! the texture on his tabards (?) where they come together at his waist near his belt look a little funny, though. and his eyes ... they're cool but they're really freaking me out. :eek:


what's the shader thing you're talking about? and what is it needed for?


i really dig the "break dancing" you got going on in the last pic ... heheh.


a little off-topic question, but what's up with the HUD? :confused:


btw, your avatar says it all. HOOWAH!

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Hmmm. Pretty nice model. The colors are a bit off however.

His pant color is a darker different tint of brown. The same for the inner tunic.








edit: Also the clothing looks a bit too ruffled and wrinkled.


I like that avatar Toonces.

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Thanks, I made it up real fast, just for fun, here is a larger copy




It doesnt come off as wrinkled in game, perhaps the screenies make it look a little strange, as for the pant color, I think it looks great, it's up to Arco though.


The dead on front shot of his head looks a bit strange because of the light source in that pic, I should have picked an area that wasnt directly under 5 lamps to take that shot :)


edit: Eyes? Those black things sticking out of his head look like eyes to me, what do you mean?


Oh, and the hud is from promod :D




Powered by Sith :lightning

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Toonces...always the crowd pleaser ;.;


To quote the now popular Pre-Tights superman series..."You can't please(or save) everyone" Hehe. Basically, do what you can. If it comes to be too big of a problem, try not to worry about it so much. However...I'm not saying skim through it, of course...lol.

Tercero didn't get a kickass model without worrying about little details. Anyway...I'm rambling again...so I'll go. Seeya.

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heh, I try to be Tnuc, gotta make the community happy :D


I may put them back in front inbredyokel, I took them out because I re-did all of the tenticles, I may just mirror the ones in the back and stick them up front. My favorate cap of him from AotC had all his tenticles behind him so that's why they are that way now, I may change it up though :)


Oh, got the shader working, for some reason the engine doesnt like specular maps in .tga format, so I just saved it as a jpg and altered the shader to compensate






Powered by Sith :lightning

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Heh, before I looked at the pics, I was starting to question myself... "Does he really have pupils in his eyes and I never realized it?!?"

Heh, don't feel bad Mest. Even the Jedi Council make mistakes.


Awesome job guys!

The model is looking great Toonces. Looks like your in that tweak mode now, and that only means it's going to get better :D

Arco, every time you do some skin work, I'm compelled to say that you are my favorite skin artist in the community. From now on I shall call you Principal Skinner. ;) well, actually that doesn't seem like much of a complementory title after all, does it... how about "Arco"?

Great job and thank you SO MUCH for working on this Jedi!

Hooray more Jedi!!




May the force be with you

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His mouth is looking too human at the moment. In the film his lips are the same color as the rest of his face and the details around his mouth are not so destinct. Aside from that its coming along very nicely. ;)


p.s Arco, do you like that kind of mouth or something? it seems like its the same type as the one you used on the Bounty Hunter skin...

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I love the Kit Fisto model, Toonces!! Please consider releasing it soon!


Now, to completely counteract my wish, here are just a couple of nit-picks for you.


1) Mest was right... Kit Fisto has eyes in the black region surrounding... his eyes. Proof in the image...




2) In just about every image I can find, Kit has a few tentacles hanging down in front. I think this would make the model much more interesting from the front view. The tentacles look great from the back view though!


Other than that, it looks excellent! I can't wait for the release!!

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whoop nearly there. I have changed the hues everywhere and may well still change more.






On it being too wrinkly... it's a trick with skinning everyone should know. Try to skin the model so that it is kinda moving... so therefore more wrinkles. Cos then when it does move in game, which is what it will be doing 90% of the time, it will look much more realistic. Yep Another hot tip!



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Kit's lookin great! I agree on the tentacles hanging over his shoulders in front, it would be a bit more Kit Fisto to me if he had those :) They could easily be removeable surfaces, however, so those that like it that way can use it, and those that like them hanging all back can do it that way :)

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it won't be done for a bit yet. Grafox is making a skin and I have a few more to do as well.... ahahahahaha! Nah I will be finished like today. So we are just waiting on grafox and toonces... come slow coaches...vrooom!



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