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Full Throttle bandana - are you familiar with it?


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I recently purchased a Full Throttle bandana on eBay, it is claimed to be found in the early versions of the game.

Since I don't have the "early version" box, nor the "not-so-early version" box, I wanted to ask you guys, what do you think - was it really included with the game? Was it in the limited edition box? What the hell it is? Does anyone else has it?


(I would have put a picture of it, but it's said that I may not post attachments)

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Well, first of all, I never doubted its authenticity - it looks too "official" to think that it's fake. Besides, who'd try to make a phony bandana? No one would have made profit out of it.


Second, it's really nice looking, but I still can't post attachments to forums, so if anyone's interested, I can email it to him...

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SIX DOLLARS?? How did I miss this?? In my box, it says under contents:

"The Game etc,


Guess this was the fun stuff. Never seen one before, or heard of one, but it looks real.

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It was in the Full Throttle box when you bought it directly at Lucas Arts website.


I have such a box and it has a sticker stating that it contains the bandana (got it on ebay some time ago).


It's also stated in one of "The Adventurer" that the version you buy at Lucas directly will come either with a rubber keychain (MAC version) or bandana (PC version).

Same goes with Sam & Max (pins).

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They always give away the really cool stuff on the website. I don't have any of it, living in the UK. I'm gonna get Full Throttle II from there though, and send it to my Grans sister who lives in New jersey. She's coming over on Spetember the 3rd, and she's bringing me the 20th anniversary mug.

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