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Lexx's Heroes is no more!


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I have deleted Lexx's heroes once and for all. Some people think I created the list for attention. Some people think it is toooo demanding. Some people get jealous when they can't get on the list so to all those people...go **** yourself. The heroes are no more! Happy now? I'm sick of all the s**t is it causing.


I started the list as a sort of honour list of my friends that I had made in these forums and before I knew it, everyone wanted to get on it and it turned into something entirely different, which isn't my fault. It has grown too big and too out of control.


I know some of you are dedicated heroes, and to you I say sorry, but this is the way it has to be!

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Originally posted by Tyrion

Uh Lexx..even with all my posts..I thought it was ok.


I had fun trying to destroy your Lexx heroes. I didnt hate it though. It was just for fun..please make a new heroes.




exactly, we didnt mean to make you all mad, we were just trying to stir up some trouble. it was getting boring here

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This is partly my fault guys.... My joke should never have been uttered at all....


Lexx, please understand my joke for what it was.


And sorry about leaving our conversation lexx, it's just that it was about to heat up, and I don't want to be a part of bad communication. For once, I didn't want to be there when the flames started falling.


Once again, I'm sorry for even bringing the topic on, if I didn't, this might never have happened.

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Don't worry Lexx...I'm with Greedo...it's just those select few who have to ruin it for everyone else...we know you meant no harm by it...you don't need to apologise because it wasn't your fault:(


I hope all you who got Lexx to do this are really happy now:mad:Be proud of yourselves for offending others who mean no harm...how grown up of you:mad:

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Originally posted by Darklighter

Don't worry Lexx...I'm with Greedo...it's just those select few who have to ruin it for everyone else...we know you meant no harm by it...you don't need to apologise because it wasn't your fault:(


I hope all you who got Lexx to do this are really happy now:mad:Be proud of yourselves for offending others who mean no harm...how grown up of you:mad:


I know I was purely to blame...but I have apologiesed. I didnt mean to harm her...I was only trying to get some excitement here (like with the Sammy)






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Originally posted by Tyrion

Uh Lexx..even with all my posts..I thought it was ok.


I had fun trying to destroy your Lexx heroes. I didnt hate it though. It was just for fun..please make a new heroes.




You know Tyrion, as much as you might think you are apologising, this attitude really isn't helping at all...even after you ruin it you admit that you 'had fun'...I don't see that as a sincere apology.

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no, it's mainly CLEMS fault. he seems to think i'm some sort of pathetic attention seeking little female. if i'm nice to people and they are nice back, how the **** is that attention seeking!!! :mad:


you think it's easy being the only female who posts regulary in these forums? well it aint...walk a day in my shoes.

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Lexx's heroes? Is that like Hogan's Heroes without Colonel Klink? :confused:


j/k :p


Speaking as someone who has been mainly observing the swamp for some time (I come from GeeBee.Com :D) and not on the highly coveted "list", I thought it was still harmless and all in good nature. I thought it brought a much needed air of comradery to the jkii.net forums.


It seems, Lexx, your number one, most outspoken opposition (Tyrion, Exterminator234) were merely role-playing for a bigger "fun-factor" and meant no ill. Perhaps you were too hasty in removing your Heroe's list. After all, no one can tell you who you can or cant have as "heroes".


Just my $.02

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Originally posted by Darklighter


You know Tyrion, as much as you might think you are apologising, this attitude really isn't helping at all...even after you ruin it you admit that you 'had fun'...I don't see that as a sincere apology.




Well....I dont want to say anything for fear of using my 11-year old mentality.

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Originally posted by lexx

you think it's easy being the only female who posts regulary in these forums? well it aint...walk a day in my shoes.


I don't know what its like, but I know it can't be easy, especially with all these idiotic members taking advantage of it for their own amusement...it shouldn't matter what age, gender, whatever you are...it doesn't matter to me...I don't see what everyone's problem is:(

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i see what u must have to do lexx for i am still here for ya if u ever need that honor protected u know were to look even though u may not have the list any more we are still here for ya


and why do u people have to ruine fun for every one!!!!!:mad: :mad:


*runs off and cries*

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