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Hey, We Just Broke 100,000 (Reminisce Thread)

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe


Yeah, that thread was definitely one of the forum's best. We came pretty close to unraveling the mystery surrounding the female sex and psyche! ;)

I say we should revive this thread now that we have STTCT to give some genuine female insight to the patients! :)
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Originally posted by Clefo

Ahh great memories, I can control them with medication


hehe!! Wait, you're kidding, right? Please tell me that was a joke....I mean the medication is believeable, but you're not really trying to supress the memories, are you?




I remember registering and wondering if this place was going to fun to go to...


answer: YES! I check in here about once every hour when surfing the web or otherwise working on my computer. :D

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Originally posted by Silenthunter

Remember TheJackal? Luke Skywalker? And of course, Tirion. I still remember when Clefo changed his and avatar and Fergie thought he was a she. :D Remember the big NRA thread? Flame-oh-Mania! And of course, Viper's many reincarnations. Until Leon threatened to take it to court.


Tirion *mumble, mumble*


Anyways, yeah, the first month or two or three of the forum were the greatest. you could litterally stay on all night posting new stuff. Practically everyone was on all the time. And that was back when Leo actually came here often. Good times, good times. :D


Viper, that guy had issues, but i found it funny when Leo got POed. The scary part was that he may actually have been serious. :eek:


Hey, and what ever happened to the anniversary award thing? If we don't have it for that then we should have it for this.



Cheers! Here's to the best forum on the face of the earth. Hopefully we'll still be here for 200,000.

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe


Actually I just re-read the thread and STTCT was already there and posted in that thread. Remember her original Screen name, SurfnShannon? ;)

*slaps forehead*


Oh well it would still be funny to see the updated situation of the patients, after all that time! I'll try to dig it up.

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i wasn't around back then, at the 50,000 mark. too bad.:( oh well! i've had fun for the time i've been here. i remember artoo pestering me all the time b4 i joined the board. at school, on the phone, everywhere, telling me to get on and check out the forum. hewas persistent enough, obviously.:D it's been great, guys(and girls):thumbsup:

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Originally posted by Clefo

Ahh great memories, I can control them with medication




Besides the months when GB came out, when I was majorly distracted with other stuff [or I would have GB :p], I've been constantly lurking in this forum...and I must say it's been rather amusing. ;)


I remember this forum's first day, when I registered after about twenty minutes of being nagged by R15. Those early days were confusing. And funny. :D

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Originally posted by Redwing




Besides the months when GB came out, when I was majorly distracted with other stuff [or I would have GB :p], I've been constantly lurking in this forum...and I must say it's been rather amusing. ;)


Lurking...and that coming from a guy with almost 10000 posts. ;)

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