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I made a million dollars!


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Well....TECHNICALLY once you got the park up and running ( 3-7 years depending on how good you are) really it's just a matter of waiting...and maintaining the seating/trash bins if you have much vandalism. O and btw I've never done it....mostly because of lack of patience :D

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I know I was always one for SOME scenery...usually around rides that need more excitement....or if I have access to the Snowball Throwers or the Water thingys that you can build along paths...




One neat thing I learned that makes your paths look cool is to use your normal Asphault Paths then UNDER them adding the Rocky looking Terrain...really you can do it with ANY path but they look really cool with the normal paths.

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I could only understand about 3 things in that last post, two of which were part 2 and stupid. Please try agaiun and explain in some detail why you think it's stupid.


I can't wait for part 2 myself!! I had so much fun with the orginial and it's expansions. I never made it to 1 million cause I was too busy focusing on Coasters. Also I was too busy focused on squeezing every dollar out of guests who came to the park. They pay to get in, they pay to ride rides, they pat for food drink and souveniers, then they pay to use the restrooms, then they are at the exit and they leave totally out of money, and totally happy. I'm so evil. :rolleyes:

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ur evil...I drown them and crash their coasters. Muuuhahaha. I also like to trap them and not let them go to the bathroom, then I add one there and charge a crap load and believe me you..they pay. I can't wait for 2 either. October baby!

Ne one played zoo tycoon?

Mall tycoon sucks @ss.

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Hmm, i always used to have all the rides free but make them pay a little more to get in. And of course they pay for food and such. It may not have been the best way to make money, but the guests were happier and more people came so it works.

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Well if the rides are totally kick@ss then they'll be happy no matter how much they pay. :D


I own Zoo Tycoon, but I just don't want to sit down and play it, it's not really engaging for me, though if I actually had the time to get into it and figure it out I'm pretty sure it would be great.


Also when there's nothing left to do I go around and drown ANY guests who are unhappy, because it raises the average park happiness rating. That's why all my guests are so happy. :D

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i love roler coaster tycoon! i never actually owned it, but i did borrow it from artoo and other freinds. i had fun making up the wildest, most nuasiating rollercoaster i could think of, but making it so that people would go on it. i came up w/ The Midnight Crow. over a mile of twists, turns, and loops, and then at the end you do it all over again backwards. needless to say, i always had 2 or 3 maintanence men stationed around the exit. :D

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YD!!!!! Why must you post all of MY good ideas. ;) I'm all for it, all we need is some dude to host it......but WHERE to host it....a good site would be nice....make that good and cheap.


Hmmmmmmmmm Another Pointless RCT fan site...let's make it private though...strictly for peoples on LF...with a month of posting at least 100 posts and they have to be at least 10% good. ;)


Requires a PW to access and uh give me a night and I'll come up with every detail you could think of...except for a server we could afford that would let us do it all...

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