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I'm MAD!!!!!!$&*($&^$(*


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The main purpose here is to have responsible fun, folks.

You'll find that once you stop focussing on your post-count and start delving into the riches of the forums' contents, you can respond to numerous topics that interest you and you might have something to say about.

In recent months there has been an increase in semi-spam 'game' threads, but they have increased the fun here by the bucketloads.. (is that even a right expression ?m) :D

Anyway, my point is: don't fret. Enjoy the boards. The grass is always greener in the other forum.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

*looks for the, "Ban All Users With Older Accounts Than Me" button*





It's gotta be in here somewhere.... :D

Well thank God you are 18 and I am but 16!






And RN, I know, but you are a supermod, you don't count.:p



And no, not the movie.



awwww but the movie was good too. :D

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

The grass is always greener in the other forum.


Not here man, we're the opposite, remember? We don't talk about how great the other boards are, we talk about how bad the other boards are. Case and point: this thread. I guess you could say that the grass is always....browner...on the other forum. ;)


BTW, Rhett, its "than I!" Thats like grammar 101 man! :D

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Originally posted by Redwing

Wow, that was random :p


I never understood how having a higher post count or an older registration date makes you superior to someone else.


Thats coming from a guy with 10000 posts. :rolleyes:


You seriously don't believe that since you've been here longer and have more posts than someone else you are a more...prominant member on these boards than someone who signed up yesterday and has 1 post? I certainly think you are. Posts don't matter as much, but experience sorta doesdoes. Like in sports, veterans are more valuable to a team, normally, than rookies. Posts, also, are a measure of how much time you spend here in most cases. Of course, some people spam to get their posts higher, but thats different altogether. And of course, this doens't work in everyones case, ala the JKII spammers, but it generally is a good indication IMO.


It doesn't make you a superior person, just indicates superior committment and experience. I hate to use the word superior, though. That makes it seem like such a negative thing.

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

Committment? Try too much free time.




You say tomato, i say tomato.


Seriously, though, I could use my free time (what little i now have) any way i want, but i choose to spend at least some of it, often times alot of it, here, thats committment, and of course it is fun too.

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I have been gone (nobody missed me) and this thread has grown.




u guys are men so of course you would say


"its not the post count size that matters...its how you post"


uh huh


All I was sayin is that here is an example of how much FRIGGIN SPAM is going on there. Let me go look and give you some examples...(just a randam check of the Post Titles) Made at 2:33 am on the 4th...here I go...


1. the "WTF" thread

Find out why peeps dis newbies

Fav piece of spam comment "cause they are newbs."

2. The "Whoa just realised something thread

Did you know that? The acronym IMHO could be misinterpreted to I AM HO.


Fav piece of spam "okay then..."


Alright that's all I want to post right now.

My theory on this whole "its not the count that matters...its what you post is..."


So you think that "DARTH NEWBIE" who registered in July of 2002 can have 1,230 contributing posts? Or is it a Little EXCESISIVE! There is no way that even 100 of those could be even worth reading. No way.


So...go ahead...defend them as you must. But I think that that forum is WAY tooo overflowed with ssssssspppppaaaam.

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

I concur with STTCT. She makes very valid points. At least those that she refers to aren't here.




You may concur, But I do not.


STTCT is picking on the swamp, eh?



well, nothing personal, but there is a "you forgot my birthday" thread here.....



so, don't think one forum is better then the other......


And also do not think all the swampers are newbs trying to get post count up, either. I am a vivid Swamper, ya know....



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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Not all of them are n00bs... but...... :p



That's a happy birthday thread and i'd take a Happy Birthday thread over a thread like "The acronym IMHO" thread anyday. :D



Actually, that's just a "happy birthday" thread in camoflauge..



well, now that I have made a complete jack-ass outta myself, I'll go climb back under my little rock. :(

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Originally posted by Eets

Actually, that's just a "happy birthday" thread in camoflauge..


Yeah, happy birthday threads are acceptable, they make people feel good about themselves. :D



Besides, you know we don't mean everyone, just most. ;)


And of course we aren't without our own problems, but most of them are in the past ,i think....for now....

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Well, people come and go, and some register and not post AT ALL!


Can you believe that?






MANY, and I mean MANY people dont know that they are supposed to check their e-mail in order to validate their account.


many give goofy e-mails and many are too lazy to read instructions, and many are just PLAIN DUMB.


[/end rant]


phewy :D

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I'm not saying that all of our threads are not spam-like. I mean that happens to the best of threads! Games are fun. I mean we had our TRIVIA TRIVIA days - but they got cut down right? We were moderated.


I think that's my point....if you post something here...like a WTF thread and then post something silly - senseless - and retarded. Ur thread is going to get thrown away. Where is the moderation on that forum? I like some of the topics on the swamp. I even posted in the Spoon Story thread. Its all good. But I HATE reading having to scroll down through the senseless crap and sift through all the threads to pick out the meaningful (or at least somewhat) on topic posts!


I know rant rant ;)


I just get frustrated with that forum! Some of the peeps are kewl dont get me wrong. But others... :disaprove:

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