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Osama is dead!!!!!!!!


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i will never believe he's dead until i see he's dead cold lifeless body laying out in the sand somewhere where vultures picking off of it...


okay sorry for the gorry image.


he's probably chillin with saddam in some cave somewhere.


how's life as a gopher osama? must be a 'ella a way to live.


okay - i'm sorry i'm getting carried away. But people like him really piss me off.

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um, if I remember correctly, the Taliban banned tv and anything remotely entertaining or that gave glimpses into the outside world and how things should really be. I doubt an organization such as that and Al Queda would have a website and if it did, it wouldn't report news of high ranking people's death...the news you heard was probably false.

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I have heard the same news. It was released on the 9th of this month from an internet source that the US has used to recieve information from that area. According to the site, Bin Laden was killed on a bombing in December, 12th if I am not mistaken.


The reporting has not been confirmed however, so this could be a false statement. There is reports of a video, that has not been released in the US also, that is suppose to contain information as well.


Is it true? I will just wait until I get a confirmation.

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I'm sure he's dead. If the bombs didn't get him the disease did. He's diabetic, so he has to use a machine get insulin. When he went into hiding he most likely ran out of insulin or his machine ran out of power and died.


I seriously doubt he's alive, but you never know.

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Originally posted by Admiral

Until you have absolute confirmation, you cannot assume he is dead.


If you do, then why search for him, and if you don't keep up the pressure and he is alive, he now can move, and do things more atively.


Alive or dead, assume he is alive until it is confirmed beyond a doubt that he is dead.



So we should just assume that all the missing people from 9/11 that were never confirmed as dead are still alive?

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

So we should just assume that all the missing people from 9/11 that were never confirmed as dead are still alive?


Well...actually that a bit of a different situation. They didn't have time to go and hole up in another country and didn't have a large organization of trained nuts to help them either.

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Originally posted by darthfergie


Well...actually that a bit of a different situation. They didn't have time to go and hole up in another country and didn't have a large organization of trained nuts to help them either.



I was just following his logic, ferg. He says we can't assume Osama is dead because he haven't found and/or identified his body. Well, there are plenty of people that died on 9/11 but whose bodies haven't been found and/or identified but we assume they are dead.


Besides, it doesn't have to be 9/11 anyways. If we bomb an airbase to we check to make sure all the pilots died? no, we just assume that most of them did, and thats perfectly safe.


The chances are that we will never find or identify Osama unless we get very lucky in a raid or something. All we can do is assume he is dead, and thats the best we can do. If we don't, we could assume he is a live for 100 years. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't be alert for terrorists, just that we shouldn't be chasing Osama around trying to find him.


Assuming someone is alive is just that, an assumption, no different than assuming he is alive, so whats the difference. There is just as large a chance that he is dead as there is he's alive, so whats the problem? Osama himself hasn't harmed a fly, and he didn't even mastermind anything I don't think. He just had some money, and if he's dead the chances are they have the money anyways. Osama isn't particurally dangerous, his organization is.

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the real thing is, we can't assume either, alive or dead, until we find him or his remains. That dictates that we must keep searching until we do. Even if he's been buried somewhere we will never find, we must keep searching until he is ruled logically dead (as in, we've been searching for 50 years, he was 40 something bf the attack, he'd be 90 something and still in the caves...not likely alive).

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Tie Guy, like others said the situation is different. Osama is an enemy, so believing that he is dead could be a very bad idea.


I don't believe that Osama should be the main, target. However many people do think he is the primary target. This poses a problem, if people believe he is dead then we have victory, and why continue. This is why we must assume he is alive until proven otherwise.


After a certain amount of time has passed it would be safe to say that he is dead, but until then I think it would be safer to believe he is alive.


Now as far as the missing from 9/11, it is wise to believe they are dead, even if nobody was found. If for some miracle they were not, then no harm is done. The same cannot be said about Osama.

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I honestly don't think very many people care about Osama anymore. They haven't forgotten what he financed, but i think everyone is too busy hating Saddam to think about Osama.


He's not really a threat anymore anyways. So as long as he's in hiding he is worthless to everyone. And if he ever comes out we'll catch him. So whats the point of searching for him?

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While people are looking towards Saddam at the moment, if the military says Osama is dead, then it is possible, that they may feel the war on terrorism is over. Which would be very bad.


Reasons to keep searching for him.

1. We really don't have to activly search for him, just say we are. In that way people believe the war is still going on. Keep an eye out for him, but mainly hunt down others.


2.Keeping the pressure on him keeps him in hiding


3.In the search we may uncover other Al-Queda members.

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