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school is teh suck

Darth Homer

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

I'm posting from work...ten feet from my boss. I'm



So it seems we live a parallel life... but not. :confused:


Man, I'm in a wierd mood today! :nut:


At least you're getting paid for what you do. I'm doing this so that I can get out there and get a paying job and post on forums ten feet from my boss. :)

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Now I know what Soldiers call fatigue. I'm getting 5-6 hours a night of sleep...sometimes less. So throughout the day my body is dragging and my eyes arn't liking light. I serously went to sleep while playing a calaculator game...when I woke up I found out I had set a new high score. I'm just happy I have a "naptime" class. Advanced journalism (i.e.-Yearbook staff). We have done next to nothing in there except homework and sleep. I hate it when your doing something really important and your eyes don't think it's all that important so you get yelled at by the teacher. I'm so sleepy that I'm hoping I won't wake up till the crack of noon tomorrow...fat chance. :o

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my sculz preti ez this year, so i can sleep through a lot of my classes. my spanish class is hilarious, but not so much i can't take a nap in it. i have to get to school at 7:15 every morning for jazz band (although i did chose to take it), and my band teachers a slave driver. ask artoo for details. and my english teacher hates me. i get points taken off almost everyday for talking/ "dissrupting class"( :rolleyes: ), and she actually called my parents! the other classes sit around and talk a/b the books we had to read, we right papers on them! she also lost the papers of a girl in my class who just so happened to be in my group where we had to use those papers. plus, it's sssoooooooooooooooooooooooo boring. i need heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!!!!

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Originally posted by WolfmanNCSU


Yeah, I took something simular to this in HS, only it was called "Computer Applications" or something like that. A true snoozer, but I could use the nap in the middle of the day.


Hey, I needed that class two years ago. Of course, I didn't know how to use a computer then, either :D

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Originally posted by WolfmanNCSU

Yeah, I took something simular to this in HS, only it was called "Computer Applications" or something like that. A true snoozer, but I could use the nap in the middle of the day.


my HS sleeper was a class titled "MULTIMEDIA"....which consisted of powerpoint...........that's it, just powerpoint......we had assignments to do everyday...mine were done in 15 minutes and the rest of the time was used playing solitare (they had "taken it off our systems", but I found it by searching for "sol.exe" :rolleyes: ) or being forced into helping the idiots around me who couldn't figure it out.

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hey, I had one like that too, Clefo....except it was "Internet Search" All we had to do to get an A was to surf the web and not go to porn or games (we managed to get around the no games, but never tried the porn). Occasionaly, our teacher would give us a specific thing to search for, but it was the easiest A I ever got...andit was in my Senior year of HS, too :D

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