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Whats your Metal Gear Solid Codename?


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I'm sure a lot of you have played MGS


But havent you wished you could have a super cool animal based code name like all those cool characters!


Well now you can!


with the Metal Gear Solid Name Generator !:)


you know the drill. get your name post it in here:)


to kick things off:


When i am on top secret terrorist plan scuppering missions i am known as:.....

Katana Cobra:)




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I'm on operation first post and i'm known as.......






















































































































































































































































































Iron Dung-Beetle :)

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Originally posted by Darth-Nasty


err no


the first part is your special ability or what you are skilled at


you are skilled with a mace


you wont be blowing stuff up with that:)






hmmm? since i wont be blowing anything up then im ready to bash someones face in:D

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

BTW Nasty, Hows come your the only person on here that gets to have a pic in your sig?


its cos its not really a sig


its actually a part of the message


your arnt allowed a picture in your sig but you are allowed as many pictures in your message as you want


a sig is just something added at the bottom of your message


so i just paste my sig into my message myself.




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