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The First Annual Swamp Party


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.....after his quick t2 scene, he decited to come back to the party, in arnie style......



walks in with two heavy guns


"who are you" darth nasty asks

"i'm the party pooper" says kstar__2 with a arnie voice

*starts shooting*

*doesn't hit anything becouse he is drunk*


aw s h i t!




(lo, a penistail i alowed, but a c o c ktail not, what about a dicktail?)


//edit dicktail is alowed!

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*darth nasty points a gun at dath maximus face*


Ok you are getting a bit violent mr


trust me, you do not want to start a fight here. There will be tears and they wont be mine


any more of these violent actions and ill have to shoot you:)

(or maybe ill just get the monkey butlers to rough you up a bit)




Make any wrong move, even twitch, and everyone around the car dies. starting with you.

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