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WIP : Duel of the Fates MP, Version 2


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For those who havent been following the other thread asking about it, I am announcing here, officially, the beginnings of Version 2 of this popular map by LivingDeadJedi.


Not much has been done yet, but I have a few things that will be done to try and assist this map be even better than it is now.


1. Get ready to cheer. The Lady Luck is going to be removed. In it's place will be at least a pair of N-1 fighters. More, if the Framerate can support them.


2. As discussed in the other thread, I plan to scale down the rooms a little in the vertical plane. Lets face it, the hanger in the movie wasn't NEARLY as tall as LDJ's map. Same will happen in the Reactor Beam room.


3. Rooms to add : Hallway (as seen in EP1, with Amidala and company's running gunfight...) and the council room at the end (where she turned the tables on the Nemoidians).


4. Increase the normal FPS in the map. Cause, let's face it, it needs it. :)



Any other suggestions for changes to be made should be posted here. Screenies are going to be a long time coming, guys... I may not have ANY until it's nearly finished and I'm doing the finishing touches. It's just the way I map... especially for this kind of map. BUT, if I have'em, I'll let you all know.


Thanks to LDJ for his map file and permission - and hopefully, for his further input! (LDJ, if you have the MSN Messenger, get in contact with me there so we can talk easier)

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SImple. I'll ignore it. :)


Seriously, there isnt any reason to make it a seperate level. The point is to make it recognizable AS that location. Do you honestly think the reacotr room was as close to the hanger as this map depicts? Somehow, I dont think that's too likely.

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Well, ,I just figured out a way to get everyone screenies as I go.


Normally, I'd just mke it all os a single map from start to finish.


However (and I hope I understand how this works right...), ,this time, I'm going to do each area as a seperate map. Basically, I'll treat each one as a prefab and then piece them together.


Obviously, I cant have some of the items working (lest I accidently use identical numbers for some thing) but at least we can see how they'll look in game!


I scrathed the pit room that I HAD been working on and decided instead to work on the room just behind the hanger - the one Maul makes his oh-so-dramatic entrance from.


After messing with the scale a little, I think I've found the right height for the Hanger/Back room. I'm using a relative height of three stories. (assuming Kyle is 6 ft tall. He takes up 56 units tall, so doing the math, 10 feet is roughly 96 units, for three floors, plus a 16 unit buffer between floors for electrical and ventilation runs).


I think it'll look OK, but we'll see in game. :)

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about kyle's height, he's 1.8m.


anyway, are you going to take out some of the energy beams in the reactor? because there were less in the movie... and maybe you could simplify the energy shader. also, are the n-1's going to be in their little spots, where some of the weapons are now? i also have a suggestion for eyecandy, maybe you could edit the hanger door so it would be open. you could use a screenshot from the movie to get the right look for the skybox out the hanger door. :D

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Ok, in order....


Hanger Doors : Forgot to mention these, they'll be able to open. And, if you aren't careful, you MAY be able to find out what the jungle looks like at high velocity. :)


Custom Skybox : I'll need help here. I know NOTHING about making shaders. If anyone wants to volunteer to tackle this, let me know.


The N-1s : At least one or two will be in thier niches, but I plan to leave most of them empty to accomodate the weapons already placed there. I may put one or two on maintainace cradles in the middle of the hanger (where the Lady Luck used to be) but I havent decided that yet.


Energy Beams : Unless I see some reason to take them out, I dont plan to. I dont have a plan drawing (from a book or anything) of how many there were, nor what thier arrangement was, so I plan on using LDJ's numbers and arrangement.


Finally... I dont know metric (I'm a US type of person...) so 1.8m doesnt really mean anything to me. So, I'll just go with my numbers. I've already implemented them anyway. :)


Thanks for the input. I like the custom skybox idea...

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Originally posted by Shadriss

Energy Beams : Unless I see some reason to take them out, I dont plan to. I dont have a plan drawing (from a book or anything) of how many there were, nor what thier arrangement was, so I plan on using LDJ's numbers and arrangement.

i mentioned the energy beams because that's what causes a great deal of the slow fps. i would take some shots of the hanger scene if my dvd-rom was in service. :/

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Actually, poking around the original map file, i found an even bigger reason why the FPS was so bad.


Almost nothing OUTSIDE the visible map was caulked. It was drawing a TON of extra textures that it didn't need to.


I'll see if that helps out the map, and I imagine it will REALLY assist the FPS. If not, well, then, We'll see about those beams...

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Thanks for those - not working on those portions yet, but thanks. If you know about a "saber shader" I could use for the beams, that would be GREAT. And, if there is a shot of the N-1 Cradle/docking mechanism, that would be SUPERB. Those ones there dont show it. :(

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Originally posted by keo718

I noticed you said the pic is brighter than it is ingame. However, the colors look a bit off, when compared to the actual hanger. Livingdead's lighting looked better honestly. Or maybe its just the pic.

could be a quick compile of sorts.

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Ok, and BACK to the lighting issue. :)


It looks MUCH brighter in those screenies than it actually is in game. The lighting LDJ used was primarily provided by means of literally HUNDREDS of light entities (no wonder he had a seven hour compile on this...) I'm trying to avoid that by setting a fairly dim ambient light level in the worldspawn entity, then using spotlights and light-emitting shaders as accent lighting.


In game, that area is actually only moderatly bright (the ambient light level is set to 50).


As to the colors looking off as compared to LDJs map, well... that's kinda hard for it to happen, sincece I'm using HIS set of textures from that map. :)


Now, over to a couple other issues.


The Skybox - I WANT a Naboo skybox. Problem is, I cant do any image manipulation myself, since I'm limited to Windows Paint, and second, I dont have any clue how to make/create shaders and shader scripts. ANyone who wants to volunteer to do so can make it - If I dont get one, I plan to use the Yavin set. I know theres a big red planet in it, but it's the closest we can come. :)


The Energy Beams : If someone can come up with a better shader to use for the beam cores, then by all means DO it and send me the results. My email address can be found on that web page I referanced earlier. Ditto for the beam casing. Again, if I cant get anything better, I'll go with what was previously used.


Thanks for the feedback and support already on this one, guys. Together we'll make a excellent map even better!

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Originally posted by Shadriss

The Skybox - I WANT a Naboo skybox. Problem is, I cant do any image manipulation myself, since I'm limited to Windows Paint, and second, I dont have any clue how to make/create shaders and shader scripts. ANyone who wants to volunteer to do so can make it - If I dont get one, I plan to use the Yavin set. I know theres a big red planet in it, but it's the closest we can come. :)

if somebody tells me the dimentions needed for one section of the skybox, i could crop that one side... is that the only part of the skybox that would be seen?

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I guess that depends. Sincec the hallway I'm adding has many windows, I'd guess we'd see out from there as well. And if we have the hanger doors open, well, ,theres a HUGE cliff just outside those doors - so we'd need to be able to see the ground as we're falling toward it at increasing velocities...


Ok, I've started the hanger itself. I've come across two things that may be a little different from the original.


First are the catwalks. Obviously, they'll be lower (as the cieling is) but they will also be a bit more visable at the hallway end of it (opposite the hanger doors). Although that tunnel near the roof was pretty cool, because of the size shift, it isn't really practical, and doesnt make much sence. Instead of the single entrance from the back hallway, I've made two, and either one can access all three catwalks.


The other thing that may be a problem is this. I laid out the north wall (the once connecting to the back hall) with all it's little parts and pieces and such. I'm not sure, but I think it MAY be a tad bit wider that the original. ALthough that COULD just be a trick of the eye, since the cieling isn't as high. I dont expect that it WILL be a problem, sincee a wide hanger give lots of space to fight in. Oh, and the ship techs have more room to work to, but who cares about them. :)

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Yeah the lights were added back in the days when i didnt know you could scale them ROFL :D


I take it your lowering hanger to make less lag yes, because ive seen alot of p[ictures and it is as high or higher than that ;)


but glad everythings going well


Ive recently watched TPM again and the scale of the Main core room in my map with the catwalks was far to small really LOL needs to be even bigger but cause of lag :mad: guess thats a nono :p


If ya need any pics i can get phantom menace shots for you

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Skybox shaders are easy. Heck, I can make a skybox for you. You need six images, that are 1024x1024. One for top, one for bottom, and one for each of the four sides of the skybox. Gimme those, and I'll test it out and send the shader back to you along with instructions on how to implement it into your map.

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I know how to USE them, Chrono... my last release used a custom skybox. I just dont know how to make them myself. As for the images, that's where we;'re running into problems. The link listed above for a skybox image IS good... but it doest have a top or bottom texture to use. Frankly, I'm inclined to not woory about a custom one.


If someone wants to take the time to find and make the textures and shaders for this, I'll be more than happy tio use it. Until then, I plan to use the Yavin set... not true to Naboo, but... This is what happens when Desires meet Operational Realities.


As for the scale of the hanger - I think LDJ may be right... I know it was high, ,but I diont think I've made it high enough. I'll have to rework a few things to make it look right, and, in fact, I may need to remake the whole thing from scratch again. *sigh* Scale is SUCH a tricky thing to work with.


ONe more idea I have - I bought the FULL soundtrack for the movie, and was thinking of replaceing the Duel Of The Fates music with the music that covers that full battle. (From just before Maul appears to the point where Maul and Qui-Gon are seperated by the forcefield). The only problem is that I dopnt have a way to combine multiple music tracks into a single one. Any ideas?


More news as it comes up, guys...

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