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I Think It's Time For Another Story...

Boba Rhett

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I know we have the trip story going but I think we should start another story of the epic proportions type. One like LotS. Only this time, we can work it to include many more people and more writers.


Anybody have any ideas/suggestions about the setting and what the general idea of the story could be?


Do you want another one set in the middle ages like LotS?


Do you want it set in the future this time?


What would you like the name of it to be?


Who wants to be what? Good? Evil? Want it to be a surprise?


There are many questions to be answered before we get this buggy moving. :) Let's go!


Here are just a few thoughts of mine to throw out on the table to get this thing rolling.


1. Set in the future. Were on a giant space station, perhaps we form a rag tag team and lead a ship to somewhere to do something. :D Rescue someone? *shrug* Someof you could be aliens as well.


2. A prequel to LotS. You know the original tale we kept refering to in LotS? We could do that. Kinda like what the hobbit is in comparison to the LotR trilogy.


3. There is no clear cut good/bad guys. :naughty:


4. Maybe we could all be bad? Maybe we're trying to steal something.


5. ....Our own version of Star Wars? :D

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I actually have an idea for a SW setting, before you posted about it. I even have a first chapter in my head.


For a LotS prequel ... it will be hard, you have to track carefully who was in the original one, and who wasn't. And as I see it the prequel played a long time before the original story and there are only a few of the older players who were in that story (Myself being one of them as the wizzard who created a device for education :))


My suggestion, assemble a small cast of writers (e.g. Rhett, Havoc, Eets, Sherack and myself), write the general story (and keep it secret), divide the chapters among the writers and get the story going. It will be the same for the public, but the story can improve on quality.


Ofcourse I'd vote for the SW setting :D

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Yeah ok, we can do it that way but I want to develop all the characters more-so this time around than we did in LotS. More screen time and depth for everyone. :) Hows that sound to everyone? We can all give input on what we'd like our characters to be like in the story.


We have people leaning every which way. Maybe we'll do both. Who knows. :D

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I have a confession to make....


I never fully read LotS....I got into the first couple of parts, but never fully completed it...if it is decided that we will do a prequel or sequel of said story, I shall immediately and quickly read the entire thing. Otherwise, I'll take my time to get through it all in my schedule. Sorry for letting down everyone...I'll go to my room now... :(

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Definately star wars! We have LOS and the funnny story, now we need an epic SW adventure, SW is why we're all here anyways, isn't it?


As for setting, lets make it about the Sith War. I know there not alot of information about that time period, but that just leaves more room for creativity.

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The -45th forum legion. A goofball bunch of stormtroopers on a mission to capture (i.e.- melt to a scortching black spot) the planet that is only shown by a strange abbriviation..."RSN"...on the quest reality turns into spoons and many have strange inclinations to eat their hands off and then try to use it as a puppet...can the legion capture this doomed planet?


tune in next time...

same bat time...

same bat thread...



(BTW, I had better be in this one:p )

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Originally posted by Jatt13

i wasn't here for the LotS:( (whatever that was) so i have no idea what you're talking a/b. so far, i've gathered that it's a story a/b middle earth, maybe a spoof on LotR? could some one plz explain it, i don't need much detail.


Here you go, Jatt: Legends of the Spam Read it in all it's splendid glory and be satisfied.


Remember, ignorance is the devil's playground! :p

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Originally posted by Eets


Yeah, satisfied except for when I DIE INHUMANLY!! :(


Side note: I thought the devil's playground was in Rhett's underpants..?


1st point: You died at my hands, how could it be any more fitting than that! ;)



2nd point: Yeah, maybe you're right.... No, wait, Rhett's underpants is his own playground! That's it! :D

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Originally posted by Young David

Guys, GUYS, PLEASE ...


on-topic !!!


(gee, I sound like Leon)


Let us assemble a cast of writers first.


Who wants to write big chapters?


*raise hand himself*


Good, that's one ... any more?


Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear ya. :p


Yeah, I definetly would want to write chapters, no matter what genre is decided upon!

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