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A day in the life of...


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I thought I would take Paragon_Leon's suggestion and make a thread were we can describe our average day.

Here's mine.



9:00: Wake up.

9:00-9:45: Get dressed, do chores etc.

9:45: Start school

12:00: Eat lunch

12:30-2:00: Be on the computer

3:00-on: Be annoyed by two little kids we babysit (every other day)


That's about my day. Petty boring, huh?

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your day is less packed than mine:


6:30: wake up, eat breakfast, get ready for school, ect.

7:15: be at school for jazz band, an extra zero hour class (which means i'm taking 8 classes)

8:10 - 3:25: normal school (7 classes, chapel, lunch, and occasionally other misc. assemblies)

3:45: get home

4:00 - 10:00: do things like practice trumpet, eat, computer, video games, internet, read, ect., and on weds. church @ 7:00

10:00: go to bed

10:00 - 11:30ish: lay in bed listening to radio and pondering mysteries of life, what i did that day, what i will do the next, quantum physics, ect., ect., ect.

11:45ish: fall asleep

12:00 - 6:30: sleep and dream, then it all starts over again! (except on weekends)


this could be considered extremely boring or extremely interesting (i think it's both (yes, at the same time! :D))

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6:00- wake up

7:00- get to school

8:00- start school


3:25- escape from school

4:00- get on PS2/Comp

5:30- do chores/homework

10:00 to 12:00- try to get away from Homework and chores to sleep




1:00- go to sleep


1:00- wake up

2:00- chores/homework/shopping trips

3:00-5:00- done...get on Computer/PS2

12:00- think about sleep

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06:00 AM Get up and get ready for school

06:45 AM Get on my way to school

08:30 AM School starts

03:00 to 04:00 PM get out of school (each day different)

06:00 PM Get home from school

06:05 PM turn on comp and check mail and who's online

06:10 PM get on Lucasforums and start posting for an half an hour or so

06:45 PM Eats Dinner

07:45 PM get back behind the comp and do homework

08:45 PM play some games, photoshop some stuff, make sites.

11:30 PM get back online and checks who's online and look on the LF

00:30 AM Get to bed


Weekend day 1

11:00 AM Get up from bed

01:00 PM Go out the door into the city of Amesfoort

07:00 PM get home and eat something

09:00 get out again

10:30 get home and to bed


Weekend day 2

08:30 AM get up and get ready for church

09:00 AM go to church

10:15 AM get back from church and reads something or get behind comp

02:00 PM Eats Lunch

03:15 PM do something for myself... some homework or other things

00:00 AM Go to bed.

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6:40 - Get up for school

6:50 - go to school

7:15 - start school

2:15 - get to parking lot of school

2:15-2:45 - try to get out of parking lot

2:45-4:30 - relax, get online, play games, maybe start homework if needed

4:30-7:00 - work

7:00-7:30 - dinner

7:30-11:00 - homework

11:00-11:30 - read

12:00 - finally get to sleep




11:00 - wake up

11:00-12:00 - play games

12:00 - go to bed, read, etc.

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6:00- Get up

7:30- Go to School

8:15- Zero Hour Starts

9:21- School really starts

3:37- Go Home

4:00- Arrive Home

4:30- 5(usually)- Homework

5-7- Go online and do stuff

7-8- Watch Conan

8-8:30- Dinner

8:30-11:00 Watch TV

11:00- Go Sleep



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it depends on which days you get me...here's each explained as simply as possible.


Fri., Sat. Sun. Schedule

wake up: 5:00am

at work 6:00am

11:00 am leave work/lunch

rest of day free



wake up 5:00am

at work 6:00am

11:00am leavework/lunch

5:30-6:45pm class


Tues & Thurs:

wake up 8:30am

classes 9:30am-3:15pm

rest of day, homework/free



wake up sometime before 2

2:30-6:45 classes


oh, and my job is Tech Support for the Food Lion grocery stores that are abundant on the east coast from Fla. to W.Va....I get to reset passwords and help troubleshoot registers and the like.

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my day is probably the wierdest of all...see if you can get this


11:30 pm - 8:00 am WORK - data entry, inventory managment


8:30am - 3pm or so SLEEP


On Tuesdays and Thursdays Class 9:00 am -1100 am

11:00- 4 pm sleep


3-4 pm to 10 pm on reg day Clean house, homework, take care of animals, shop, make dinner


Tuesdays and Thursdays Class at 6 pm-9 pm


10 pm get ready for work


day starts all over again

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6:30 Clockradio starts yelling

between 6:30 and 7:15 Wake up

7:30 Get on the bus

8:30 Start with work

13:00 - 13:30 Lunchbreak

17:10 Quit with work, get on the bus

18:10 Home, dinner, doggie walk


Evening activities vary


Friday is pretty much the same except I'm free somewhere between 12:00 and 13:00.



mostly sleeping till 10:00 - 12:00,

rest of the day can vary.



get up between 8:00 and 9:00,

Church starts 10:30, is half 'n hour on the bike.

Church stops 12:00 ... mostly I hang out there longer with my friends, 13:00 latest.

From there on ... can be everything.

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A typical day in my illustrious life...


5:50 AM My alarm goes off, I instinctively, yet half-asleep, slap the snooze button and roll over...


6:00 AM My alarm goes off again, this time my wife instinctively slaps me. I grunt and grudgingly stagger out of bed and into the shower...


6:30 AM I poor my wife's coffee (Coffee is already made, it's on a timer!) and then my dogs take me for a walk...


6:50 AM I kiss my wife, and pet my dogs goodbye and leave for work.


7:25 AM Arrive at work, go to my office, boot my computers and check Lucasforums...er....I mean start working.


12:30 PM Lunch break, order in with co-workers or eat my pre-packed lunch. Nothing special, oh and watch soap operas :rolleyes: (For someone reason, my co-workers love them, males included. I hate them, I usually am here on the boards!)


1:00 PM Nose back at the grinding wheel...


4:00 PM Close up my office and head for home...


4:30 PM arrive at home and am jumped on repeatedly by dogs. I fight through the dogs to get a kiss from my wife.


4:31 PM I ask what's for dinner, my wife groans!


5:00 PM I start making dinner... J/K Usually my wife and I both make dinner togethor.


6:00 PM finish dinner and dishes, plan the rest of the evening.


6:00 PM - 10:00 PMVaries from Movies, watching TV, going to my in-laws, Youth Group at church, shopping etc...


10:00 PM Make the coffee, pack my lunch, walk the dogs, go to bed.


Repeat steps until bereft of excitement and bored out of your mind!


J/K I love my Life! :D

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

6:00 PM - 10:00 PMVaries from Movies, watching TV, going to my in-laws, Youth Group at church, shopping etc...




You have a Youth Group too (I assume you are a leader there), that's cool ... me too ... well ... I get started next week. But I have a bit experience.


Funny what you find out about each other.

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