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For the restoration of the XWA.Net Forums!

Rebel Loyaltist

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they basically couldn't afford me anymore, especially since they hired a big shot programmer. i guess programming is more important to them right now than whether their computers actually work. i would have had to take a $20K pay cut to keep my job.



it's all good.

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Originally posted by Rebel Loyaltist

Well here are some people that we need to email for the reunion/restoration of XWA.Net


Master Lynn

ham (First BGM recipetent I believe)




Where's Gunner been for thw last month


Aw, I'm touched. :)

Actually I've been around the forums intermittently for the past few months, in lurker mode. Slightly interrupted by a catastrophic window$ corruption.


Starngely, this also constitutes my 1k post. I know I've got that list somewhere..


I would like to point out one thing though. I DO NOT LIKE THESE NEW FORUMS GODDAMNIT. :) Viva UBB 5.45b.



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Perhaps by combining thepower of all these forums, the owners fancy to summon some type of Captain Planet-like being. Instead of pollution, it appears Captain Forums hates convience, accessibility, and bandwith, judging by the last few decades of downtime.

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