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Rare has been bought by Microsoft. Insult Rare here.


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I will not miss Rare. Goldeneye aside, most of their recent games are oversized, boring, style over substance and annoying fetch-quests. DK64 is a prime example.


Conker was good, I'll admit, gastro-intestinal humor aside. Still, it was way more style than substance.


Not that it matters, since I'm not limited to only one console. I have my Gamecube for classic Nintendo franchises, Xbox for various games, and PS2 for an all-purpose kick-ass system.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by Boba Rhett

We'll at least we'll actually see games coming from Rare now. :o Nintendo made a bad choice. A very bad choice and it wasn't their first.


And how do you figure that? Nintendo have made their reason for not hanging on to Rare perfectly clear, they just weren't making money.


My favourite part of this story was Microsoft's announcement that Rare would be producing five X-Box titles over the next two years. Microsoft seriously think they're going to get five games out of Rare over the space of two years? And Nintendo are the ones showing poor judgement here? Right.

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If they squeeze that many games out of rare, theyll probably lack there usual depth. Also, as ive never played conker, wasn't too impressed by banjo + kazooie, and now that perfect dark has gone cell-shaded (nice gimmick (can anyone detect sarcasm?)) and now nintendo have got all their other franchise, im not regretting the switch that much.


PS. You should check out the website nightlight.grimfandango2.com (no http://www.). They are doing a radio spoof of star wars. Very funny. (by the way im not being payed to say that.)

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Originally posted by darthfergie

YES! Now we can actually see Rare games on the PC and on other consoles, they won't all be "exclusives." (says the man with the nice black vertical box)


Rare's games will still be exclusives, just for X-Box rather than GameCube.

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They'll only be for Xbox. These are Rare games we're talking about anyway, so they'll be made for a console on a TV with the specific pad.


Microsoft is allowing them to still publish games for the Game Boy Advance since MS is giving franchises to THQ for GBA distribution anyway.


Halo is coming out for the PC? Show me proof.


Why the f would Microsoft allow the titles to be given to PS2 and Gamecube? Think about it. Rare games could move Xboxes. Again, show me proof that MS will send around the games before you go running your mouth with rumors.


" Microsoft seriously think they're going to get five games out of Rare over the space of two years? And Nintendo are the ones showing poor judgement here? Right."


Truer words were never spoken.

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