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Originally posted by Rogue15

I was originally going to get a gamecube, but I stuck with my gut, and decided to wait out the war, and pick the winner. Xbox won, so I'm going to get it when the price drops to $150 (this winter)


I didn't buy mine until it went down to $200.....a great price for such a good system!! $150 for the thing is an absoulte steal! When does the price drop??? (I mean a date)

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heh, halo's not coming to gamecube, and i pretty much doubt that it'll coming to pc, otherwise it'd be out already.


I'd get the Xbox if i didn't want to pay like $1000-$2000 for a decent computer, plus in the next 2 years, it's going to have the coolest games such as Fable, B.C., and Halo 2. Also, the Xbox doesn't slow down as much as the PS2 in slit-screen mode.


I'd get the PS2 for the Final Fantasy games and Metal Gear Solid 2, and for its backwards compatability, but other than that, Xbox all teh way.

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Originally posted by Kylilin


I'm still stuck with generic ol'PS1, take pity on me. :(


Ps1 isn't that bad...I just got one for my birthday last january. I also have an N64. I don't have any of the new systems yet, i'm waiting for a job and the price of the xbox to drop $50.

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Originally posted by SuicidalXWing

Um, yes. Halo is coming to PC. Besides, FPS games are terrible when played on console.



Just to clarify SXW....Halo 1 will coming out on PC????? I know they are going to have Halo 2 on pc, I just wasn't sure about the first one.......





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Originally posted by SuicidalXWing

Um, yes. Halo is coming to PC. Besides, FPS games are terrible when played on console.


That's true if your pc is better than your console in terms of speed and graphics, and if you're into Multiplayer FPS. ;)

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NOT FAIR!!! That sounds like sooooo much fun! :D I have yet to do the link hook up with my Xbox!!


You know they are startin' to sell the Xbox Live kit now..........I saw it at my local EB. I just need high speed internet..............:(

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