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What are you doing this Halloween?

Boba Rhett

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I know that most of us are not of the trick or treating age anymore. (lucky Eets. :D:p) But that doesn't mean we can't party on Halloween! What are your plans? Have any good Halloween stories you wish to share?


As for me, I'll probably just rent Poltergiest and play some Clive Barker's Undying. It's like playing through the scariest movie EVER. Are there any other movies I should look at getting? I may be away on Halloween though, my sister could have her baby at any moment around that time.

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haha rhett...too far out? :p


I'm playing that game that makes you piss in your pants:


S1 brought over 'Clive Barker's Undying'


it's not THAT scary (well, i'll see about that when i'm playing it at 2 am with the lights out...)


I'm also playing Shadow Man.



I would go egg some people, but i'd get thrown in jail. that's the downside of being 18...

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hah! rhett, i didn't read your post before posting that! i should've known. Haunted House movies freak me out too...ever see the one on Sci-Fi channel called 'House' or something. HOLY ****!!! i had to sleep with the light on for 2 days. and that was only like last year!

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I usually done my full blown Darth Maul Costume with the colored contacts, prosthetic horns and professional makeup done by my sister (who has been offered a job at theater supply service here in town), then I put on all my cool Hallween CDs that I've made and pass out candy. I'm usally a huge hit with the trick or treators.


I would however love to go to a haunted house or a party if someone invited me, but I don't have much of a life these days.

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I usually help out with my church because we have a Halloween thing for the kids. They dress up, and the adults do too. I usually go as obi-wan, but this year, I'm going as Gandalf the Grey. I have a wig and beard just like his, and I bought a Grey robe yesterday. I have a coat-rack I am going to dis-mantle into one long piece for the staff.


It's awesome :cool:

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