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Hello fellow stallion.


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Gunner as you can probably guess from my spelling im dyslexic aswell, If I can help in anyway just say so, dont know how much info I can give the american system is probably quite different. just add me to your msn messenger contacts (or email me) if you want to (i think my address is in my sig but here it is incase - jabbathehunt@hotmail.com).

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Hey Gundog!


Actaully I am planning on Visiting the seattle area next April. Hopfully we can find some time to get together.


Myself, I am looking for a Major Carrrer change, and one of those Jobs might be Working for "Wizkids Games LLC" in Bellvue *fingers crossed*


My mother is Dyslexic and started listening to books on tape a long time ago. And to add a famous Face to the list of Dyslexic people Henry Winkler (A.k.a. 'The Fonz' in Happy days) is Dyslexic. It was a great challange for him to read scripts,and often did a little Ad-libbing early in his acting carrier (including Shakespere ;) )


Hope to hear more from you soon. And Yes, Gunner, most of us are Men here, but deep down ...



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speaking of jobs, i can't seem to get one. I've applied to a million grocery stores, and other stores, had an interview a month ago for 3rd shift, the ******* still hasn't called to tell me if i got the job, and the damn sign is still up. I should burn it down and rip off the recycled egg carton bench. :evil2: was good money too, 8.50 an hour for full time.


Had an interview almost 2 weeks ago at a grocery store to work in the deli second shift. still haven't gotten a call...that job was 8.25 an hour to start, and 6 months after 8.50, and 1 weeks vacation after a year!!


any tips on getting hired?

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Well, i called back today, and they said it's been filled...BUT there is still hope in the land of men, for i have heard of a second shift available that involves loading trucks and filling order sheet stuff for 45-50 hours a week and on the second shift, from monday to friday. sounds like teh job for me, so i'm going to get my shoes on, go on my bike to fill out another application, applying for that particular job.


mwahahaha =)


gah..i think they make a note on the application, since they've already did the interview, i called the grocery store, and the deli position still hasn't been filled, and i asked him what other positions were available, and he said part-time cashier, so i said i wouldn't mind doing that, and he said he'd put a note on my application about it. So i'm assuming that is what Sauder's did with my application as well. (i called sauder's back to make sure, and the person let the voice mail come on, so i left a messege 'bout it)


the cable internet bill is due today, and i'm the one who has to pay for it. :D I must get a job ASAP. (note: i'll be using savings account money to pay for cable)

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Hi again fellas. Well 2 finals down. 2 more to go.. One is critical thinking... mostly just write down some BS on the paper and cross your fingers type of test. Teacher is a psycho. He has a doctrite (sp) in phycology, 2 different masters and some of ther crap. Bad thing is he is a wacko, always has some BS story he's telling us. I think he's trying to make himself look cool by feeding us stories. One of them is he can turn off his pain receptors and block out all pain. A few of us wanted to go and kick him in the sack and then go "do you feel that"? Hehe


Funny thing was he came to class saying his back hurt one day, we were a little curious why he just didn't turn off the pain..


Anyways, I just tried to study some for my test but my study habits suck. :)


Einstien was also Dyslexic.:D

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That is exactly what he needs Zarg. :) He hasalso told us he has wrote 3 novels of more then 340 pages each, he forgot to say that none of them were published so we asked him about that. Of course he had a very good reason why none of them had been. Then he told us he could write a novel in about 6 months where as most people will take a year or more. His brother is a gun fanatic.. Suposidly he has a rifle that will fire 4000 rounds a second. Uh yeah right....


The BS list goes on and on...

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