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Cantina 8


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*Ivan, takes a few side steps to the side. Ivan, the looks at Ravan for support, whom can only tilt his head down, due to the fact of what the right thing should be, Ravan wonders...*


Ivan: "Crimes where... And agenst whom!?"


Ravan: '$hit. I know it, I've gone deep, maybe too deep. I knew Ivan for so long, we were...no, are friends... This is so hard...'


Ivan: "I haven't done a thing. This Council had been in disarray ever sence Cracken had separated from US, not we separating from him... As for that Virus on Nar Shadda, thats all lokpehit's doing, and you vaporised him, which his DNA was needed to stop the Virus..."


*Ivan sees a group of Vangaurd approch the chambers, but only seen by Ivan.*


aw, come on red, can't ya use those guys already??

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Ivan: "Thats bull $hit, Not even I know the full extent of that virus, that was purely Lokpehit's doing..."


jokemaster, i believe you can't dictate what chatacters whom you don't control, know...


Ravan: "My DNA was falsified so my Midicholon count was protected."


*Irvine, during the commotion, leaves silently...*

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Deac: I have no reason to protect you lot but you've not noticed something...


*Lokpihet's severed hand lies across the chamber. Deac force pulls it toward him*


Got the cure. Now give me a reason not to kill you all.

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Originally posted by Scarface2k2

jokemaster, i believe you can't dictate what chatacters whom you don't control, know...

(i can't dictate what your character knows, but my character can come to his own conclusions, Ivan's supposed to be an important council member so maybe he thinks Ivan should have the information)

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Ivan: "Well, I guess I don't..."


Ravan: "Well I do!"


*Ravan jumps infront of Ivan, and ignites his green lightsaber...*


Ivan whispering: "Ravan, You relise Jedi or not, your no match for him, you only dug yourself a grave next to mine..."


Ravan whispering back: "I know... but it would be interesting..." Speaking now to Deac: "If you want em, ya have to go through me..."


*Irvine about to make his final step out of the chambers, stops. turns to watch what happens next. He creates a translusent bubble of force around him to bend light, just so that he's not seen...* he's still felt

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*A messenger rushes into the room*


Councilmen, I have an urgent---*takes in the scene and stops* Oh...ah...


*Rwos narrows his eyes. In the distraction, he sensed something out of place...something he had been missing before. He turns to the messenger* No, by all means, deliver your message.


Messenger: Well, eh, ah...the holonews.


Rwos: Well, turn on the holonews.


*a holoscreen comes up in the middle of the Council table*


Reporter: ---phenomenon has already destroyed over a hundred klicks of abandoned structures in an extremely short period of time. Coruscant newsvehicles report the destruction appears to be from many different causes all at the same time. As you can see in these images, some sections of the area appears to have been decimated by severe energy burns, while other sections appear to be frozen over from intense cold. The cause is unidentifiable at this time, but in the middle of this new civil war in the Empire, we can only speculate that one of their factions has some new weapon of mass destruction. I am sure all our viewers remember the recent debacle with the Crimson Star battlemoon. NR officials refuse to comment on the subject...




Sejiko: I have created a new life here. A new identity, separate from anything else I ever was. I have discovered my freedom. And I am not going to allow anyone, especially you people, to take that from me.


Ida: As I said, I came here for completely different reasons. I am here on an investigation - one which has nothing to do with you, whoever you are.

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*Alys looked at Starr*

I want to leanr how you can manipulate the Force for more.... explosive means. *She looked a tad wary of her request.*

See, from what i gathered from the Holocron, it's in the way you use the Force, and with what emotions you use it with that slants you to the Dark Side or the Light Side. I wanna figure how you create lightning and such, so maybe, just maybe, i can still use the light side and still be effective. From what i gathered from Father's data files on the Seperatists and Irvine... my brother....

*She looked Starr in the eyes*


I'll need those skills.


*she knew what she was doing could one, cut her off from the Holocron's access, as it was sensitive to which side of the Force you where on. it could also turn her away from the path of the Jedi, however, she had premonitions. bad ones. and dreams which disturbed her. She needed to be able to protect herself, her father, if need be... and... Starr. She was certainly attracted to the man, he wasn't bad looking, definatly an 8/10.*


*Cracken mused over the newscasts from his desk from Coruscant. this was no superweapon. This was something else, he knew it. SOMEONE did this.... or something. tell tale signs of what appeared to be the work of an out of control Dark Jedi who coulnd't contain his powers.


however, even he knew appearances could be deceiving.


Outside, the fleet was trickiling in. he would soon call his Admiralty and setplans for an attack.. The councle was still bickering. they would be powerless to stop him.

He "Sent" a message to Odin.

a countdown clock.


72 hours till zero.

Till the Crimson star would be attacked.*

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Starr: *warily* So you want to learn actual techniques, not just meditation and increased fighting abilites...


I must warn you...though this means nothing to me, Force powers used in aggression are powers of the Dark Side. There is a thin line to be walked between aggression and defense. I have seen many a Jedi walk it and fall.


Sith lightning, is a particularly dangerous power to use if you wish to stay light. It is an evil power, draining the life force from those it strikes. It is a power borne of the will to dominate and the will to destroy.


*Starr turns away*


Ask your Jedi Holocron...if it is possible to use the Force for aggression yet balance yourself enough the other way to stay light. If there is a way, then you may find it, and you may succeed, and remain "good".


If you cannot find a way, if there is no way, then ask yourself...*Starr turns and looks into her eyes* ...are you sure of the path you've chosen?

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Irvine to himself softly: "well, im bored... Lets see what sis is like..." To alys <Hello, there. I believe You herd of me, Im your brother... Its about time we get reaquainted. I sense your being trained In the force. Your getting powerful...>

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Gaurd: have you found the prisoner yet

Security camera Tech: yes, with the council, or isn't that the prisoner? In the gaurd uniform

Gaurd: Well, the messenger went through unharmed, maybe i can make it...


Chavo: looks like either way you have a lot of problems on your hands

*Gaurd arrives and points blaster at Chavo*

Gaurd: You're under arrest,*muttering*again

Chavo *setting blaster to stun behind his back*: Don't you know it's not nice to interrupt a conversation

*stuns Gaurd*

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*Deac's eyes widen in shock*


I know you guys know...tell me what the hell is going on here!?




*The bridge deck of a large Imperial starship, among the remnants of a shattered world. A figure strolls down a corridor*


????: Good thing the Emperor left one of these behind. Colonel?


Colonel: Sir?


????: Is Code14 ready?


Colonel: At your command, sir.


????: Set course for the Imperial Loyalist council and prepare the weapon to fire.

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((OOS: Deac? There is no Loyalist Council...do you mean the Separatist Council? [Cracken's side are the 'Loyalists']))


*Rwos whispers to Deac, out of the hearing of any of the others* I think I may know. But if the Council believes that it's a Loyalist superweapon, they may decide to cut their losses and let us go...and regardless, we must leave, and fast.




Sejiko: *dramatically changing his composure and returning to fighting stance* In that case, Blade, I have no need for you anymore. Thus now you have two choices: to leave or to die.

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Ivan: "Sure thing. Ravan the cameras..."


*Ravan waves his hand and disables all the security cameras for the room.*


Ivan: "Remember the Main Cannon on the Deathstars? Cracken has developed a Superweapon, which makes it look like a side-arm. While the overall power needed had increased dramitcally, however the range has increased to nearly tripled of what his Father had. I'm surprised that he hasn't tried to use it on this planet yet... [changing subject] But if that information helps, I doubt it will be any use to ya... [to Ravan] Ravan, you don't need to protect me, If he's going to kill me, I'll let em. Give me your weapon, I know I don't know how to use one much, But'll be damned if im gonna die with out fighting."


*Irvine reveals himself to be sitting in a chair...*


Irvine: "[To Ivan] Here..."


*Irvine force throws the same lightsaber he ignited eailer, Ivan catches it and Ignites it. Ivan waves it a few times to get used to it, And poses into a fighting position.*


Irvine: "It'll be a short trip..."


Ivan: "What ever kid..." *smirks*

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*Kioet sneaks down the hallway and spots a few Vanguard having a conversation.*


Kioet to Nimalf: What should we do?


*Kioet gets a surprised look on his face as he realizes his voice modulator stopped working*



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((OOS: I listed the specs of the Crimson Star in Cantina 6, Scar - don't make them up.


Also, the antimatter cannon was literally closer to an enormous missile launcher than the Death Star's superlaser.


"While the overall power needed had increased dramitcally,"


Where was that stated?


"however the range has increased to nearly tripled of what his Father had."


How did you figure that?))



*Rwos watches* Interesting that he chooses a lightsaber, though without training he still stands little chance. Unless he's lying about that...




*Nimalf stares at Kioet* Kioet, they already know. That's what I've been trying to tell you...but you wouldn't listen. I bet they can control everything about that suit, right down to the teleporter. Now if you try to run, there'll be no escaping...

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I never said anything about the first or second Crimson Star II

I meant, that the weapon was based on the main cannon of the death stars, but a single laser (not multiple into a single, or maybe... (okay im making some stuff up :p))

the increased range only sacrifices the amount of power used, and has a shorter charge. thats all :p


Ravan: 'I heard from him about his fencing days when he was younger, but these aren't thin swords, these are lightsabers...'

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????: Perhaps we should test it first. Fire it at the nearest planet. And find me Starkiller.




Polars. A small planet in the outer rim, suddenly engulfed in flame, and gone.




????: Ha Ha Ha.




Deac: I sense...Irvine, we've got bigger problems. Something's coming to destroy both galactic powers.

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Irvine getting up from his seat, looking towards the sky: "I felt it too."


Ivan: "hmph, Now I when a Jedi says when he kill someone, will die... Even when something really distracts them. If your doing to kill me, at least give me an honorable death..."


*Ravan walks up beside Irvine, looking as well, though his senses aren't as strong, he still feels...*


Irvine: "It was a weapon of some sort... very powerful... On a, ship, big, Not like any Imperal ship that ever been made, or at least publically seen. Some one on there, powerful, dark... If taht ship comes and fires on this planet, we most likey won't feel it... [turns to Deac] We need to leave, now. Deac, mind if I may join you? [pointing thumb at slightly damaged ship repairng itself]"

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