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Anchorhead Map Released!


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Hello All!


As promised my Anchorhead multi-player map featuring SAGA gametype is finsihed.


It will be available for download initially from my FTP site (AFTER 3PM!):

USER: tide1

PASS: tide1


and later this weekend from the various JK2 websites

(Hopefully pcgamemods.com, jediknightii.net & jediKnight2files.com)



(Or else it might not work for you!)


A huge big THANKYOU to all who contributed to this map :D




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This is one truely amazing map, I highly recommend it! SAGA mode is great and well implemented, and the whole map is both a wonder to behold and play


I gotta agree with Kengo, this map rocks! Run, don't walk to your nearest computer and download this map! I may host a saga server this weekend. If I do, I'll post here.

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ARRRRGHHH!!! Damn 56K Dial-up!


It appears only 2MB of the file uploaded!


The file is about 13.5 MB.


I'm at work now so will have to wait until morning to try again.


HOWEVER, I did send it to PcGameMods.com so it may be there later - but I doubt it!


Sorry about this.


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OK problem fixed with FTP site!


Get it now!

USER: tide1

PASS: tide1


and later this weekend from the various JK2 websites

(Hopefully pcgamemods.com, jediknightii.net & jediKnight2files.com)



(Or else it might not work for you!)


A huge big THANKYOU to all who contributed to this map




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Awesome! Downloaded it this afternoon, played immediately (followed directions which are great). Loaded MOD and was amazed! SAGA worked perfectly on my home LAN. Had 2 teams (1 human and 2 bots on both). Completed objectives and won, restarted level automatically. Later switched to FFA mode (in MOD) and no problems there. Can't get the map to show up in FFA unless I load the SAGA MOD... I even extracted just the PK3 from the file. No real problem, just my kids want to use the jetpack MOD.


Again, thanks for the level. It is extremely well done and has been an absolute BLAST so far. Speaking of blast... nice vents! I keep getting my a$$ kicked by them!

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SAGA is a "hidden" (READ: Not Implemented / finished) game mode (Like FFA/CTF etc) built into JK2 very similar to some of the multiplay elements in Return To Castle Wolfenstein.


Simply put, SAGA is an objective based teamplay mode - i.e. each team must complete x number of objectives in order to "win" the round!


In my map each team has four objectives to complete, whilst trying to stop the opposing team from completing theirs.


RAVEN probably had plans to put this in to multiplay but ran out of time - thus explaining the fact that many of the features are incomplete and the difficulty some people are experiencing getting it to work.


There is a more comprehensive/advanced version of the MOD underway by various parties.


ALSO NOTE: you may need to allocate more RAM to the JK2 game if you are having problems adding bots. (See the README)


RAPTOR2001 - What is the error message you get when you crash?

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