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The Official Complete Collection of AOTC:TC Work


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heh, thanks for the compliment Chrono :D and you too ZDawg, credit has to go to Arco too of cource too since he did the great textures for it :)


Anyway, we're trying to get more shots up, we have quite a few maps that we've got that are just about ready to playtest, and our coder Jaii has been whiping up some really innovative things that we haven't seen yet in JO. Now that we have our regular forums back up we're back in high gear working like crazy :D


Much more to come

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If you have questions about the handy manual, email me wudan@sisna.com


I'm more than happy to help - and suggest I add things, too, because all I have right now is just one page, and I can do more.


Basically, make me do more, and I'll do more ;P


I love what your TC has right now, anakin, and I've been watching it for some time (well ... who hasn't) - is there anything I can help you guys with?

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I've been looking forward to this mod for a long time, I really hope JK2 doesn't die off (As my friend 'predicted') before it's done.


You guys are awesome, I know you hear it a lot, but these cut-scenes and models are just too sweet.


Good luck, and I hope it's finished soon (I'll bet you guys do too)

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So where are the pics? It's been like two days since you posted that...


Guys, please. Desist with your incessant haggling. Anakin is a man with a sense of priority and responsibility, so you can forgive him for his absence here while he's at work trying to actually maintain a living.


Sucky Modder Dave: Haven't a Clue. :p

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