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why lie to him, Eets? Pain and suffering!! But in a good way!


uh, yeah...Hello, I am Darth Homer, you can call me Darth Homer....or just Homer like everyone else, I don't really care


hands Mr. Mxlplxt....no....mswanmmiv...yeah, that's it...Official Unofficial Welcomebasket made by my 20 basket-weaving llamas and 410 elves* obtained from Rhett




















* = NOT child labor

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The official unofficial Arky invasion is going just as planned... excellent.


Anyweay welcome to the boards mike (the official dubbed name since I do not wish to sopy and paste at the moment), and I hope you get as muhc enjoyment out of them as I have. ;)


p.s. never forgot to click that little button in the top left that says user CP, because you can check your private messges there (otherwise called pm's)

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yeah, he can change your rank. just fyi, if you didn't knoe that's the title above your avatar and below your name. your bantha fodder right now. but if your lucky, you can become a tuskan raider, just like me! woohoo! :rolleyes: but don't try to hard. as the saying goes :rolleyes:, "it's not the quantity of posts, it's the quality".


anyway, i've rambled on long enough without actually saying anything, so i'll introduce myself now. i've met you b4, at wyldwood. i'm an arky, too, and my real name's jeremy. i guess you remember me slightly because you added me to you buddy list on msn messanger. *gives out a round of root beer* :cheers:

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Originally posted by Eets

It's the magic markers.. :)


You'll get used to me eventually. They all do. ;) Except for Havoc.. He's still having issues with his being ancient..


It's a relative, Eets. I don't have issues about my being so ancient, but rather, I have issues with you being so young and naive! :p



But anywho, welcome to the forums mswanmmiv! Enjoy your stay here, in other words avoid Eets and krkode, and everything will be A-Ok! :D

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