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Rumble in the Forums...Part 2!!!!


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Since we got several new members and because the last one we did was marginally successful, I hereby start Rumble Thread 2. If we could get some of the "rumble veterans" to start us off, that would be great. I'm going to enter a little later.










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*Homer walks into the room, looks around....sees no one and then sits at the bar*


Hmmm, maybe a few drinks 'till someone else shows up...


*reaching for the bottle, Homer accidently knocks it off of it's pirch and it smashes Jediduo right on the head*




Jediduo is out for 6 posts



*Homer grabs another bottle and pours himself a drink*


Ahhhh, Code Red is the best....



*What were you expecting? Alcohol??*

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*Tyrion jumps Darth Homer*


*Tyrion stabs Darth Homer with his spam sword +5*


Darth Homer cannot post for 5 posts, and his first post after 5 cannot be used against Tyrion*


*Tyrion puts on post count +1 ribbion, which lets him have 1 post less than what was taken away from him*



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*Eets picks up Homer's lifeless body and begins pummeling Tyrion with it.*


"Oh yeah, did I forget to mention I encased Homer's body with cement?"


Tyrion is down for 7.5 posts, and when Homer comes to, he must find a chisel to become mobile again.

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*Just then Rhett bursts through the door, swinging Chase wildly by the head*


Nobody move or I set this thing off!


*Rhett screams as he holds up an empty bag of burritos and then points to Chase's buttocks*


*Tyrion charges the duo but Rhett is to fast and he gives Tyrion a, "facefull-o-Chase"*



Tyrion is down until somebody gives him some smelling salts. :D

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*someone runs in dressed in one of those radiation suits and drags chase out the door. he comes back in and takes of the helmet part, revealing that it's none other than Jatt*


"well, that was gross! why'd you do that, rhett?"


*he then leaps at rhett, who neatly dodges him, causing him to fall on the floor. jatt groans and passes out, but before he does he manages to kick rhett in the shins, causing him to jump backwards on one foot, trip over jediduo's body, and hit his head on homer's concrete-covered elbow.*


jatt out for 1 post and rhett for 3

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*J-duo stirs and groggily gets up, then smells the lingering stench.* "Whoa, Chase is somewhere in here. No one else can fart like that." *Sees homer on the ground and pulls sledgehammer out of his back pocket. He brings the hammer down on the concrete and shatters it off, but injures Homer's right pinky finger.


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*jatt looks around and sees jediduo standing over homer with a sledge hammer. he yells "NOOOOOOO!!!" and spears jediduo. they both crash into the street, and everyone follows to watch the tussel. as they wrestle in the street, chase says, "hey, padanime, go long!" and throws a foot ball. padanime runs into the street after the ball and tumbles into jatt and jediduo, and a supra hits them all.*


Jatt, Jediduo, and Padanime down for 3 posts



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*Homer wearily stands up*


Wow....I'm so stiff I feel like I was covered in concrete and then hit with a sledgehammer...


*He spies Tyrion in the corner, but is mysteriously unable to do anything to him...finally, he grabs a pair of scissors and cuts Tyrion's +1 ribbon*


So there!


*Homer is immediatly stabbed by Tyrion's Spam sword +5*


Homer is back down for another 5 posts and Tyrion no longer has the use of his +1 riboon

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Dash happens to fall next to his Linburger which instantly revives him.


Walking over to the bookshelf at the back of the room Dash pulls one of the books out a bit and suddenly the whole shelf swings around revealing a huge arsenal of Nerf guns. Pulling out an Ammo sling and a nasty looking Gun that Dash himself designed, he pushes a button and the Shelf swings back around.


Dash then goes around to behind the bar, pulls out a match, and sets it off and holds it up to a Smoke Detector. Immediately it blares and all of the sprinklers go off.


Everyone in the room is revived.

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*Everyone in the room, in turn, tries to explain to Ackbar that he has just answered his own question...there are 2 parts, thus it is named "Rumble part 2" and if he doesn't like a thread to just not post in it, but all seem to fail to get through to him*


Everyone in the room is down for 1 post

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*pulls jediduo out of the baby pen*;)


padanime goes to tyrion sayin he did a bad thing. other 20 times explainin to tyrion he gets stabbed in the back by ckcsaber.

pad takes out the knife with his last strength and cuts ckcsaber. they both fall on the floor.


Padanime and ckcsaber r down for 2posts

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*walks in and sees Eets boasting about his avatar site*


"NOOOOOOOOO!!! GO TO DARTHFERGIE'S IMAGES AND AVATARS THE BEST AVATAR SITE ON THE NET!!!" screams Fergie while pumling Eets. "AND I'VE GOT A DOTCOM TOO!!!" Artoo slowly walks over to Fergie pummling Eets and inserts a tranquilizer into his arm.


Ferg and Eets are down for 3 posts

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