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It is Latin, i can assure you of that. Its not greek, unless the words happen to be the same with all the right endings in Greek as they are in Latin. For instance, "fili" is a vocative in the second declesions, since the senence is a direct adress. The ending for that is "i" And Tu is a nominative pronoun, the ending for which is "u". While possible, it is highly unlikely that Greek would have the same endings, and i'm almost certain it doesn't.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Yeah, that sucks. I have a class like that, Latin IV AP, and I hate it. 3 people in out class were passing after the first quarter, one of which had a D, the other a C, and i ended up with an A. Our teacher is really smart but can't teach at all. I'd imagine yours is similar, and all i can say is sorry.


I feel your pain :( I had a teacher like that for algebra II, first semester. Incredibly smart, beyond any of the other teachers...but he could not teach. I got my first and only D (or grade below a B-, even) in a class the semester I had him. :( Fortunately, he left.

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Originally posted by darthfergie


I'm learning Greek and I havn't seen any of those words...:c3po:


Fergie, it might be ancient Greek. Ya never know. The letters could be mistransliterated, too, as we've learned in class SO OFTEN! :( Why don't they just make up their minds?!


And by the way... "Graphomen Toutous tous Logous tou Theou!" (That's MY way to transliterate. hehe)

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

If it's greek, it's DEFINITELY ancient greek. Those are Julius Caesar's last words... I thought you guys had already figured it out.


Juliuis Caesar's last words were (accoring to Shaespeare) "Et tu, Brute?", meaning "and you Brutus?". Of course, thats not real, no one knows what he actually said.

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You know, my teacher in the class I got a C in is really incompetent, for the better sometimes too.. He actually let me take one of my tests home over the weekend and let me "Do it at home." Now I have 2 days to do a test that I had an hour in class to do,

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Juliuis Caesar's last words were (accoring to Shaespeare) "Et tu, Brute?", meaning "and you Brutus?". Of course, thats not real, no one knows what he actually said.



I was a little off.

Quote from that page:


His famous last words were: Tu quoque, Brute, fili mi! (or Et tu, Brute, meaning "You too, Brutus?").


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Hmm...thats odd, i was sure that his last words were simply made up by Shakespeare, but i guess not.


Anyways, "Et tu, Brute" means "You too, Brutus" only in the loosest of translations. I literally means "And you, Brutus".


"Tu quoque, Brute, fili mi" means literally "You also, Brutus, my son,"


Oh well....

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

What's up with American students these days? If you're happy making a 'C' in a class, don't expect to get into a good college when you grow up. What many seem to fail to realise is grades in school=amount of money earned.. and making money is supposed to be really important to Americans :p.


I dont think I'm gonna go to college.....I might change my mind, but I really dont think I will. I wanna be in the music business....

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I think that's why a LOT of music artists are going into acting....ex JLO, eminem...etc. Other choose to make money by publicity stunts...to get their name and face out there like MJ j.k. And of course there is always money in Music Videos - Hosting Awards - being on TV - Interviews - books - and of course CONCERTS. There are more ways than just ...napster...ya its eating some sales....Music artists are just going to have to find new ways to make some money.



edited to add:


even Brittany Spears has her own video game...

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If the CD is good, people with dial-up will buy it. :D


I've proven this point many times. The industry sure has taken a hit, but also you have to account for all the great regional bands whom you can't download their music, they can still corner the market, course there really aren't that many to talk about.


But I do know 2 good ones! So I guess there's hope if you're only a regional/local band!

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Originally posted by Artoo

If the CD is good, people with dial-up will buy it. :D


I've proven this point many times. The industry sure has taken a hit, but also you have to account for all the great regional bands whom you can't download their music, they can still corner the market, course there really aren't that many to talk about.


But I do know 2 good ones! So I guess there's hope if you're only a regional/local band!


Ahhh, dial-up: The true consumer! :p If you can't download a music file within 4 minutes, ya might as well buy the cd... Unless it's one of those expensive imports.

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